Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Thursday, May 24, 2018


2018 Congrats to the following Pepe Awards for 4th Year Videos!

Best Video: The Avengers: Infinity War - Erin McDonough, Jaxen Shaw-VanNatta, Devin Walker, Ben Schultz, Kirsten Lucy, Hudson Koehler & Noah Meus

 Best Actor: Addison Aronson - La Oficina
 Best Actress: Hannah Burke - Nacho Libre
 Best Supporting Actor: Ben Schultz - The Avengers: Infinity War
 Best Supporting Actress: Lauren Kass - High School Musical
 Best Special Effects: The Avengers: Infinity War
 Best Music: The Avengers: Infinity War
 Best Dressed Man: Conner Ariss - High School Musical & Conner Knapp - The Avengers: Infinity War
 Best Dressed Woman: Tonee LaFayette - ¿QuĂ© hora es?
 Best Action: The Avengers: Infinity War
 Best Bloopers: La Oficina - AJ Beck, Lauryn Doepke, Michael Welborn, Thomas Welborn, Garrett Knowles, Taylor Carpenter
 Best Cameo: Ben Chapman (Honorable Mention Conner Knapp & Alexis Moller’s Dad)
 Best Original Video: Bear Grylls Survival Tips - Zach Obbink, Carsen Bellis, Jack Thomas, Charles Reimer
 Best Commercial: Old Spice - Jaycie Peter

Great job seniors on your final videos and Good luck in the future! 

Students:  The last day for the Bistro to be open will be tomorrow Friday, May 25th

Parking lottery sign up for next year has begun.  Student’s that will be in 11th grade for the 2018-19 school year may stop by the AP Office and sign up for the parking lottery.  Names will be announced in August at Registration, for students that will be able to purchase parking stickers.


Attention girls' cross-country runners and all those interested in joining the fun in 2018:

There will be an informational meeting in D-159 (Coach Fischer's Room) on Wednesday, May 30th at 2:30 pm.  At this meeting, we will outline summer training, sign up for the XC Leadership academy, and get a sneak peak at our brand new Ellipti-GO training bikes.  We are excited to see all returning runners and we welcome all new faces to our group!

Go Rams XC!

Any Volleyball player that is planning on playing Clarke League and has not received a form, please download and print it from the website. After completing the form and getting it signed, you can turn it into the activities office and it will be given to the coaches.

 Please have your forms turned in NO LATER than Friday, June 1st.

Sophomores, If you took the Pre-Act Exam, you can pick up your results in room D152 any time during the school day.

Attention Volleyball Players: There will be no volleyball open gym this Sunday, May 26th, due to Memorial Day weekend. There will be more information for open gyms coming soon. Have a great end of the school year.

Student/Athletes – were you given a padlock to use during your sports season?  If so, you need to return the padlock to the Activities office or you may be charged for it.  Thank you!