Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Weight Room hours have changed for today and Thursday this week, due to conferences. Today it will be open from 2:30 - 3:30 and Closed on Thursday.

If you signed up for Book Club this month to read All The Bright Places, we are meeting today at 2:30 in the library.

...Just a reminder that the Writer Place Computer Lab is open at 7, Monday - Thursday if you need to do any computer work or print out an assignment.

are you interested in going out for one of the following sports: Men’s or Women’s Basketball, Men’s or Women’s Bowling, Wrestling, Men’s Swimming?? You need to stop by the Activities Office to get yourself signed up. These sports start early to mid-November, so even if you are currently in a sport, you still need to get yourself signed up.

Winter Cheerleaders – you also need to switch over from Fall Cheerleading to Winter Cheerleading.

Please stop by the Activities Office if you have any questions.

Class of 2018 - Your senior photos are due to the Echo Yearbook staff by November 24th. Currently, we have less than 10 senior photos. If you want your photo included for free, you must have it in by the 24th. Any photos turned in after that day will incur a late charge of $35 that must be paid before the photo will be included. Photos turned in after February 1, 2018 will NOT be included in the book.

Spanish Club reminders: Butter Braid fundraiser for Spanish Club has started. Get a flier in E39, it ends Novmber 1st.


October 16th                 8:25a.m                  University of Wisconsin Platteville

October 18th                9:15a.m.                 Midwest Technical Institute

October 23rd                8:25a.m.                  Drake
                                     9:15a.m.                  Mt. Mercy

October 25th               9:15a.m.                   University of Dubuque