Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Discovery Club is going to Effigy Mounds National Historic Site, where Native American burial mounds in the shapes of birds and bears have existed from the 1400s. This Sunday, November 12th trip will go from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. So bring yourself and a friend to our Thursday morning meeting in B-249 at 7:15 a.m. to get more information and permission slips.

Class of 2018 -
You have until November 24th to submit your photo to the Echo Yearbook for free. If you turn it in after November 24th, there will be a $35 late fee that must be paid before your photo will be included. Send photos to with your name in the subject line. See Mrs. Jackman in E45 with questions.

If you are looking for free skiing or snowboarding AND a part time job ~ Go to Sundown on Saturday, Oct. 28th from 9 to 1 for their job fair. Many jobs available.

There will be Meetings for the following sports:

Women’s Basketball

Thursday, October 26th
2:30 pm in B137

Men’s/Women’s Bowling

Thursday, Oct 26th

6:30 pm - Cafeteria


Thursday, November 2nd
2:30 pm in the Wrestling Room