Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Students: Please stop by the health office before leaving school on Thursday and pick up any medications/inhalers/epipens that were kept there for the school year.

Any textbooks, library books, calculators, and computers need to be turned in before the end of the day on Thursday. Fines will be assessed on Friday. Make sure that you clean out your lockers and check in all of your classrooms for your books before leaving for the summer.

STUDENT lockers need to be completely cleaned out by June 1st. The custodians will be cleaning out anything left in lockers once the school year is over. Items left in the lockers will be donated. Again, all lockers MUST be completely cleaned out by the 1st of June any items left behind will be donated.

Lost and Found Items:
With the school year coming to an end, we would hate for you not to re-connect with your lost item. Stop by Room A201 to take a look. Items will be donated at the end of the school year.

Parking lottery sign up for next year has begun.
Student’s that will be in 11th grade for the 2017-18 school year may stop by the AP office and sign up for the parking lottery. Names will be announced in August at Registration, for students that will be able to purchase parking stickers.

Current 11th graders, please check with the Senior High health office to verify that your immunizations meet the new state law requirements that will be in effect for 2017-2018 school year. If you are not compliant, you may be excluded from school until you have the necessary documentation on file with the health office." Any questions please go to the health office.





The time for the Boy's Cross Country meeting on Wednesday the 31st has been changed from 2:30 to 12:30. The meeting is now in D 153 at 12:30 on Wednesday May 31st.

Rams women's track:
If you if have not turned in your gear you must do so ASAP.

BOYS – if you are NOT in the 2nd semester Performance PE class, your varsity locker needs to be cleaned out and the padlock needs to be returned to the Activities Office today! Anything left in the lockers after June 1st will be removed and you may be charged for the padlock. PLEASE get your lockers cleaned out today (this includes all football cages as well)– thank you!