Thursday, May 18, 2017

Friday, May 19, 2017


Parking Lottery Reminder for students that will be seniors for the 2017-18 school year. The last day to sign up for the lottery is TODAY Friday, May 19th in the AP office.

AP World History:
 There will be a meeting for anyone taking AP World History next year in B143 to get summer readings. Dates are Tuesday, May 23 at 7:10 and Thursday, May 25 at 7:10 and 2:30. See Mr. Miller if you are unable to attend one of these times.

AP Literature Students:  There will be a mandatory informational meeting on Thursday, May 25th at 2:30 in the library for all students taking Advanced Placement Literature next year. You will be receiving summer reading information at this meeting, so it is important that you attend.

Test Exemption Sign UP time!
Students wanting to exempt a semester final, have an "A" in a class, with no more than 4 absences need to show their teacher their Red or Blue Renaissance card to sign up.

AP Composition students: Plan to attend one of the following meetings to receive this summer's readings. Come to the library on either Tuesday afternoon, May 23, from 2:25-2:40 p.m. or Wednesday, May 24th at 7:15-7:30 a.m. See Ms. Koch or Ms. Lammer-Heindel if you have any questions.

Current 11th graders, please check with the Senior High health office to verify that your immunizations meet the new state law requirements that will be in effect for 2017-2018 school year. If you are not compliant, you may be excluded from school until you have the necessary documentation on file with the health office." Any questions please go to the health office.


Have you walked past the QR codes in the hallway?!
? If so stop! And use your cellular devices QR reader or Snapchat to get the code and take the 2016-2017 student Council survey. This survey is quick and easy! It will only take you 5 minutes to take! Help student Council by filling this survey out so your 2017-2018 school year will be fantastic! ~Stuco




The Women’s golf team finished 2nd in a close race for the city title. The rain shortened day found Maddie Hawkins taking the individual title by shooting a second day round of 39 for a 27 hole total of 113. Also scoring for the RAMs was Abby Marting with a 44, Sara Swift with a 45 and Autumn Kemp with a 47. Wish the girls the best as they will play again on Monday in their state qualifying round.

BOYS – if you are NOT in the 2nd semester Performance PE class, your varsity locker needs to be cleaned out and the padlock needs to be returned to the Activities Office today! Anything left in the lockers after June 1st will be removed and you may be charged for the padlock. PLEASE get your lockers cleaned out today (this includes all football cages as well)– thank you!

The 8th Annual Grey Ribbon Crusade will be taking place on Monday, May 29th. This run to fight brain cancer continues as a memorial to honor former DBQ Senior High School track coach and staff member, Jim Boughton and his hard work and legacy of achievement he left behind. It is also used as an avenue to continue the fight against brain related cancers by donating all of it proceeds to help others fight brain cancer.

There is a Kids mile race, a 5K race/walk, followed by a 1 mile race –with all races finishing on the Dalzell track. Please stop in the Activities Office or visit to get registered today!