Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Great part-time job at local law firm running errands and doing mailings. Work hours are from 3-6 p.m. daily and Sat. mornings for $8.00 per hour. Must be responsible, 16 yrs. old, have a valid driver's license, and your own transportation. If interested, check out the bulletin board by guidance or stop in guidance for more information.

KEY CLUB MEETING: Key Club will be meeting Wednesday, September 12th in Room B241 at 7:15 a.m. Come join us in our leadership training and community service activities this fall. Highway Cleanup and Divisional Council meeting are coming up on September 15th. Find out more on Wednesday or check with Ms. Gibbons for more information.

FRENCH CLUB MEETING: The French Club is having another meeting this Thursday, September 13th at 7:15. Bring your tee-shirt & window painting designs. The pasta fundraiser will be started at the meeting. Any questions see Mrs. Sartori in E-34.

DUBUQUE AREA YAPPERS: Area youth philanthropists are recruiting juniors and seniors for the new school year. Yappers is a local service group that volunteers at various activities throughout Dubuque and raises grant money for other local non-profit organizations. They meet once every 2 weeks for meetings and 2-4 times a month for service events. This is a great way to get volunteer experience and work in our community. Find Elena Dietz, Keegan Gallery or Ms. Busch in the Guidance Office for an application. Applications are due by the 21st.

HOMECOMING DANCE REMINDER: The Homecoming Dance is Saturday, October 13th. If you think you would like to bring a guest who does not attend Senior High School, please stop in the AP office to pick up a guest form. The forms need to be returned by Tuesday, October 9th.

Ultimate Frisbee Club:
Game - Wednesday, September 12th.
Flora Park at 6 p.m.

DISCOVERY CLUB CANOE TRIP: The Discovery Club will be canoeing on the Maquoketa River this weekend, Saturday, September 15th. If you would like to join us, the cost is $20. See Ms. Pfohl in B-249 or Mrs. Koch in A-226 for permission slips and details. Forms and money are due at this Thursday’s meeting. Our meeting is Thursday, September 13th at 7:15 a.m. in B-249. We will also have our fall calendar available listing our other events.


Period 1: 7:40-8:12
Period 2: 8:17-8:49
Period 3: 8:54-9:26
Period 4: 9:31-10:03
Period 5: 10:08-10:40
Period 6: 10:45-11:17
Period 7: 11:22-11:55
Lunch: 11:55-12:20

COVERS OF COMFORT: Student council is starting Covers of Comfort. Covers of Comfort is an organization that makes fleece tie blankets for adult cancer patients at regional hospitals. You can participate by bringing in money, fleece, or by making a blanket. Donations can be dropped off in Ms. Wessel’s room B138.

UPPER ROOM MEETING: Last Friday, the Upper Room Club had a lot fun with competitive Pictionary. Come to the Upper Room club meeting this Friday at 7 am. We meet in the gym lobby. We always have treats! Come early to participate in ‘5 minutes of Craziness’.

UPPER ROOM BACK TO SCHOOL PARTY: Food, pop, pizza, volleyball, ultimate Frisbee, a campfire and more! Sound like fun? Then join the Upper Room club for our Back To School Party on Friday, Sept. 21st from 4 - 8 pm. We will meet at the beach area at Barrington Lake. Bring a treat or pop to share.

FRESHMAN PARENT NIGHT: Freshman parent night will take place on Monday, September 17th at 6:30 p.m in the auditorium. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the Guidance Office.

CONGRATULATIONS: Please join the staff of Senior High School in congratulating the following 5 students who have qualified as National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists:

Jane Bradley
Ben Collins
Ben Martin
Alex Maxwell
James Tunnell

These 5 students will now have the chance to earn a spot among students across the nation who will become Finalists based on an application, recommendations and SAT scores.


TODAY - Western Illinois - 10:15 a.m.

18TH - UW Platteville - 9:20 a.m.

20TH - Bradley University - 12:45 p.m.

24TH - Loras College - 9:20 a.m.

25TH - University of Iowa - 8:30 a.m.