Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Thursday, November 14th


Wrestlers and anyone who is interested in being a part of the wrestling program this year we will have an organizational meeting Thursday after school in the wrestling room at 2:30. Any questions see Coach Connolly in Rm E-10.

The new book club book is in.  Stop by the Library to get your copy of Dumplin by Julie Murphy and join in the conversation!  The book is way better than the Netflix movie!

The Dubuque Senior Speech Team will be holding open auditions TODAY, November 14 in Room A209.  Go to to choose an audition time and fill out an audition form or see Mr. Ernzen (B237) or Mr. Dean (A209) for more details.   Come join an amazing team.  See you there!! 

Students – it’s NOW time to sign up for WINTER SPORTS!!!!  Even if you are currently in a sport and are going to be doing a winter sport – you need to sign up now!!  Come to the Activities Office to make sure you have all of the required paperwork needed to sign up.  Don’t wait until the last day!  The following sports start on November 18th – Men’s Basketball, Wrestling, and Winter Cheerleading (yes, cheerleaders you need to let us know if you’re switching to winter cheer!!).

Don’t WAIT – get signed up NOW for Winter Sports in the Activities Office!! 

Little Treasures Preschool Daycare is now hiring, located at 2035 Radford Rd.  Hours would be after school until 6:00pm.  NO NIGHTS, NO WEEKENDS stop by the Counseling Office for more information.

The Bridge Restaurant & Lounge on 31 Locust Street is looking for a Part-Time Cook’s Assistant. 
Start pay $12.00/hour.  Stop by the Counseling Office for more information.