9th graders, check with the health office to see if your required dental form has been turned in. On Dec. 8th, there will be a dental screening in the small gym for all 9th graders who have not turned one in. Any questions see staff in the health office.
RENAISSANCE ALERT! RENAISSANCE ALERT! ID stamping is happening now in the AP office for Renaissance before and after school. If you had As, Bs and Cs, no Ds or Fs on your progress report, please stop in the AP office to get your ID stamped. You will need the second quadrant stamped Red or Blue if you plan to exempt a semester final.
Seniors! The Echo Yearbook Staff needs your senior pictures! The following guidelines must be met for the photo to be included.
Photographs must be in color and have been taken with a traditional camera. Pictures from a cellular phone become very pixelated and will not appear properly. It must be a “raw” photo. No Photoshop or other editing as photos that have undergone this process are a smaller file size and will not print properly. Photograph must be a head shot. Hands should be down and away from the face so as not to obscure the subject. Top/shirt must have straps.
If an acceptable photo has not been received by January 15, your student ID photo will be used.
Photos may be emailed to dubuquesenior@gmail.com or sjackman@dbqschools.org. Please see any Echo staff member or Mrs. Jackman in room E45 with questions.
Many businesses are looking for part-time workers - new ones just posted on bulletin board by guidance office are Tony Roma's, Grand River Center, and Dubuque Specialty Care. Dubuque Specialty Care is paying $9 an hour to start and jobs are evenings 4:15 - 7:15 and every other weekend. No late hours and great starting pay. Check these out in guidance!
December 3rd 8:30a.m. Graceland University