Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Fed Ex is looking for a package handler – sorting – loading – forklift operator. Part-time hours – good pay. MUST BE 18! Stop in guidance for more info.

Attention Softball Players – There will be a parent meeting for anyone interested in going out for softball on Monday April 28th at 6:00 p.m. in the Cafeteria. Players and parents should plan on attending.

Any student interested in running for Student Council should come to an informational meeting on Tuesday, April 22nd in A219 during either "A" or "D" lunch. Come see what StuCo is all about.

Upper Room would like to invite all students to come pray, hear about God, eat some snacks and have some fun. Come attend this Thursday at 6:55 am – 7:30 in the gym lobby. This Friday at 9:30 we will be going to Manor Care to help some seniors dye some eggs, come and join us!

Automotive Club: Do you like working on cars and trucks? This might be the club for you. There will be an informational meeting discussing ideas for a future Automotive Club. The meeting will take place after school today in room E-11, Mr. Zuck’s room. If you cannot make it, talk to Mr. Zuck and let him know you are interested.

Cheerleading tryouts for the 2014-15 school year will be, April 14th-17 6:00-8:00pm in the Nora Gym. For more information contact Coach Mayberry

For any of you who like baseball, here is a great opportunity for you. There is a bus trip going to a Cubs vs Brewers baseball game in Milwaukee on Sunday, April 27. The bus leaves from Senior at 8:00am for the 1:10 game. The bus should arrive back to Senior around 9:00pm. The cost is $75, which covers your game ticket and bus ride. If you are interested there will be information sheets outside the activities office. If you have any questions please see Mr. Felderman.

Attention All 12th Grade Students: Please stop by the Business Office to check on the status of your Student Fees. All fees need to be paid prior to graduation.

Any student interested in tutoring support, please stop in guidance for details.

April 23rd ~ HAWKEYE Community College – 9:15