Monday, April 28, 2014

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Congratulations to John Abrams, Nathan Leonard, Ryan Polley and Jacob Wilson for each winning a Renaissance Little Caesar pizza for the month April.

Student Athletes: Physical Education Athletic Exemption Request Forms are available in the main office. In order to receive a physical education exemption, students must be involved in two sports. If you plan on Exempting from Physical Education Class for the 2014-2015 School Year, you must complete and return a request form.

The 2014 PROM Court Nominees are….

Girls                                                        Boys
Shelby Melssen                                     Sam Noel
Marissa Meyer                                     Jared Schulz
Rachel Billmeyer                                   Jared Frith
Alissa Wong                                         Seth Bonifas
Kelsey Dalton                                       John Dohner
Olivia Knowles                                     Taylor Donner
Missy Lynch                                         Matt Hesselman

Guest forms for Prom are available in the AP office. If you plan on bringing a guest that does not attend Senior you will need to pick up the guest form and have it returned to the AP office no later than Thursday, May 8th.

There is a new RAMS REMINDER bulletin board outside the Activities Office. Please check regularly for any Sports Related reminders.

Any senior playing baseball for the Rams this summer is eligible to apply for the $500 Scott Althoff Memorial Scholarship. Applications can be picked up from Mr. Fleming in room A-211 and must be returned to him by Wednesday, April 30.

Attention All 12th Grade Students: Please stop by the Business Office to check on the status of your Student Fees. All fees need to be paid prior to graduation.

Any student interested in tutoring support, please stop in guidance for details.