Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

IA 4-H YOUTH CONFERENCE: There is an opportunity for students who are interested in attending the Iowa 4-H Youth Conference in Ames, IA. You DO NOT have to be in 4-H to participate. This conference has something for everyone. If you would like more information, please come the School Counseling Office or visit www.extension.iastate.edu/4h/iowa4hyouthconference

SPANISH CLUB MEETING: This is a reminder that there will be a Spanish Club meeting this Thursday, from 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. in Room E43. Please let Ms. Day or Ms. Prine know if you cannot make it.

MODEL UN MEETING: There will be a mandatory Model UN meeting for anyone interested in going to the conference in April on Wednesday the 20th. We will meet in room B140 at 7:20 AM. We will discuss the details of the conference and make final committee decisions.

CHEMISTRY OLYMPICS MEETING: Chemistry Olympics will meet this Wednesday afternoon after the Early Dismissal from 3 to 5 p.m. in Room B241 to practice our titration and solution identification skills. Please check in with Ms. G. if you cannot attend. We will have additional practices next week and in early April.

CONGRATULATIONS: Congratulations to the following students for being selected to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Academy Conference this summer:
Anne Edwards, Jamila, Johnson, Michael Friend, Heather Kemp, Julia Schmidt, and Clarissa Dietz.
Great job representing Senior High! Thank you to all that applied - we had excellent candidates!!

RENAISSANCE STAMPING: Students that were on the Red & Blue Renaissance at any time during the year should stop by the AP Office for your Renaissance t-shirt while supplies last!

Test Exemption: 11th, 10th & 9th graders on the Red & Blue Renaissance need to make sure your IDs are stamped in the 4th quadrant in order to exempt from a semester final. Stop in the AP Office to get your ID stamped no later than April 26th.

ATTENTION: Follow your School Counseling & Guidance Office, on Twitter @dshs_counselors We will be posting announcements about events, programs and scholarships!

SPRING BLOOD DRIVE: The Spring Blood Drive is Friday, March 22nd!!!

UPPER ROOM MEETING: Get up early and join us in the gym lobby this Friday at 7 am. We will play a game at the start. There is lots of treats! We need volunteers to help with Easter Egg Dyeing this WEDNESDAY at 3:15 p.m. at Manor Care on 901 W. 3rd. This is fun!

GAY STRAIGHT ALLIANCE MEETING: The Gay Straight Alliance will be meeting EVERY THURSDAY after school in room A117. Everyone is welcome….bring a friend!

21st ~ Simpson – 9:20 a.m.
25th ~ Drake – 9:20 a.m.
26th ~ Truman State – 10:15 a.m.
28th ~ AIB Business College – 9:15 a.m.