Monday, March 4, 2013

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

STATE T-SHIRTS: All state basketball t-shirts that were ordered last week will be available for pick-up in room A123 on Tuesday, March 5th.

THINKING OF A SUMMER JOB?: Leisure Services is looking for you to work 8 weeks this summer in a variety of settings - they need playground leaders, pool staff and lifeguards, concession stand workers, youth coaches, golf course and parks laborers. If interested you may apply online at or stop in guidance for more info.

ATTENTION SOFTBALL PLAYERS: There will be a mandatory pre-season meeting on Tuesday, March 4th, at 2:45. This will take place in the classroom across from the Athletic Office. ALL players thinking of going out for softball are expected to attend this short meeting. If you cannot make it, please contact Coach Loeffelholz. Thank you!

ATTTENTION ALL SOPHOMORES INTERESTED IN CLASS RINGS: Jostens will be back at school on Wednesday, March 6th during lunch to collect your ring orders and to size your finger. If you were unable to get to the Jostens presentation, extra packets are available in the main office. Please remember that Jostens has class rings that start at $69 and offers a variety of payment plans.

UPPER ROOM MEETING: Get up early and join us in the gym lobby this Friday at 7 am. We will play a game at the start. There is lots of treats!

GAY STRAIGHT ALLIANCE MEETING: The Gay Straight Alliance will be meeting EVERY THURSDAY after school in room A117. Everyone is welcome….bring a friend! We are currently selling bracelets for $2. Proceeds will be used for group activities for our members. Stop by A117 and get your bracelet today!