Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Period 1: 7:40 – 8:13
Period 2: 8:18 – 8:51
Period 3: 8:56 – 9:29
Period 4: 9:34 – 10:07
Assembly: 10:22 – 11:22
Period 5: 11:30 – 1:04
A 11:30 – 11:55
B 11:50 – 12:15
C 12:19 – 12:44
D 12:39 – 1:04
Period 6: 1:09 – 1:42
Period 7: 1:47 – 2:20
RENAISSANCE STAMPING: Students on the Red & Blue Renaissance should stop by the AP Office for your Renaissance t-shirt while supplies last!
Test Exemption: 11th, 10th & 9th graders on the Red & Blue Renaissance need to make sure your IDs are stamped in the 4th quadrant in order to exempt from a semester final. Stop in the AP Office to get your ID stamped no later than April 26th.
ATTENTION: Follow your School Counseling & Guidance Office, on Twitter @dshs_counselors We will be posting announcements about events, programs and scholarships!
SPRING BLOOD DRIVE: The Spring Blood Drive is Friday, March 22nd!!!
You must attend a mandatory meeting in B138 on Tuesday, March 19th during A or D study time! You must have a signed permission slip and be present at the meeting to donate. The first 7 people to attend each meeting will receive a free blood drive t-shirt! Hope to see you there!! #savethreelives
ATTENTION GIRLS SOCCER PLAYERS: There will be an after school meeting this TODAY to go over some details about tryouts. The meeting will be in the cafeteria at 2:30 p.m. TODAY.
FUNDRAISERS DUE: This is a reminder that the French, German & Spanish Club Good Food fundraisers are due. Please hand in your packets to your World Language teachers as soon as possible.
SENIORS: Please don't neglect to keep searching for scholarship opportunities. On the RAM RESOURCE CENTER there are over 20 LOCAL SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINES!!!
You might be eligible for one. Check it out at or visit the Senior Website and click anywhere you see Counselors!!
THINKING OF A SUMMER JOB?: Leisure Services is looking for you to work 8 weeks this summer in a variety of settings - they need playground leaders, pool staff and lifeguards, concession stand workers, youth coaches, golf course and parks laborers. If interested you may apply online at or stop in guidance for more info.
UPPER ROOM MEETING: Get up early and join us in the gym lobby this Friday at 7 am. We will play a game at the start. There is lots of treats!
GAY STRAIGHT ALLIANCE MEETING: The Gay Straight Alliance will be meeting EVERY THURSDAY after school in room A117. Everyone is welcome….bring a friend!
18th ~ University of Iowa – 10:15 a.m.
21st ~ Simpson – 9:20 a.m.
25th ~ Drake – 9:20 a.m.
26th ~ Truman State – 10:15 a.m.
28th ~ AIB Business College – 9:15 a.m.