CHEERLEADING TRYOUTS: Cheerleading tryouts for the 2011-2012 school year are Monday- Thursday March 28th- March 31st 5:30-7:30. Please make sure you have all of the appropriate forms in by Monday March 28th. Any questions please contact Coach Mayberry. Thank you
BOOSTER CLUB SCHOLARSHIP: For all seniors, there is a scholarship available through the Activity Office. It is the $750.00 Booster Club scholarship. More information and application forms are in the Activity Office now. The deadline to apply is Friday, April 15th, 2011.
RENAISSANCE: Bring your student ID and your progress report to the AP office before or after school and get your ID stamped for Renaissance.
OPEN YOUR CLOSET: Operation Open Your Closet donates gently used clothes to the less fortunate in the Dubuque area. Please bring your gently used clothes to your 5th hour. Make sure the clothes you bring are gently used, meaning no stains or holes. We will be collecting clothes on Friday March 25th, Tuesday March 29th, and Friday April 1st. You can also bring them to the STUCO Zone during 5th hour, in the cafeteria, or A100 on Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday during 5th hour. Thanks for donating!
INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL: Get your 3 people teams together and ready to play in the 3 on 3 Intramural Basketball Tournament March 30th in the Nora Gym right after school. Any questions please see Ms. Borgwardt.
COLLEGE VISIT: The following colleges will be here in Guidance for the month of March;
28th – Northern Illinois – 12:45 p.m.