Two Rooms won the One Act Play Banner - featuring Ethan VanderBroek, Connor Ripperger, Grace Maddox, Justin Blum and Frances Inzenhofer
Complete History of America (Abridged) won the Ensemble Acting Banner - featuring Andrew Baur Schoer, Mike Grant and Seamus Foley
I(shoes) won the Solo Mime Banner - featuring Francis Mihm
Great job to all!
Attention Juniors with a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher! You should have received a note from Mrs. Fischer last week inviting you to a meeting about joining National Honor Society. Please remember that this meeting will be held during A and D study times on Wednesday in the Auditorium. If you are unable to make either of these meeting times, please stop and see Mrs. Fischer or send her an email.
Students – if you participated in a winter sport, you NEED to clean out your sports locker before the end of the day on Wednesday, February 24th. EVEN if you are doing a spring sport, you need to clean your locker out. After the 24th, the lockers will be cleaned out and items will be put in the lost and found. Boys – if you were given a padlock from the Activities Office, you need to return that as well. Thank you for your cooperation!
Women’s Golf: If you are going out for WOMEN’S GOLF, there will be an Informational Meeting on Monday, February 29th at 2:30 pm in Room A323.
“Do you like science and have a competitive attitude? If so you should join Chemistry Olympics where you will work with fellow students to compete against local high schools. The events include density drop, chemistry jeopardy and so much more! You would be required to attend one practice per week either Monday or Friday as well as the competition on April 15th, which Senior is currently undefeated. Meetings will start February 29th. If you are interested, stop by room B-241 and see Mr. Gates for more information.”
Registration forms for the next session of Driver’s Education are now available in the Business Office and Guidance. The next session begins March 14th.
Students who registered for Athletic Exemption or Academic Exemption for the 2016-2017 school year. You must pick up a form in the main office or guidance office. The form needs to be filled out and turned into the Main Office by Friday, February 26th. IF THE FORM ISN'T TURNED IN, YOU WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE EXEMPTION AND ENROLLED INTO A WELLNESS CLASS NEXT YEAR.
IM 2v2 Bags Tournament
Wednesday Feb. 24th
7:30 pm Small Gym
Bring a partner and have a team Name
Questions ask Mr. Blaser
“Senior is looking to start a Trap Shooting Club and will be holding an informational meeting Thursday, February 25 at 2:30 in B143. If you have any questions and are unable to attend the meeting talk to Mr. Miller before the meeting.”
Seniors - Did you miss the deadline for submitting your photo to the Echo yearbook? Never fear! The deadline has been extended. You now have until Friday, March 11th to get your photo in. If your photo was coming from a photographer, please contact the photographer and make sure they have the correct email address of to send it to. It seems few photos were went to the incorrect address. Once your photo is received, a confirmation email will be sent. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Jackman in E45 or any Echo staff member.
WOMEN’S SOCCER: Interested in playing Women’s Soccer at Senior High School? The Senior Women’s Soccer Program will be holding open gyms on Mondays on the following days.
Feb 29: W SOC 6-730 pm
Please be sure to bring tennis shoes or indoor soccer shoes, water, and a good attitude! We look forward to seeing you there! Any questions, please contact Coach Kail in A-105.
February 23rd 9:15 a.m. NICC
February 25th 12:45 p.m. Western Illinois University