Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Registration forms for the next session of Driver’s Education are now available in the Business Office and Guidance. The next session begins March 14th.

Students who registered for Athletic Exemption or Academic Exemption for the 2016-2017 school year. You must pick up a form in the main office or guidance office. The form needs to be filled out and turned into the Main Office by Friday, February 26th. IF THE FORM ISN'T TURNED IN, YOU WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE EXEMPTION AND ENROLLED INTO A WELLNESS CLASS NEXT YEAR.

IM 2v2 Bags Tournament
Wednesday Feb. 24th
7:30 pm Small Gym
Bring a partner and have a team Name
Questions ask Mr. Blaser

“Senior is looking to start a trap shooting club and will be holding an informational meeting Thursday, February 25 at 2:30 in B143. If you have any questions and are unable to attend the meeting talk to Mr. Miller before the meeting.”

FAST:  Second semester is well underway. If your grades are not what they should be, or if you need help with homework, preparing for an upcoming test, or any other school work, please plan on attending the FAST (Friday Academic Support Time) program this Friday and every Friday school is in session from 7:30-8:30 AM in the Senior library. We would love to see you there.

Men’s Soccer: If you are interested in going out for Men’s Soccer this year, there will be an Informational Meeting TONIGHT at 2:30 pm in the Library.

Explore Post Explore Post

Interested in Computer Science or Mechanical Engineering??? This is the program for you

Beginning: Tuesday February 23rd you can participate in a Computer Science Program through Loras College.

Registration fee $35.00

Please visit our RAM RESOURCE SITE or stop by Guidance for more information"

Seniors - Did you miss the deadline for submitting your photo to the Echo yearbook? Never fear! The deadline has been extended. You now have until Friday, March 11th to get your photo in. If your photo was coming from a photographer, please contact the photographer and make sure they have the correct email address of to send it to. It seems few photos were went to the incorrect address. Once your photo is received, a confirmation email will be sent. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Jackman in E45 or any Echo staff member.

WOMEN’S SOCCER: Interested in playing Women’s Soccer at Senior High School? The Senior Women’s Soccer Program will be holding open gyms on Mondays on the following days.

Feb 22: W SOC 6-730 pm
Feb 29: W SOC 6-730 pm

Please be sure to bring tennis shoes or indoor soccer shoes, water, and a good attitude! We look forward to seeing you there! Any questions, please contact Coach Kail in A-105.


February 23rd                      9:15 a.m.                    NICC

February 25th                      12:45 p.m.                   Western Illinois University