Friday, April 12, 2013
Monday, April 15, 2013
WRITING CLUB: There will be a writing club meeting on Tuesday, April 16th at 2:30 p.m. in room A213. If you would like feedback on your writing, please bring 10 copies or submit your writing to Mrs. Williams prior to our meeting! Hope to see you all there!
ATTENTION SENIORS: There will be a meeting for all seniors on Wednesday, April 17th at 8:54 a.m. in the auditorium.
YEARBOOK ORDER: The time has come! The yearbooks are going to print soon and the printing company must know how many to print! If you have not ordered your 2013 yearbook yet, YOU MUST, MUST, MUST do it now! The order will be placed on Friday, April 19. If you do not bring $45 to the business office by Friday, April 19, you likely will NOT get an opportunity to buy the 2013 yearbook. So please, if you have not yet ordered your 2013 yearbook, do it right away!
CONGRATULATIONS: to Nadia Loeppke! Nadia has earned 1 of 6 Iowa Matthew Shepard Silver Scholarship Awards. To earn this scholarship the candidate must possess and demonstrate high moral and ethical standards. The scholarship is worth $9000 towards her post-secondary education!! Congratulations Nadia -- the Ram family is so proud of you!!
“42” MOVIE OPPORTUNITY: Grab the Juby Jels and popcorn…..the folks at Mind Frame Theater have agreed to offer up a discounted ticket price for a special one night showing of the brand new Jackie Robinson movie "42" for all SENIOR students. It is scheduled for Wednesday, April 17th at 7:05pm. The people at Mind Frame Theaters have said anyone that wears something with Dubuque Senior on it or shows their school ID will be able to get in for $5 instead of paying the regular $8 fee for that night. See Mr. Palm if you have any questions.
WELLNESS EXEMPTION: If you are planning to participate in two sports next year and wish to exempt from Wellness class, you need to pick-up a form in the guidance office or main office. The form needs to be signed by a parent and returned to the main office by Friday, April 26th. If you have any questions, please see your guidance counselor.
UPPER ROOM MEETING: We encourage you to join us Friday at 7 am in the gym lobby. We always have lots of treats.
CURRENT JUNIORS: If you plan on having a full schedule during your senior year and want to exempt Wellness class, you need to pick-up a form in the guidance office or main office. The form needs to be signed by a parent and returned to the main office by Friday, April 26th. If you have any questions, please see your guidance counselor.
SENIORS: In order to receive your cap and gown for commencement, your student fees need to be paid in full by May 16th. Please remember to take care of this early so it is not a burden to you or your parents at the last minute.
SENIORS: Jostens will be here Tuesday, April 16th during all 4 lunches to hand out Graduation announcements that were ordered earlier in the year.
RENAISSANCE STAMPING: Students that were on the Red & Blue Renaissance at any time during the year should stop by the AP Office for your Renaissance t-shirt while supplies last!
Test Exemption: 11th, 10th & 9th graders on the Red & Blue Renaissance need to make sure your IDs are stamped in the 4th quadrant in order to exempt from a semester final. Stop in the AP Office to get your ID stamped no later than April 26th.
ATTENTION: Follow your School Counseling & Guidance Office, on Twitter @dshs_counselors Guidance will be posting announcements about events, programs and scholarships!
GAY STRAIGHT ALLIANCE MEETING: April is Sexual Assault Awareness month. There will be many activities taking place this month. On Friday, April 19th we will be participating in the national Day of Silence. The morning of the 19th the GSA, along with Student Council, we will be handing out ribbons and stickers. Pick up a ribbon Friday morning to show your support. Pick up a sticker to participate in the silence. Stickers should be placed on your shirt to show you are participating in the day. We will NOT be using duct tape. As always, we meet every Thursday at 2:20 p.m. in room A117. Everyone is welcome.
23rd ~ Mt. Mercy ~ 10:15 a.m.
~ Creighton ~ 12:45 p.m.
24th ~ Clarke University ~ 9:20 a.m.