Monday, February 25, 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Period 1: 7:40-8:12
Period 2: 8:17-8:49
Period 3: 8:54-9:26
Period 4: 9:31-10:03
Period 5: 10:08-10:40
Period 6: 10:45-11:17
Period 7: 11:22-11:55
Lunch: 11:55-12:20
REMINDER TO ALL WRESTLERS AND WOMEN’S BASKETBALL WINTER ATHLETES: Please clean out your sports lockers this week. Combinations will be changed beginning the first of March.
MEN’S TENNIS MEETING: There will be a men’s tennis meeting on Thursday, February 28th at 2:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. All guys interested in going out for tennis need to attend this meeting.
COMPUTER SCIENCE EXPLORATION: Loras College is sponsoring a computer science exploring post for all of you interested in computer science or gaming. You will be able to design and program a computer game. Work with the experts and get hands on experience. Stop in guidance for more information and check out the bulletin board by guidance.
JOB OPPORTUNITIES: Eagle Ridge Resort in Galena is sponsoring a Job Fair on Saturday, March 2nd from 10 a.m.- 3pm. If interested, stop in guidance or check out bulletin board by guidance.
ATTENTION STUDENTS INTERESTED IN ARCHITECTURE OR ENGINEERING: Do you ever think about becoming an architect or designing buildings? If so, this is for you!! Beginning Tues., Feb 26, the FEH Exploring Post will be offering hands - on projects with designing and engineering systems. For more info. stop in guidance.
UPPER ROOM MEETING: Get up early and join us in the gym lobby this Friday at 7 am. We will play a game at the start. There is lots of treats!
DANCE: The Sadie Hawkins dance will take place on Saturday, March 2nd from 8-11. The theme is Cupid Shuffle. Pictures start at 5:30 in the indoor track.
DRESS-UP DAYS: There will be dress up days for Sadies from Feb 25th to March 1. Tuesday is rainbow day, Wednesday is twin day, Thursday is Valentine's day-themed, and Friday is Lil Abner/Daisy Mae day. Check out the posters in the hallway for more information.
TALENT SHOW: The 2013 Talent Show will be held on Thursday, February 28th at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium. Cost is $2.00. Mini shows will be on Friday, March 1st during 2nd and 4th periods The mini shows will be completely free for classes registered to attend.
GAY STRAIGHT ALLIANCE MEETING: The Gay Straight Alliance will be meeting EVERY THURSDAY after school in room A117. Everyone is welcome….bring a friend! We are currently selling bracelets for $2. Proceeds will be used for group activities for our members. Stop by A117 and get your bracelet today!
26th – Luther College – 10:15 a.m.