Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Senior Ultimate Club
Game & Meeting
Wednesday, August 29th
6:00 p.m. at Allison Henderson
If you have any questions contact Mr. Blaser in room A122.

STUDENT COUNCIL: Student Council has one position open for a 9th grade representative. If you are interested in running for this position, please come to an informational meeting during A or D lunch, in room B138, on September 11th.

ANNOUNCER NEEDED: If you would like to read the daily announcements during A or D study time, please come see Jayne in the main office. She will set up a time for you to audition for the job. Auditions will be held after school on Wednesday, August 29th and after school on Thursday, August 30th.

FRENCH CLUB MEETING: If you are interested in joining French Club, please come to our first meeting on August 30th. You can come either before school at 7:15 am, or if that does not work, we will meet again at 2:25pm in room E-34. If you have any questions please see Madame Sartori in room E-34.

DISCOVERY CLUB MEETING: The Discovery Club, Senior High School's Outdoor Exploration Club, will meet this Thursday morning in B-249. We will plan for fall activities, adventures, and environmental service projects. See Mrs. Pfohl or Mrs. Koch for details.

UPPER ROOM MEETING: The Upper Room club got off to a great start last week! Join us this Friday at 7am in the gym lobby. We always have treats! Get there at 7:00 to see what we're going to do during the "5 minutes of Craziness"!!

ID PICTURES: Any student that has NOT had their ID picture taken, it will be taken on Thursday, August 30th in the auditorium. Retakes will be taken at a later date.