Thursday, August 23, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
UPPER ROOM: Welcome back Rams! Start off the new school year by coming to the Upper Room club meeting this Friday at 7 am. We meet in the gym lobby. We always have treats! Come right at 7 am to participate in ‘5 minutes of Craziness’.
SCHEDULE CHANGES: Friday is the last day to make any schedule changes. If you have a class you need to drop or you need a level change, see your counselor on Friday
CHECK YOUR SCHEDULES: Please check to make sure that you have a Wellness class 1st OR 2nd semester, or you have an athletic or academic exemption.
Game & Meeting
Wednesday, August 29th
6:00 p.m. at Allison Henderson
If you have any questions contact Mr. Blaser in room A122.
STUDENT COUNCIL: Student Council has one position open for a 9th grade representative. If you are interested in running for this position, please come to an informational meeting during A or D lunch, in room B138, on September 11th.