Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Thursday, January 5, 2012

UPPER ROOM: The Upper Room will not meet this Friday, January 6th.

FRESHMAN/SENIOR SIBLINGS: Attention seniors with freshman siblings, it’s that time of year again. Get your picture taken with your sibling. Report to E45 during 2nd hour to have the picture taken. If this time is inconvenient for you please contact Shelby Flynn to re-schedule before the semester ends. Thanks.

SOCCER: There will be a meeting TODAY at 2:30 pm in room A217 for all boys interested in playing soccer this spring for senior. At this meeting, we will introduce the head coach.

DRIVER ED FORMS: Forms will be available in the business office, main office, and guidance.

January 17 - March 7, 2012

January 17 - March 7, 2012

SEMESTER TESTING: The end of semester final exam schedule is as follows:

Thursday, January 12th

Period 1 – 7:40 – 9:08
Period 2 – 9:13 – 10:39
Period 3 – 10:44 – 12:10

Friday, January 13th

Period 4 – 7:40 – 9:08
Period 6 – 9:13 – 10:39
Period 7 – 10:44 – 12:10

5th Period finals will be given during regular 5th period class time on January 9th, 10th, and 11th and may include the use of study time.

Lunch will be served at 12:10 each day

Yellow school buses will run their regular schedule and will be here at 2:20.