Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

CONGRATULATIONS: Congratulations to Kaila Jensen and Laura Weiler for each winning the Renaissance Little Caesar pizza for the month December.

When: TODAY - 6-8pm
Where: Washington Middle School- North Gym- Back Side of School
Questions??? Contact Mr. Blaser

SPANISH CLUB: Spanish Club members, please let your Spanish teacher know if you are planning on attending the after school Christmas party on Thursday, Dec. 15th at 2:30 in E40.

TEST EXEMPTIONS: All students who are currently on the Red or Blue Renaissance and qualify for Semester Test Exemption should speak to their teacher no later than Friday, December 16, 2011.

ATTENTION SENIORS: You are invited to attend our annual Graduate Panel! The panel will consist of several recent Senior HS Graduates who will talk about life after high school and answer any questions that you may have. If you are interested in attending, please sign up in the Guidance Office. The panel will take place Wednesday, December 21st during 4thth and 5th hour in the Auditorium. Colleges that will be represented include the University of Iowa, UNI, Iowa State, Wartburg, Drake. You must sign up and get a ticket from Guidance. You must have your teachers permission to be at this event.

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL: The women's basketball program will be sponsoring a 3 point fundraiser at all home games. 3 point signs will be sold for $3.00. Fans can raise these signs each time the girls make a 3 point basket. Make plans to
support the women's basketball teams this season.

FYI: The ram booster club is interested in adding a student to it's board. If you would be interested in the position, please stop in the activity office for more information.

DRIVER ED FORMS: Forms will be available in the business office, main office, and guidance.

January 17 - March 7, 2012

January 17 - March 7, 2012