Monday, December 5, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

SCIENCE BOWL: Science Bowl will meet for practice at 2:30 p.m. in Room B241 TODAY. The meet is coming up so we need to make sure we are ready. Anyone planning to make the team needs to visit with Ms. G.

KEY CLUB: Will meet Wednesday morning at 7:10 a.m. in Room B241. Please come join us to find out more about bell ringing, leadership convention and other service opportunities.

CLOTHING FOR SALE: The Booster Club ladies will be here selling Senior clothing and other items on this Friday, the 9th, from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. They will be right outside the cafeteria. This will be a great time to get some Christmas shopping done.

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL: The women's basketball program will be sponsoring a 3 point fundraiser at all home games. 3 point signs will be sold for $3.00. Fans can raise these signs each time the girls make a 3 point basket. Make plans to
support the women's basketball teams this season.

ATTENTION SOPHOMORES: All 10th graders who signed up for the Plan test need to report to the small gym no later than 7:30am Wednesday morning for testing.

FYI: The ram booster club is interested in adding a student to it's board. If you would be interested in the position, please stop in the activity office for more information.

8th – Loras – 7:40 a.m.


Period 1………. 7:40 – 8:12
Period 2………. 8:17 – 8:49
Period 3………. 8:54 – 9:26
Period 4………. 9:31 – 10:03
Period 5……….10:08 – 10:40
Period 6……….10:45 – 11:17
Period 7……….11:22 – 11:55
LUNCH ……….11:55 – 12:20