CONGRATULATIONS: Congratulations to Molly O’Hara and Angela Wagner on winning the Renaissance Parking for the week of October 3rd.
When: Monday, Oct. 3rd 3:00 p.m.
Where: Allison Henderson Park
Questions?? Contact Mr. Blaser
PSAT: We have filled all spots at this time. If you are still interested, stop in the school counseling office to be put on our will call list for the day of the test. You will be called to the small gym and need to be ready to test at that time.
PICTURE RETAKE DAY: Picture retake day is Monday, October 3rd starting at 7:30 a.m. in the Auditorium.
HOMECOMING COURT VOTING: Homecoming Court voting opens at 7:00am and will continue until Noon TODAY. Go to the online voting link on Senior's Homepage, and choose up to (7) 12th grade guys and up to (7) 12th grade girls for your 2011 Homecoming Court. Get out and vote!
NICC DRIVER EDUCATION: Forms are available in the Business Office, Main Office and Guidance.
October 31 - December 16, 2011
6:00-7:10 AM
October 31 - December 16, 2011
2:30-4:30 PM
FYI: Any clubs interested in making designs of their club on windows for homecoming week (Oct 10-14) please contact Sean Duggan for more information. To sign up, make a draft and send it to student council as soon as possible! Designs must be in by Oct. 2nd so they can be approved. We will be painting on Saturday, Oct. 8th. If you plan on making a design, members of your club must be there to paint. Thank you, Student Council