JAZZ CHOIR AUDITIONS: Jazz Choir auditions will be held this week. See Mr. Marple to sign up for a five minute audition slot with callbacks to be held Thursday, January 6th from 2:30 to 4:00. You may audition for Jazz Choir even if you are not enrolled in a choral ensemble.
SENIORS: The Dubuque County Right to Life is offering a new one time scholarship of $500. For more information, please come to the School Counseling Office.
FYI: Katie and Cindy would like to say 'Thank you'. Over the Christmas break we delivered fleece tie blankets to adult cancer patients in Iowa City Hospital and Prentice Northwestern Hospital (in Chicago). The patients were so amazed and deeply touched, that high school students and staff would make and donate 101 blankets to cover adults in the hospitals. Katie shared with them how wonderful Senior High School was to her when she went through her cancer treatments as a student at Senior. I told them about all the different community projects this school is involved with. The patients asked us to be certain to tell you that your blankets were 'the best gift they have received'. Thank you! The blankets you made allowed Covers of Comfort to give warmth to many cancer patients.
ATTENTION SKIERS AND BOARDERS! The Rams Racers would like you to stop by room A200 and talk with Ms. Thoma about joining our team. Informational packets now available. Racing begins in January and goes through
February! See you on the slopes!