NEED HELP WITH YOUR STUDIES? AmeriCorps Volunteers are available in the School Counseling Office Monday - Thursday until 3:00. They are also available during the day at specific times (see your School Counselor for schedule). This gives you the opportunity to come during your study hall or free time for extra help. AmeriCorps Volunteers are college students that take time out of their day to come help mentor and tutor students in need. Please see your School Counselor to set up a time that works for you to keep those grades up!
BOWLING: Come join us for bowling TODAY down at Bowling and Beyond at 3:00 p.m. Games are $2.50 and shoes are free. Check your Renaissance Card for free bowling. Any questions, please see Ms. Borgwardt.
FYI: For all students and faculty interested in film, former Senior student and current producer; director; and actor, Brian Ide will be speaking in the auditorium on Thursday, January 21 at 2:30. Mr. Ide will discuss his experiences in film production as well as his latest film, Clear Lake WI, which will be shown at Mind Frame Theaters on Friday, January 22.
PLAN TEST: All Sophomores who took the PLAN test are able to stop into guidance during their 5th period study time to receive their results.
SEMESTER TESTING: The end of the semester final exam schedule is as follows:
Period 2 - 7:40 - 9:08
Period 4 - 9:12 - 10:38
Period 6 - 10:44 - 12:10
5th period finals were given during regular 5th period class time.
Lunch will be served at 12:10 each day
Keyline buses will be at Senior at 12:20 p.m. both test days.
Yellow buses will run their regular schedule and will be here at 2:20.
BASKETBALL: This Saturday, the Wendy’s/American Trust Women’s Basketball Classic will be held. As part of the Classic, the Ram sophomore team will play Platteville at 2:15 p.m. at Hempstead. There will be no admission for this game.
The varsity women’s team will play Platteville at 4:30 p.m. at Loras College. This game will start at 4:30 and admission for students will be $4.00. This price is good for all day, which includes six games, with the first game at Loras starting at 11:15 a.m. So, six games for the price of one.
WRESTLING: Wrestling fans, this Thursday, the 21st, Senior will host a double dual that will include Waterloo East and Pleasant Valley High Schools. Wrestling will start at 5:45 p.m. when the Rams will take on Waterloo East, followed by Pleasant Valley vs East, and finishing with the Rams vs Pleasant Valley. This will be a great night of wrestling and Activity Passes or athletic booklet tickets will be accepted. Otherwise, student admission for the whole evening will be just $4.00. Get out and support 6th place State placer Bryce Lynn and all the Ram wrestlers this Thursday!