BOWLING: Come join us for bowling on Wednesday, January 20th down at Bowling and Beyond at 3:00 p.m. Games are $2.50 and shoes are free. Check your Renaissance Card for free bowling. Any questions, please see Ms. Borgwardt.
FYI: For all students and faculty interested in film, former Senior student and current producer; director; and actor, Brian Ide will be speaking in the auditorium on Thursday, January 21 at 2:30. Mr. Ide will discuss his experiences in film production as well as his latest film, Clear Lake WI, which will be shown at Mind Frame Theaters on Friday, January 22.
PLAN TEST: All Sophomores who took the PLAN test are able to stop into guidance during their 5th period study time to receive their results.
SEMESTER TESTING: The end of the semester final exam schedule is as follows:
Period 1 - 7:40 - 9:08
Period 3 - 9:12 - 10:38
Period 7 - 10:44 - 12:10
Wednesday, January 20
Period 2 - 7:40 - 9:08
Period 4 - 9:12 - 10:38
Period 6 - 10:44 - 12:10
5th period finals were given during regular 5th period class time.
Lunch will be served at 12:10 each day
Keyline buses will be at Senior at 12:20 p.m. both test days.
Yellow buses will run their regular schedule and will be here at 2:20.