Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Wednesday, October 19th


Interested in joining the Battle of the Books? We compete at two different levels- the local Tri-State area and the Iowa state competition. We will have an informational meeting on Thursday October 20th at 7:15 am in the library. You may register a whole team of up to six people or may join on your own and will be placed on a team. If you are unable to make the meeting contact Mrs. Bontemps in the library for more information.


Boys Swimming Informational Meeting


There will be an informational meeting for boys swimming on Tuesday, November 1 at 2:30 Coach Huff’s in room, B142.  All returning swimmers and anyone interested in joining the team should plan to attend.  If you are unable to attend, please see Coach Huff in room B142. 



WINTER CHEER TRY-OUTS:  Any student interested in going out for Winter Cheer MUST attend the Parent Meeting held on the 2nd of November.  IF you’re unable to attend the meeting you MUST contact Coach Snitkey for approval.   Please email at nisnitkey@dbqschools.org


Tuesday November 2nd: Winter Cheerleading Informational Parent Meeting 6:30pm 


Monday-Wednesday November 7-9: Cheerleading Practices (for Winter Try-Outs) 3-5pm in the Cafeteria 


Thursday November 10th: Winter Cheerleading Try-Outs 3:30pm-7pm in the Cafeteria 

Friday November 11th: Squads Announced.






College Visits


10/19              10-10:30                    Augustana College


10/20              10-10:30                    Central College




10/19              4:00pm                      Boys’/Girls XC V State Qualifying            Dbq Soccer Complex


10/20              5:00pm                      Swimming & Diving                                     Cedar Rapids Wash

                        7:00pm                      Varsity Volleyball Regionals vs Iowa City High       Nora


10/21              5:00pm                      Sophomore Football vs.  Cedar Falls       Dalzell

                        7:15pm                      Varsity Football vs Cedar Falls                 Dalzell