Monday, August 29, 2022

Tuesday, August 30th


Do you like fun and interactive games and working with people? Do you need service hours? Here is the opportunity for you. Ms. Ovsak and Mrs. King are part of a Peer Helper Program during support time on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The program will be helping students with special needs while participating in adaptive physical activities and games. Peer helpers will need to make a commitment to participate one or two days all semester. If interested, see Ms. Ovsak or Ms. King in Room A118.



5:30pm Sophomore/JV Volleyball vs. Xavier Lower Gym

7:00pm Varsity Volleyball vs. Xavier Lower Gym

9:00am Men’s Varsity Golf Invitational @Davenport Emeis Golf Course

9/1 3:15pm Men’s Varsity Golf @ Marion Hunters Ridge Golf Course

5:30pm Freshman Volleyball vs. Hempstead Hempstead HS

5:00pm Sophomore Football vs. Prairie Cedar Rapids Prairie HS

7:15pm Varsity Football vs Prairie Cedar Rapids Prairie HS

9/3 8:30am Boys/Girls XC @ Pleasant Valley Crow Creek Park

9:00am Varsity Volley Invitational Cedar Rapids Washington