Tuesday, October 5
Dress Up Theme: Gemini Day: Find a twin and match your outfits.
During the Day: Donuts in the cafeteria at 7am
Evening Event: none
Wednesday, October 6
Dress Up Theme: Nike, Goddess of Victory: Wear your favorite
sports gear!
Evening Event: Powderpuff football! Tailgate at
6pm/Games start at
@6:30pm in Dalzell. Happi Hibachi will be serving!
Thursday, October 7
Dress Up Theme: Hercules Day: Dress like your favorite hero!
Evening Event: none
Friday, October 8
Dress Up Theme: Spirit Day! Don your favorite Ram gear!
During the Day: Assembly and Parade (schedule is
Friday, October 8 Schedule of Events
Period Start End
1- 8:35 - 8:50
2 - 8:55 - 9:10
3 - 9:15 - 9:30
4/5 or 5/6 - 9:35 - 9:50
6/7 or 7/8 - 9:55 - 10:10
9 - 10:15 - 10:30
10 - 10:35 - 10:50
Assembly* 11:00 - 12:00
Lunch (optional) 12:00 - 12:20
Parade** 1:30
Saturday, October 9, Homecoming Dance
➔ 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. in
Nora Gymnasium
➔ Students enter through main
entrance and proceed to gym
➔ No guest will be able to purchase
tickets at the door - all guests are required to register in advance
➔ Students CANNOT leave dance
and come back
➔ There will be a coat/bag
check available for free. Please encourage students to use this service as
bags and coats will NOT be allowed to be placed on the tops of
➔ No student will be admitted
to the dance after 8:00 p.m.
➔ A photo booth will be
available for pictures starting at 7:00 p.m.
Any student who has purchased an Activities Pass, can pick up their NEW student ID in the Attendance Office.
Elevator Use: It is important that only DSHS students and staff with health or physical needs use the elevators in our building. If you can use the stairs, but are using the elevators as a convenience, please know that you are holding them up for our Rams who must use them.
10/5 7:00am Homecoming Week – Donut Day Cafeteria
5:30pm Sophomore/JV Volleyball vs. Iowa City West Iowa City
7:00pm Varsity Volleyball vs Iowa City West Iowa City
6:00pm Girls Swimming & Diving Varsity Meet Hempstead
10/6 6:30pm Powder Puff Game – Homecoming Dalzell
10/7 3:30pm Boys Sophomore XC MVC meet Warren Golf Course
4:10pm Girls Varsity XC MVC meet Warren Golf Course
4:40pm Boys Varsity XC MVC meet Warren Golf Course
5:45pm Boys JV XC MVC meet Warren Golf Couse
6:00pm Freshman Football vs. Western Dubuque Western Dubuque
10/8 1:30pm Homecoming Parade
5:00pm Football Sophomore vs. Muscatine Dalzell
7:15pm Football Varsity vs. Muscatine Dalzell