Monday, September 13, 2021

Monday, September 13th



Elevator Use: It is important that only DSHS students and staff with health or physical needs use the elevators in our building. If you can use the stairs, but are using the elevators as a convenience, please know that you are holding them up for our Rams who must use them.


9/11 – 9:00am Girls Cross Country Luther College

9:00am Freshman Volleyball Tournament Cascade

9:00am Swimming & Diving Girls Varsity Invitational Linn-Mar Aquatic Center

9/13 – 9:30am Mens’ Golf Varsity Divisional Cedar Rapids

5:30pm Freshman Volleyball vs Wahlert Wahlert

9/14 – 5:30pm Sophomore Volleyball vs Xavier Nora Gym

JV Volleyball vs. Xavier Lower Gym

7:00pm Varsity Volleyball vs. Xavier Nora Gym

9/16 – 12:00pm Mens’ Golf JV Invitational Marion

4:40pm Girls/Boys JV/V Cross Country Invitational Cedar Falls

5:30pm Freshman Volleyball vs Hempstead Nora Gym

6:00pm Swimming/Diving Girls Varsity Hempstead Aquatics