Week of March 22nd Time subject to change
Monday March 22 2:30-4:00 Room C93
March 23 through March 26 - DGCC
MTENNIS 2:30 - 4:00 DSHS Tennis Courts
WTENNIS 4:30 - 6:30 DSHS Tennis Courts
M/W TRACK 2:30 Dalzell Field
WSOCCER 5:45 - 7:15 Dalzell Field
MSOCCER 7:30 - 9:00 Dalzell Field
Upcoming College Visits via Zoom
3-24-21 10:02-10:34 Missouri Univ. of Science and Tech
3-29-21 10:02-10:34 Simpson College
4-5-21 10:02-10:34 Saint Mary's College
Hybrid Students can schedule a visit through FlexTime Manager.
Online Students can access the Zoom Visit by College Zoom Link
Any question contact Alicia Tevebaugh at atevebaugh@dbqschools.org