Thursday, February 18, 2021

Friday, February 19th

We will make one final attempt to get pictures of all of our Rams, staff included, for our 2020-2021 DSHS Yearbook, on Monday, Feb. 22.  Cameras will be set up in the in the main entrance in front of the windows by the Ram.  

Students will get their pictures taken at the requested times below--first half of the alphabet right away at the beginning of class and second half of the alphabet 20 minutes into class. 

Monday, Feb. 22 Retake Day
7:00-7:30  All staff
7:15-7:30  Any student

Per 1 10th Grade
Per. 2 11th Grade
Per. 3 12th Grade
4 lunch Any student
6 Lunch Any student
8 Lunch Any student
Per. 9 9th Grade
Per. 10 last call
Last names A-L go right away at the start of class
Last names M-Z go 20 minutes after class has started

There will be a Women’s Tennis Pre-Season Meeting on Monday, February 22nd in the cafeteria from 2:45-4:00.  Women's Tennis will be on the EAST side of the cafeteria. (by the Bistro)

Pre-Season Info Meeting-Monday, February 22nd 

Women's Track will be on the WEST side of the cafeteria (by the server lines/bathrooms)

Girl's golf meeting on Wednesday, February 24 during support time in the health room (C93). The meeting was supposed to be Wednesday, February 17 but with advisory it needs to be moved. Please sign up through flextime manager if you are interested. If you have any questions, please let Mr. Felderman know. Thanks. 

SPRING SPORTS Sign-Ups are happening NOW!!!
Track & Field, Tennis, Soccer, Women’s Golf
Stop by the Activities Office to get signed up and to make sure you have all necessary paperwork.  EVEN if you’re still participating in a winter sport, you can still get signed up – don’t WAIT!!

Need some help with school work?  Need to get caught up?  Want to get ahead?  Then you should attend F.A.S.T.  This is a great opportunity for students to come in and get the help they need.  The quiet time along with the one-on-one assistance is truly a time for students to complete the work and/or get the support that is needed for them to become successful at Dubuque Senior High School.   You can attend on your assigned Friday in the Library from 7:30am-8:15am.