Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Thursday, October 8

All Juniors!  You can now sign up for the PSAT.  The test will be on Oct. 14th.  If interested, the test costs $17 which can be paid in the Business Office. Tomorrow is the last day to sign up.  For more information, please contact Ms. Rupp in the Counseling Office.    


Men’s Swimming:  Men’s Swim will have an information meeting on October 20th and 21st after school in Coach Huff’s room (B142).  New and returning Swimmers are encouraged to attend.  


Students – it’s NOW time to sign up for WINTER SPORTS!!!  Even if you are currently in a sport and are going to be doing a winter sport- you need to sign up now!!  Come to the Activities Office to make sure you have all of the required paperwork needed to sign up.  Don’t wait until the last day!


The following sports start on November 9th – Women’s Basketball, Men’s and Women’s Bowling, and Men’s Swimming. 


The following sports start on November 16th – Men’s Basketball, Wrestling and Winter Cheerleading


Don’t WAIT – get signed up NOW for Winter Sports in the Activities Office!!


 2019-2020 YEARBOOKS 

We are happy to announce that we have received 20 extra 2019-2020 Yearbooks. 


We will have 10 yearbooks available for Hybrid A day students to purchase on Monday, October 12th and 10 yearbooks available for Hybrid B day students to purchase on Tuesday, October 13th, Online students may come either day.  NO HOLDS, we will be selling Yearbooks until we run out. 


The Business Office will be open at 7:15am to 3:15pm.  The cost of the yearbook is $50.    One yearbook per student.


 Sporting Event Spectator Home Game Protocols



Spectators at indoor INTER-CITY EVENTS and FOOTBALL games will be significantly limited due to COVID-19.


We will be handing out wristbands for each particular home event through the Activities Office. Away events are at the discretion of the away host team.

The wristband is NOT paid admission to the event, it allows you to purchase a ticket at the event.  Those with a wristband will still pay admission at the gate or show their activity pass (students) to enter the venue.


Order of priority for wristband distribution: Participant Families, DBQ Senior Students, General Public.


Student/Participants involved in each particular event will be given wristbands for their families. 



A certain number of wristbands will be made available for students to acquire – 1 per student.  Wristbands will be available during the following times for students:

Seniors – Before 1st period until 3:15 pm

Juniors – After 3rd period until 3:15 pm

Sophomores – After 4th period until 3:15 pm

Freshman – After 5th period until 3:15 pm


Wristbands that we offer to students will be done over A and B days, plus allow for virtual students the opportunity to get them .  We will start offering the student wristbands to seniors, then juniors, and so on.  If our allotment for A day is 35, for example, and 35 seniors acquire them…..that is all we have for A day.  Repeat process for B day.


 A certain number of wristbands will be made available to the visiting team. 


 Overall, what does this mean for general public?   Not many, IF any, wristbands will be left over for general public on some or all nights.


As is the case with all things during the pandemic…..this is the plan for now, and it is subject to change