Thursday, February 13, 2020

Friday, February 14th


This Saturday is the Snowcoming Dance!!

Tickets for the Senior High School Students can be purchased Today and Tomorrow, Thursday and Friday.

Only Senior High School students can purchase a ticket at the dance Saturday night. 


Attention:  Students in the graduating Class of 2020
This year’s Senior High Awards Assembly will be on Monday May 18th, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Senior High Auditorium.  

We will have a variety of scholarships (Memorial, Community/School, and Specific College Sponsored) that are available for our Senior High graduating students in the class of 2020. 

To be eligible for these scholarships, you will need to complete an application that was emailed to you (at your school email address) and your parents on Monday February 10th, 2020.  Please fill out the application form electronically and electronically submit the completed PDF application to Mrs. Lawrence at by Tuesday March 10th, 2020 at 2:30 p.m.

If you have any questions, please stop by The School Counseling Office to talk with Mrs. Lawrence. 
No late applications will be accepted

If you like doing science experiments, testing your knowledge of chemistry and are looking for scholarship opportunities, you should consider joining Chemistry Olympics. See Mr. Gates in room B-242 for more information.

Any girl interested in going out for golf, there will be an informational meeting on Monday, February 17 during support time in the health room C-93. Please schedule yourself in flextime manager for Monday. Golf will start in the middle of March. If you cannot attend the meeting, please stop and see Mr. Felderman.

If you like doing science experiments, testing your knowledge of chemistry and are looking for scholarship opportunities, you should consider joining Chemistry Olympics. See Mr. Gates in room B-242 for more information.

If you like doing science experiments, testing your knowledge of chemistry and are looking for scholarship opportunities, you should consider joining Chemistry Olympics. See Mr. Gates in room B-242 for more information.

Mandatory CPR Training
Attention all 11th and 12th grade students.  Please make sure to check your Flex Time Schedules.  All 11th grade and 12th grade students have been assigned to attend a CPR Session sometime in February or March.  These sessions will run on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during your Support Time.  This is a graduation requirement and you must attend all 3 days.  If you have received a CPR Certification during your High School Career, you may bring a copy of your CPR Certification to Kim Strang in the Registrar Office.  This certification will exempt you from taking the CPR Course during Support Time.

Students – are you thinking of going out for Track & Field, Soccer, Tennis, or Women’s Golf?   If you are, go to the Activities Office to get signed up today!  Men’s and Women’s Track starts on February 16th (that’s coming up soon!).  Even if you’re currently in a sport, you can sign up for a spring sport. Don’t wait until the last minute – get signed up today!!