Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Thursday, January 24th


Seniors, Lifetouch will be here TODAY, 9:45 in Nora for the Senior Class Picture.

Are you willing to help others learn how to use the Makerspace in the library? We are looking for leaders to help others use the Cricut machine, 3D printer, movie maker, sewing machine, and more! You will even be able to earn Silver Cord hours! If you have free time before or after school, or during a free period and are willing to be an expert, stop by the library and talk to Mrs Bontemps!

The Ram Family invites incoming students and families to attend our Open House on Monday, January 27, 2020.  This event will begin in the Dubuque Senior High Nora Gymnasium at 7:00 p.m. 

Men’s Track:  Top returning men’s track and field athletes from 2019 will be setting goals Monday January 27th at 6:15pm in the Lower Gym.  This will take place before the 8th grade Open House. 
Do you like fun and interactive games and working with people?  Do you need service hours?  Here is the opportunity for you.  Ms. Ovsak and Mrs. King are starting a Peer Helper Program during support time on Tuesday and Thursdays.  The program will be helping students with special needs while participating in adaptive physical activities and games.   Peer helpers will need to make a commitment to participate one or two days all second semester.  If interested, see Ms. Ovsak in the gym or women's locker room or Ms. King in Room A118.

Students and Staff -  It’s time to get your PINK OUT shirts ordered!

They will be worn at the February 14th Men’s and Women’s Basketball QUAD vs. Western Dubuque.

There are two ways to order this year’s Pink Out shirts:
1.   You can order ONLINE.  Stop by the Activities Office to get the link.
2.  Use an order form (also available in the Activities Office). Order forms must be turned in to the Activities Office.
Regardless of which way your order, ALL ORDERS ARE DUE by NOON on FEBRUARY 4TH – NO EXCEPTIONS!!
Shirts will be delivered to the school before February 14th.
Get your PINK OUT shirt ordered TODAY!!!

Students – are you thinking of going out for Track & Field, Soccer, Tennis, or Women’s Golf?   If you are, go to the Activities Office to get signed up today!  Men’s and Women’s Track starts on February 16th (that’s coming up soon!).  Even if you’re currently in a sport, you can sign up for a spring sport. Don’t wait until the last minute – get signed up today!!


January 30th                     Iowa Central                               10:00 am

January 31st                      Hawkeye                                    10:40 am