Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Wednesday, December 4


Senior wrestling got off to a fast start last night at the North Linn Invitational. Winning gold for the Rams was Josiah Schaetzel, Ethan Scott, Ethan Manders, Frankie Cretsinger and Kendall Houston. Followed by second place finishes by Simon Benson and Beau Healey. The wrestlers travel to Cedar Rapids to take on Prairie this Thursday and the varsity guys and girls teams will be heading to individual tournaments Friday and Saturday. Good Luck Rams!!

Attention Junior Women…
If you are interested in studying ENGINEERING or any, STEM degree in college…WE HAVE A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU!
The Dubuque Society of Women Engineers (SWE) will be starting a Mentoring Program for female eleventh grade students from both Dubuque Senior and Hempstead High School. 
The purpose of our program is to help you know what to expect and provide you with the tools to be successful as a woman in STEM by covering topics that range from college preparation and real-world applications to personal insights from our SWE mentors about being a woman in STEM.
This program starts second semester and we will be having an informational meeting the second week of December during support time. 
If you are interested….please see Ms. Lawrence in the School Counseling Office ASAP.

Class of 2020 - Portraits for the yearbook are due by December 6th, 2019. Send your photo as an attachment to dubuquesenior@gmail.com with your name in the subject line. Make sure your name is spelling, capitalized, hyphenated, etc. as you want it to appear. Photos do not have to be professional, but should not use filters or be screenshots as those do not transfer well. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Jackman in A309 or send her an email.


December 6th             10:40am                     Simpson College

December 19th          10:00am                      ROTC Iowa