If you signed
up for Book Club we are meeting Wednesday at 2:25 in the library to discuss
Aristotle and Dante. See you then!
The next GSA
meeting will take place in E45 on November 30th. We will be hanging out
together and talking about upcoming events.
Attention Students!!
Project KIDS is right around
the corner along with the holiday season. An email was sent out to your
teachers introducing this event and the opportunity to give children who are
less fortunate a more enjoyable holiday season. If you are interested in taking
part in this event, talk with your fifth hour
teacher, any STUCO rep, Mr. Miller or Mr.
Leytem. This is a great opportunity to not only give children a wonderful
holiday but also bring the Dubuque Community together.
Students - Have
you taken any pictures of your club participating in activities? Group shots or
candids - the yearbook staff wants them! The Echo staff is trying to include
more pictures of the various Dubuque Senior High School sponsored clubs. If you
have photos you are willing to share, email them to dubuquesenior@gmail.com.
Please state in the message the club the images are from and who is in the
images. You will be credited for whatever we use. Thanks for your help!
Class of 2018 - You have until November 24th to submit
your photo to the Echo Yearbook for free. If you turn it in after November
24th, there will be a $35 late fee that must be paid before your photo will be
included. Send photos to dubuquesenior@gmail.com with
your name in the subject line. See Mrs. Jackman in E45 with questions.