Friday, March 24, 2017

Monday, March 27, 2017


Are you in need of a prom dress? Student Council is giving away over 50 FREE prom dresses to SENIOR students - no questions asked! Students can shop between 4:30 and 6:30pm on Monday in the Teacher's Lounge or BY appointment during the school day. Stop in to A124 to make your PRIVATE appointment between now and prom. Dresses are first come-first serve, and are limited to 1 per person, so don't wait! Make your appointment to try on your free prom dress today!

There will be a National Honor Society meeting for all current members on TUESDAY, March 28th during A/D study times in the Auditorium. We will be going over upcoming service opportunities and giving end-of-the-year reminders. Please see Mrs. Fischer if you cannot attend.

It’s Burrito Day!
The following student’s may stop by the AP office to pick up their card for a free burrito from Pancheros: Allison Williams (12), Elizabeth Alvarenga (11), Kaitlyn Jones (10), and Lauren Ruden (9).

The Discovery Club is hiking at Whitewater Canyon on Sunday, April 2nd from noon to 3:00 p.m. Come and join us to see the spectacular view from the overlook, the land bridge, and the Valley of the 13 Caves. Bring your friends along. Contact Ms. Pfohl and Ms. Koch for more info.

Students -
you may order yearbooks for the 2016-17 school year up until April 1, 2017. We will not be ordering extra books so if you want one, your order must be in by that date. Books can be ordered through the online student payment portal or the Business Office. Books are $45. If you order a book, it will be available for pickup at registration for the 2017-18 school year.




Timmerman's supper club is looking for workers. Applicants must be 16. If interested check out the bulletin board or stop in guidance.

Boys Basketball players and Wrestlers. Unless you are enrolled in the current Performance PE class you need to clear out your sports locker and return the padlock to the Activities Office BEFORE Wednesday, March 29th. After this date, all lockers will be cleared out and items left in the lockers will be put in the Coaches Office.

There will be a Girls Golf Meeting for both players and parents tomorrow, March 28th at 6:00 pm in the Cafeteria.

Are you going out for Cheerleading? If you still need a cheer packet, you can pick one up in the Activities Office. All forms are DUE TODAY at the first Try-Out Clinic – NO EXCEPTIONS!!


March 28th                11:15               Iowa Central CC