Friday, December 16, 2016

Monday, December 19, 2016


Holiday Cheer! Break is almost here! Get ready and wear your UGLY sweater to school on Thursday, December 22!

Math Club will meet tomorrow in A321 at 7:00 a.m.

Students who took the PSAT in October should have received their scores via email and a score report via mail. If you would like your test booklet, please stop in the School Counseling Office. If you would like to review your score with your counselor, please make an appointment.

It’s Burrito Friday!
The following student’s may stop by the AP office to pick up their card for a free burrito from Pancheros: Rebecca Slaton(12), Katherine Gorton(11), Drew Bradley(10) and Joshua Huseman(9) .

Attention 10th and 11th Graders:
Are you interested in a field of information technology, where you would learn the following skills: computer programming, web development, information security, computer troubleshooting and computer networking. If so, come and learn about a free college credit class that you take and learn these skills. On Tuesday December 20th during your 5th hour study time, come to the Auditorium to learn how you can sign up for this class for free.

Are you interested in playing high school rugby? You are? Great! On Tuesday, December 20, there will be a meeting in Mr. Burbach’s room, D165 immediately after school, to discuss a Dubuque high school rugby club. This meeting is to identify students who are interested in playing, and to begin laying the groundwork for establishing the club. If you are at all interested in being involved, please plan on attending this meeting. If you cannot attend but are interested in participating, please stop by Mr. Burbach’s room, D165, to express interest. Even if you’ve already talked to him, please do it again.

RAM APPAREL, BLANKETS and STADIUM SEATS are now available in the Activities Office!

If you need ideas for upcoming Holiday gifts, apparel is now available in the Activities Office. Apparel items are limited to sweatshirts, tshirts, and sweatpants (sizes and colors may vary).

Registration Forms are now available for the next session of Driver's Ed. Forms may be picked up at the Business Office or in the Counseling Office.

Senior Yearbook Pictures – Seniors, it's time to send in your photos for the yearbook! Please email a jpeg file of your senior picture to Once your photo has been received, you will receive a confirmation email. Full color photos are required. Photos are due by January 20th. Please see Mrs. Jackman in E45 with questions.





Women’s Soccer will be holding open gyms on the following days.

Monday-Dec 19
from 830-1000 pm in the Small Gym.
Please dress appropriately, bring shin guards, tennis shoes and water.

See Coach Kail in B-135 with any questions.

Hey Softball Players! Clarke University is offering a Softball Camp on Sunday, December 18th. Please stop in the Activities Office to pick up a registration form or to find out more information.

Are you going out for a Spring Sport?
Are you planning on going somewhere for Spring Break?

If you are, make SURE you are aware of when your spring sport begins. Some sports start during our Spring Break this year and if you are going out of town, this may impact your spot on a team. Please make sure to look at the RAMS REMINDER display case outside of the Activities Office for more information. All information will be posted on the Senior High website as well.