Friday, September 11, 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015

The boys golf team won their meet yesterday at Bunker Hill with a great score of 148 over Cedar Falls and CR Prairie. Jakob Kirman and Louis Psihoyos were medalists for the Rams with a one over par 36. Jack Vandermillen shot 37 and Gus Zuccaro 39.

Key Club: Key Club participation in the Dragon Boat Races has been canceled again, for those of you who signed up. Key Club will not participate in the Dragon Boat activity at Miller Park this weekend.

Interact Club is a volunteer organization sponsored by the local Rotary Club and we will have our first meeting this Tuesday at 7:10 in B143. We hope to see you there!

College of the Week will be starting next week! Each week we will highlight a college to make students aware of the many different options they have after graduation. Many times the highlighted college will have a representative visiting our office that week.

Keep posted on this and all college visits through these announcements or find us on our Senior homepage, under Academics. Click on the School Counseling Office to open our Ram Resource Center!!

Seniors: Be aware that counselors will begin to pull you in for individual conferences to make sure graduation requirements are being met and you have a plan for after graduation!! Also, College Application Week will be approaching the end of October!! Keep your eyes and ears open for information!

Mark Your Calendars: The only area college fair will be next Wednesday, Sept. 16th at the University of Dubuque from 6-8pm. You can register early by visiting

The French Club will have their first meeting in e-34, September 15th at 7:15 am or 2:20 pm. You only need to attend one session and don't need to be in French class to join!

"Dubuque Senior Spanish Club will have its first meeting! Come and find out what's in store for Spanish Club this year. Help us plan some great events and make this a memorable year! The first meeting is Monday, September 14th right after school in room E39. "

Unscripted, Dubuque Senior's Improv/Comedy Troupe will hold open workshops tonight, September 15 in room A209 from 2:30-4:00. It is important to attend as many workshops as possible to learn the games we will use for auditions which will be held Thursday September 17. If you have any questions see Mr. Ernzen in Rm. 237.

This is our first IM event of the year. Come out and show your skills and see if you can win an intramural T-Shirt. No signup required.

When: Wednesday, September 23rd

Time: 7 pm

Where: Dalzell Field

Questions: Contact Mr. Blaser

The next IM Event will be Volleyball in October.

If interested in a part-time job – be sure to check out the bulletin board outside of the Guidance Office. New postings always being added. Currently – Panera Bread, Assisi Village, Keyline and Reynolds Law Firm, and AMC Theatres are looking to hire! Questions stop in the guidance office.


September 16th                  1:35 p.m.         Monmouth College

September 17th                  7:35 a.m.         Creighton University

                                           8:30 a.m.          Northwestern (Orange City, IA)

                                           9:15 a.m.          Augsburg

                                          10:15 a.m.         University of St. Thomas