Monday, March 9, 2015

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Math Club continues to meet at 7:00am on Thursday Mornings in Mrs. Jorgensons room A321

There will be a WOMEN’S SOCCER Informational Meeting on Monday, March 16th from 7:00 – 7:30 pm in Nora Gym.

Any swimmers—guys or girls—who still have their swim bags should bring them to the equipment room by the indoor track after school on Monday March 9 or Tuesday March 10. If you cannot make it after school please talk to Coach Huff in room B142 to make other arrangements.

FAST: ​Do you need a quiet place to study? Someone to help you with a project or speech? Or, do you just need to finish a test or quiz? If so, the FAST program is for you. FAST will be held this Friday in the Senior Library from 7:30-8:30AM. Please enter through the cafeteria doors at 7:30AM. If you have questions about FAST, please see Mrs. Brokus.

There will be a MEN’S SOCCER Informational Meeting on Wednesday, March 11th at 3:00 pm in the LRC.

Attention Senior! Our annual Spring Blood Drive is coming up and will be held Friday, March 27th. If you will be 16 years of age by the time of the Blood Drive, you are eligible to participate. You can sign up for a time and get your permission and information sheets in the STUCO Zone during lunch. Permission sheets must be signed by a parent or guardian and brought back by the mandatory donor meeting during either A or D study on Tuesday March 24th. Remember, every donation saves 3 lives!

Semester Final Exemptions! 9th, 10th and 11th grade students that are planning on exempting from a semester final will need the 4th quadrant stamped on the ID.


If you are going to be participating in Soccer, Tennis, or Women’s Golf - make sure you stop in the Activities Office to get signed up and make sure you have all of the required paperwork turned in BEFORE the first official practice. If you need participation forms, they are available in the Activities Office or on the Dubuque Senior Rams Website.

Telling your coach you are going out for a sport does NOT mean you are signed up!


March 17tt 9:15 University of Wisconsin Platteville

March 18th 1:30 Buena Vista University

March 23rd 9:15 Iowa Central

                   10:15 Bradley University

March 31st 9:15 Upper Iowa