Monday, October 13, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Congratulations to all members of the Ram Marching Band and Color Guard on an outstanding performance at the State Marching Band Contest. These groups earned a collective score of 74 which was well into the divisional I range. Congratulations on a job very well done.

Explore CAPRI Program

Looking for a career in Cosmetology and want to explore things first hand…Then the Explore CAPRI Program is for you…Group meets once a month on the third Thursday thru April. KICK OFF OCTOBER 16th 430 PM.  See Your Guidance Counselor for more information.  Application Deadline is October 15th !!!

Explore HEALTH Programs

Looking for a career in the area of Health and want to explore things first hand…Then the Explore Health Career Program is for you… Group meets once a month on the third Monday thru April.  KICK OFF OCTOBER 20thth 430 PM.   See Your Guidance Counselor for more information.   Application Deadline is October 19th !!!

College of the Week – Fast Facts:

Our regent Universities provide Student Success:
At the University of Iowa, the first-year class has the highest ever average high school GPA of 3.63.

Our regent Universities provide A World Class Education:
At Iowa State University, they have a record setting U.S. multicultural and international enrollment at over 23% of the student body.

Our regent Universities provide Quality Learning Environment: At the University of Northern Iowa, the rate of students returning for a second year is almost 85%, well above the national average

The School Counseling Office will be proctoring the PSAT on Wednesday, October 15th from 1st hour through 4th hour. The PSAT is a test to practice the SAT, a college entrance exam and to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship Competition (Juniors only). Please register in Guidance. Spots are limited. Cost is $15. Must pay your fee when registering.

Drivers Ed forms are NOW AVAILABLE in the business office. Registration is on a first come first serve basis.


14th 8:30 – Winona State
        9:20 – Mt. Mercy College
       10:15 – Edgewood
       12:45 St. Thomas

15th 8:30 – Iowa Central
        9:15 – Bradley University
        12:45 – Simpson

16th 10:15 – Ellsworth

21st 12:45 – Central

22nd 10:15 – Cornell College