Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Athletes: If you are planning on signing letters of intent or scholarship offers to colleges next year, please stop by the Activities Office to discuss your signing date. We would like to coordinate as many people as possible on the same date. Stop by the Activities Office to coordinate your signing.

Cross country, middle and distance meeting Thursday.
Thursday, November 14th
Mr. Kilgores' room, 2:40 pm

Interact Club will be providing Root Beer Floats and Sundaes during lunch on Thursday & Friday this week! Please consider donating a $1.00. All proceeds will go to Andrew Jones and his family to help offset the cost for a new wheelchair for Andrew!!

Fall Sports Participants:

We would like each fall sports participant to take a few minutes to fill out a short on-line survey. The survey will be conducted in room A119 immediately after school. The survey is done electronically and will only take about 5-10 minutes to complete. Please stop by room A119 on the dates and times listed below to complete the survey.

Wednesday-Nov 13: 12:15 pm
Thursday-Nov 14: 230 pm
Friday-Nov 15: 230 pm
Monday-Nov 18: 230 pm
Tuesday-Nov 19: 230 pm

Are you a junior or senior who still needs a lit credit? Want to try a mix of a regular classroom and online learning to prepare yourself for online classes in college? Or do you just want to be more independent with your learning? Talk to Mrs. Bontemps or your guidance counselor soon about enrolling in 6th Hour Blended Contemporary Literature for second semester!

Spanish Club will meet Thursday November 14 after school in room E-43 for a fall celebration. If you have still not paid your dues, make sure you bring your money to the meeting. Nos vemos pronto!

Get an Intramural Team together 3 v 3 Basketball.
When: Nov. 20th
Time: 7-9 p.m.
Where: Small Gym
No sign-up necessary. Faculty is encouraged to play. All you need is a team name and a captain.

RENAISSANCE ALERT: Renaissance students if…If…IF you plan on exempting from a Semester Test Final you must…Must…MUST have your ID Stamped no later than Friday, December 6th. Repeat: ID stamped no later than December 6th.

ATTENTION Men and Women Bowlers! Tryouts for the Men’s and Women’s Bowling team will be held on November 13th and 14th at Cherry Lanes at 2:30 both days. Make SURE you have all of your paperwork (physicals, contact info, and concussion form) turned in to the Activities Office BEFORE tryouts or you will NOT be allowed to try out.

November 13th ~ Luther College – 10:45