Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Thursday, December 19, 2013

ATTENTION STUDENTS: As of January 1st the Jule’s schedule/route will change. Students who ride the Jule PLEASE check your route before returning from break. ROUTES AND TIMES WILL CHANGE!

ATTENTION SOCCER PLAYERS! If you picked up a form for the Clarke Indoor Futsal League, please turn the form back into the Activities Office!!! Do NOT send it to Clarke! Thank you!!!

Key Club: A reminder that Key Club meets tomorrow morning. Anyone interested in becoming part of this international service club can stop onto Mrs. Gibbon’s room, B243, on Friday mornings at 7:10.

Thursday during lunch you will have an opportunity to purchase a raffle ticket to sit in the “endzone couch” at the next Men’s BKB game. Tickets will be on sale Thursday during lunch in the cafeteria.

Students and Staff – Do you need RAMS APPAREL??? RAMS APPAREL will be available at the Men’s Basketball Game THIS Friday night, Dec 20th, between 5:30 – 8:30. Students – make sure to let your parents know.

Don’t forget – RAMS APPAREL will be available THIS Friday night at the Men’s Basketball Game! Don’t Miss Out.

"Mock Trial Informational Meeting: There will be a brief meeting for anyone interested in participating in Mock Trial in the Social Studies LRC, room B133 on Friday, December 20 right after school. Please plan to attend if you want to be on the team."

It is Test Exemption sign up time! Students who are on the Red or Blue Renaissance and qualify for Semester Test Exemption should plan to sign up with their teacher no later than Thursday, January 2nd.

Are you looking for extra help with your homework, studying for an upcoming test, or just need help getting organized, please stop into guidance to get connected with a student aid during your free time or before or after school.

The applications for January 21 thru March 10th Driver Education are available in the Business Office Window or Guidance Office. The Business Office will start taking completed Driver Education applications on Monday, December 16th at 7:10 a.m. NO EARLY registrations will be accepted.

Attention Junior Students Scholarship Potential: The Herbert Hoover Uncommon Student Award for Iowa Juniors is a program that identifies and recognizes approximately 15 Iowa high school juniors who propose and then accomplish projects of their own design. All finalists receive $1,000. In addition, 3 are chosen to receive $5,000 scholarships for study in college. Any student interested please stop by the Guidance office for more information or visit the website.

HOT OFF THE PRESS (Scholarship for Seniors): Iowa Student Loan has a new scholarship, Iowa Financial Know-How Challenge for Seniors. Visit, take 2 online tutorials before January 31st – Be in the top 20 who score highest on the financial literacy assessment and win $1,500! Check it out!

SENIORS! If you have not yet turned in your yearbook photo, the deadline is fast approaching. Photos are due January 17. They should be submitted electronically by emailing an attachment of the photo to Remember, photos must be in full color. They should be vertical with enough space around your head to size appropriately in the yearbook. Arms and hands should be below your face. If you do not meet the requirements, a school photo will be used. Thanks for submitting your photo to the yearbook!

If you are a student interested in any of the following areas: Architecture, Construction, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Model Building or any related areas, then you should consider signing up for Senior High’s ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CLASS. This class starts 2nd semester and is during 5th period. See your guidance counselor today to get signed up.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

ATTENTION STUDENTS: As of January 1st the Jule’s schedule/route will change. Students who ride the Jule PLEASE check your route before returning from break. ROUTES AND TIMES WILL CHANGE!

Attention ALL Soccer Players! Clarke University will once again be hosting their popular Indoor Futsal Soccer League. If you are interested in being on a team, please stop in the Activities Office to pick up a registration form.

Thursday during lunch you will have an opportunity to purchase a raffle ticket to sit in the “endzone couch” at the next Men’s BKB game. Tickets will be on sale Thursday during lunch in the cafeteria.
Students and Staff – Do you need RAMS APPAREL??? RAMS APPAREL will be available at the Men’s Basketball Game THIS Friday night, Dec 20th, between 5:30 – 8:30. Students – make sure to let your parents know.

Don’t forget – RAMS APPAREL will be available THIS Friday night at the Men’s Basketball Game! Don’t Miss Out.

"Mock Trial Informational Meeting: There will be a brief meeting for anyone interested in participating in Mock Trial in the Social Studies LRC, room B133 on Friday, December 20 right after school. Please plan to attend if you want to be on the team."
It is Test Exemption sign up time! Students who are on the Red or Blue Renaissance and qualify for Semester Test Exemption should plan to sign up with their teacher no later than Thursday, January 2nd.

Are you looking for extra help with your homework, studying for an upcoming test, or just need help getting organized, please stop into guidance to get connected with a student aid during your free time or before or after school.

The applications for January 21 thru March 10th Driver Education are available in the Business Office Window or Guidance Office. The Business Office will start taking completed Driver Education applications on Monday, December 16th at 7:10 a.m. NO EARLY registrations will be accepted.

Attention Junior Students Scholarship Potential: The Herbert Hoover Uncommon Student Award for Iowa Juniors is a program that identifies and recognizes approximately 15 Iowa high school juniors who propose and then accomplish projects of their own design. All finalists receive $1,000. In addition, 3 are chosen to receive $5,000 scholarships for study in college. Any student interested please stop by the Guidance office for more information or visit the website.

HOT OFF THE PRESS (Scholarship for Seniors): Iowa Student Loan has a new scholarship, Iowa Financial Know-How Challenge for Seniors. Visit, take 2 online tutorials before January 31st – Be in the top 20 who score highest on the financial literacy assessment and win $1,500! Check it out!

SENIORS! If you have not yet turned in your yearbook photo, the deadline is fast approaching. Photos are due January 17. They should be submitted electronically by emailing an attachment of the photo to Remember, photos must be in full color. They should be vertical with enough space around your head to size appropriately in the yearbook. Arms and hands should be below your face. If you do not meet the requirements, a school photo will be used. Thanks for submitting your photo to the yearbook!

If you are a student interested in: Architecture, Construction, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Model Building or any related areas, then you should consider signing up for Senior High’s ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CLASS. This class starts 2nd semester and is during 5th period. See your guidance counselor today to get signed up.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

ATTENTION STUDENTS: As of January 1st the Jule’s schedule/route will change. Students who ride the Jule PLEASE check your route before returning from break. ROUTES AND TIMES WILL CHANGE!

The Men’s varsity Basketball AT Linn-Mar tonight will be broadcast on KCRG 9.2 @ 7:30p.m.

Thursday during lunch you will have an opportunity to purchase a raffle ticket to sit in the “endzone couch” at the next Men’s BKB game. Tickets will be on sale Thursday during lunch in the cafeteria.

Students and Staff – Do you need RAMS APPAREL??? RAMS APPAREL will be available at the Men’s Basketball Game THIS Friday night, Dec 20th, between 5:30 – 8:30. Students – make sure to let your parents know.

Don’t forget – RAMS APPAREL will be available THIS Friday night at the Men’s Basketball Game! Don’t Miss Out.

"Mock Trial Informational Meeting: There will be a brief meeting for anyone interested in participating in Mock Trial in the Social Studies LRC, room B133 on Friday, December 20 right after school. Please plan to attend if you want to be on the team."

It is Test Exemption sign up time! Students who are on the Red or Blue Renaissance and qualify for Semester Test Exemption should plan to sign up with their teacher no later than Thursday, January 2nd.

Are you looking for extra help with your homework, studying for an upcoming test, or just need help getting organized, please stop into guidance to get connected with a student aid during your free time or before or after school.

The applications for January 21 thru March 10th Driver Education are available in the Business Office Window or Guidance Office. The Business Office will start taking completed Driver Education applications on Monday, December 16th at 7:10 a.m. NO EARLY registrations will be accepted.

Attention Junior Students Scholarship Potential: The Herbert Hoover Uncommon Student Award for Iowa Juniors is a program that identifies and recognizes approximately 15 Iowa high school juniors who propose and then accomplish projects of their own design. All finalists receive $1,000. In addition, 3 are chosen to receive $5,000 scholarships for study in college. Any student interested please stop by the Guidance office for more information or visit the website.

HOT OFF THE PRESS (Scholarship for Seniors): Iowa Student Loan has a new scholarship, Iowa Financial Know-How Challenge for Seniors. Visit, take 2 online tutorials before January 31st – Be in the top 20 who score highest on the financial literacy assessment and win $1,500! Check it out!

SENIORS! If you have not yet turned in your yearbook photo, the deadline is fast approaching. Photos are due January 17. They should be submitted electronically by emailing an attachment of the photo to Remember, photos must be in full color. They should be vertical with enough space around your head to size appropriately in the yearbook. Arms and hands should be below your face. If you do not meet the requirements, a school photo will be used. Thanks for submitting your photo to the yearbook!

If you are a student interested in any of the following areas: Architecture, Construction, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Model Building or any related areas, then you should consider signing up for Senior High’s ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CLASS. This class starts 2nd semester and is during 5th period. See your guidance counselor today to get signed up.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013

It is Test Exemption sign up time! Students who are on the Red or Blue Renaissance and qualify for Semester Test Exemption should plan to sign up with their teacher no later than Thursday, January 2nd.

Are you looking for extra help with your homework, studying for an upcoming test, or just need help getting organized, please stop into guidance to get connected with a student aid during your free time or before or after school.

The applications for January 21 thru March 10th Driver Education are available in the Business Office Window or Guidance Office. The Business Office will start taking completed Driver Education applications on Monday, December 16th at 7:10 a.m. NO EARLY registrations will be accepted.

Attention Junior Students Scholarship Potential: The Herbert Hoover Uncommon Student Award for Iowa Juniors is a program that identifies and recognizes approximately 15 Iowa high school juniors who propose and then accomplish projects of their own design. All finalists receive $1,000. In addition, 3 are chosen to receive $5,000 scholarships for study in college. Any student interested please stop by the Guidance office for more information or visit the website.

HOT OFF THE PRESS (Scholarship for Seniors): Iowa Student Loan has a new scholarship, Iowa Financial Know-How Challenge for Seniors. Visit, take 2 online tutorials before January 31st – Be in the top 20 who score highest on the financial literacy assessment and win $1,500! Check it out!

GIVE THE GIFT OF LASTING MEMORIES! Make your friend, brother or sister happy this holiday season with a Dubuque Senior Yearbook. There are 2013 yearbooks available for purchase at the business office. Cost is $45. Go in with a friend to get that extra-special person a gift they will always remember! Quantities are limited. Get yours right away. When they are gone, they are gone.

Interested in a Marketing and Business career? Check it out with our Dubuque Fighting Saints Exploring Team. Kickoff Night is Monday, Dec 16 at 4 p.m. at the Ice Center. Learn sports marketing and merchandising to achieve business goals. Stop in guidance for more information about all of the Explorer Posts Opportunities

SENIORS! If you have not yet turned in your yearbook photo, the deadline is fast approaching. Photos are due January 17. They should be submitted electronically by emailing an attachment of the photo to Remember, photos must be in full color. They should be vertical with enough space around your head to size appropriately in the yearbook. Arms and hands should be below your face. If you do not meet the requirements, a school photo will be used. Thanks for submitting your photo to the yearbook!

If you are a student interested in any of the following areas: Architecture, Construction, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Model Building or any related areas, then you should consider signing up for Senior High’s ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CLASS. This class starts 2nd semester and is during 5th period. See your guidance counselor today to get signed up.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Friday, December 13, 2013

It is Test Exemption sign up time! Students who are on the Red or Blue Renaissance and qualify for Semester Test Exemption should plan to sign up with their teacher no later than Thursday, January 2nd.

Are you looking for extra help with your homework, studying for an upcoming test, or just need help getting organized, please stop into guidance to get connected with a student aid during your free time or before or after school.

The applications for January 21 thru March 10th Driver Education are available in the Business Office Window or Guidance Office. The Business Office will start taking completed Driver Education applications on Monday, December 16th at 7:10 a.m. NO EARLY registrations will be accepted.

Attention Junior Students Scholarship Potential: The Herbert Hoover Uncommon Student Award for Iowa Juniors is a program that identifies and recognizes approximately 15 Iowa high school juniors who propose and then accomplish projects of their own design. All finalists receive $1,000. In addition, 3 are chosen to receive $5,000 scholarships for study in college. Any student interested please stop by the Guidance office for more information or visit the website.

HOT OFF THE PRESS (Scholarship for Seniors): Iowa Student Loan has a new scholarship, Iowa Financial Know-How Challenge for Seniors. Visit, take 2 online tutorials before January 31st – Be in the top 20 who score highest on the financial literacy assessment and win $1,500! Check it out!

GIVE THE GIFT OF LASTING MEMORIES! Make your friend, brother or sister happy this holiday season with a Dubuque Senior Yearbook. There are 2013 yearbooks available for purchase at the business office. Cost is $45. Go in with a friend to get that extra-special person a gift they will always remember! Quantities are limited. Get yours right away. When they are gone, they are gone.

Interested in a Marketing and Business career? Check it out with our Dubuque Fighting Saints Exploring Team. Kickoff Night is Monday, Dec 16 at 4 p.m. at the Ice Center. Learn sports marketing and merchandising to achieve business goals. Stop in guidance for more information about all of the Explorer Posts Opportunities

SENIORS! If you have not yet turned in your yearbook photo, the deadline is fast approaching. Photos are due January 17. They should be submitted electronically by emailing an attachment of the photo to Remember, photos must be in full color. They should be vertical with enough space around your head to size appropriately in the yearbook. Arms and hands should be below your face. If you do not meet the requirements, a school photo will be used. Thanks for submitting your photo to the yearbook!

If you are a student interested in any of the following areas: Architecture, Construction, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Model Building or any related areas, then you should consider signing up for Senior High’s ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CLASS. This class starts 2nd semester and is during 5th period. See your guidance counselor today to get signed up.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Senior Basketball: Congratulations to the Senior Boys Basketball team on a tough road victory over Clinton Tuesday night 61- 56. Kyle Haber and Lucas LeGrand combined to score 36 points and Seth Bonifas led the Rams with 8 rebounds. The Rams will have their home opener Friday night against Cedar Rapids Prairie.

The applications for January 21 thru March 10th Driver Education are available in the Business Office Window or Guidance Office. The Business Office will start taking completed Driver Education applications on Monday, December 16th at 7:10 a.m. NO EARLY registrations will be accepted.

Attention Junior Students Scholarship Potential: The Herbert Hoover Uncommon Student Award for Iowa Juniors is a program that identifies and recognizes approximately 15 Iowa high school juniors who propose and then accomplish projects of their own design. All finalists receive $1,000. In addition, 3 are chosen to receive $5,000 scholarships for study in college. Any student interested please stop by the Guidance office for more information or visit the website.

HOT OFF THE PRESS (Scholarship for Seniors): Iowa Student Loan has a new scholarship, Iowa Financial Know-How Challenge for Seniors. Visit, take 2 online tutorials before January 31st – Be in the top 20 who score highest on the financial literacy assessment and win $1,500! Check it out!

GIVE THE GIFT OF LASTING MEMORIES! Make your friend, brother or sister happy this holiday season with a Dubuque Senior Yearbook. There are 2013 yearbooks available for purchase at the business office. Cost is $45. Go in with a friend to get that extra-special person a gift they will always remember! Quantities are limited. Get yours right away. When they are gone, they are gone.

Interested in a Marketing and Business career? Check it out with our Dubuque Fighting Saints Exploring Team. Kickoff Night is Monday, Dec 16 at 4 p.m. at the Ice Center. Learn sports marketing and merchandising to achieve business goals. Stop in guidance for more information about all of the Explorer Posts Opportunities

SENIORS! If you have not yet turned in your yearbook photo, the deadline is fast approaching. Photos are due January 17. They should be submitted electronically by emailing an attachment of the photo to Remember, photos must be in full color. They should be vertical with enough space around your head to size appropriately in the yearbook. Arms and hands should be below your face. If you do not meet the requirements, a school photo will be used. Thanks for submitting your photo to the yearbook!

If you are a student interested in any of the following areas: Architecture, Construction, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Model Building or any related areas, then you should consider signing up for Senior High’s ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CLASS. This class starts 2nd semester and is during 5th period. See your guidance counselor today to get signed up.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

NHS will have a whole-group meeting in the Auditorium during 5th hour A/D study time on THURSDAY. Please see Mrs. Fischer if you cannot be there.

The applications for January 21 thru March 10th Driver Education are available in the Business Office Window or Guidance Office. The Business Office will start taking completed Driver Education applications on Monday, December 16th at 7:10 a.m. NO EARLY registrations will be accepted.

Attention Junior Students Scholarship Potential: The Herbert Hoover Uncommon Student Award for Iowa Juniors is a program that identifies and recognizes approximately 15 Iowa high school juniors who propose and then accomplish projects of their own design. All finalists receive $1,000. In addition, 3 are chosen to receive $5,000 scholarships for study in college. Any student interested please stop by the Guidance office for more information or visit the website.

HOT OFF THE PRESS (Scholarship for Seniors): Iowa Student Loan has a new scholarship, Iowa Financial Know-How Challenge for Seniors. Visit, take 2 online tutorials before January 31st – Be in the top 20 who score highest on the financial literacy assessment and win $1,500! Check it out!

A Shout out to our Color Guard who competed in the ISDTA State Dance and Color Guard competition this past weekend in Des Moines, Iowa. The Team finished with a division one rating and come home with a third place title. Congratulations Ladies!

GIVE THE GIFT OF LASTING MEMORIES! Make your friend, brother or sister happy this holiday season with a Dubuque Senior Yearbook. There are 2013 yearbooks available for purchase at the business office. Cost is $45. Go in with a friend to get that extra-special person a gift they will always remember! Quantities are limited. Get yours right away. When they are gone, they are gone.

Interested in a Marketing and Business career? Check it out with our Dubuque Fighting Saints Exploring Team. Kickoff Night is Monday, Dec 16 at 4 p.m. at the Ice Center. Learn sports marketing and merchandising to achieve business goals. Stop in guidance for more information about all of the Explorer Posts Opportunities

SENIORS! If you have not yet turned in your yearbook photo, the deadline is fast approaching. Photos are due January 17. They should be submitted electronically by emailing an attachment of the photo to Remember, photos must be in full color. They should be vertical with enough space around your head to size appropriately in the yearbook. Arms and hands should be below your face. If you do not meet the requirements, a school photo will be used. Thanks for submitting your photo to the yearbook!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

NHS will have a whole-group meeting in the Auditorium during 5th hour A/D study time on THURSDAY. Please see Mrs. Fischer if you cannot be there.

All 10th graders who signed up for the plan test please report to the small gym on Wednesday by 7:30am.

GIVE THE GIFT OF LASTING MEMORIES! Make your friend, brother or sister happy this holiday season with a Dubuque Senior Yearbook. There are 2013 yearbooks available for purchase at the business office. Cost is $45. Go in with a friend to get that extra-special person a gift they will always remember! Quantities are limited. Get yours right away. When they are gone, they are gone.

Interested in a Marketing and Business career? Check it out with our Dubuque Fighting Saints Exploring Team. Kickoff Night is Monday, Dec 16 at 4 p.m. at the Ice Center. Learn sports marketing and merchandising to achieve business goals. Stop in guidance for more information about all of the Explorer Posts Opportunities

SENIORS! If you have not yet turned in your yearbook photo, the deadline is fast approaching. Photos are due January 17. They should be submitted electronically by emailing an attachment of the photo to Remember, photos must be in full color. They should be vertical with enough space around your head to size appropriately in the yearbook. Arms and hands should be below your face. If you do not meet the requirements, a school photo will be used. Thanks for submitting your photo to the yearbook!

If you are a student interested in any of the following areas: Architecture, Construction, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Model Building or any related areas, then you should consider signing up for Senior High’s ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CLASS. This class starts 2nd semester and is during 5th period. See your guidance counselor today to get signed up.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Interested in becoming a chef? Beginning tonight at Catfish Charlie’s the chef is ready to meet you. Join the Culinary Arts Explorer Post tonight at 4 – 5 at Catfish Charlie’s for more information. You will learn the skills of preparation and presentation of dishes and what it takes to be a chef.

Off Season Lifting For Girls Track: Girls who plan to do track, we will be meeting after school in the Weight Room for Off Season Lifting on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Women’s Soccer Meeting: Attention Lady Rams Soccer players and any girl interested in playing soccer this spring: we will be holding a meeting this Friday, December 6th in the cafeteria after school. Again, if you are a female planning on playing soccer this spring, come to the meeting this Friday after school in the cafeteria!

If you are a student interested in any of the following areas: Architecture, Construction, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Model Building or any related areas, then you should consider signing up for Senior High’s ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CLASS. This class starts 2nd semester and is during 5th period. See your guidance counselor today to get signed up

Senior Basketball: The Rams will open up the regular season Friday night against Sussexx –Hamilton, Wisconsin in Wisconsin Dells.

"Attention 9th graders, On December 9th, the VNA will be here to do dental screenings on any 9th grader who has not turned in a dental certificate to the health office. This screening takes less than one minute and no instruments are used. If you are not sure if you have turned in a dental certificate please stop by the health office to check.”

Attention 10th graders, the last day to sign up for the plan test is Friday. If you're interested in taking this test, please sign up in guidance with your $15 by the end of the day on Friday.

RENAISSANCE ALERT: Renaissance students if…If…IF you plan on exempting from a Semester Test Final you must…Must…MUST have your ID Stamped no later than Friday, December 6th. Repeat: ID stamped no later than December 6th.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Off Season Lifting For Girls Track: Girls who plan to do track, we will be meeting after school in the Weight Room for Off Season Lifting on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Women’s Soccer Meeting: Attention Lady Rams Soccer players and any girl interested in playing soccer this spring: we will be holding a meeting this Friday, December 6th in the cafeteria after school. Again, if you are a female planning on playing soccer this spring, come to the meeting this Friday after school in the cafeteria!

If you are a student interested in any of the following areas: Architecture, Construction, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Model Building or any related areas, then you should consider signing up for Senior High’s ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CLASS. This class starts 2nd semester and is during 5th period.
See your guidance counselor today to get signed up.

Senior Basketball: Congratulations to the Boys Basketball team on their 71-36 victory over Davenport Assumption in the Iowa Hall of Fame Scrimmage. The Rams had four players in double figures, Seth Bonifas, Keaton Hermsen, Kyle Haber, and Luke McDonnell. The Rams will open up the regular season Friday night against Sussexx –Hamilton, Wisconsin in Wisconsin Dells.

“Attention 9th graders, On December 9th, the VNA will be here to do dental screenings on any 9th grader who has not turned in a dental certificate to the health office. This screening takes less than one minute and no instruments are used. If you are not sure if you have turned in a dental certificate please stop by the health office to check.”

Wendy’s Community Day: The first Wednesday of each month at Wendy’s is Dubuque Senior Gay/Straight Alliance night. From the hours of 5 – 7 the Wendy’s on 16th and Kerper will donate 10% of all sales. This is a fantastic way to support Senior, the Gay/Straight Alliance and our Ram students. Stop in, grab a bite to eat and say hello. The next one is tonight. Thank you in advance.

"All 10th graders interested in taking the PLAN test should sign-up in guidance as soon as possible. The Plan test is a Pre-ACT test and costs $15."

RENAISSANCE ALERT: Renaissance students if…If…IF you plan on exempting from a Semester Test Final you must…Must…MUST have your ID Stamped no later than Friday, December 6th. Repeat: ID stamped no later than December 6th.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

“Attention 9th graders, On December 9th, the VNA will be here to do dental screenings on any 9th grader who has not turned in a dental certificate to the health office. This screening takes less than one minute and no instruments are used. If you are not sure if you have turned in a dental certificate please stop by the health office to check.”

Wendy’s Community Day: The first Wednesday of each month at Wendy’s is Dubuque Senior Gay/Straight Alliance night. From the hours of 5 – 7 the Wendy’s on 16th and Kerper will donate 10% of all sales. This is a fantastic way to support Senior, the Gay/Straight Alliance and our Ram students. Stop in, grab a bite to eat and say hello. The next one is December 4th. Thank you in advance.

"All 10th graders interested in taking the PLAN test should sign-up in guidance as soon as possible. The Plan test is a Pre-ACT test and costs $15."

RENAISSANCE ALERT: Renaissance students if…If…IF you plan on exempting from a Semester Test Final you must…Must…MUST have your ID Stamped no later than Friday, December 6th. Repeat: ID stamped no later than December 6th.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Monday, December 2, 2013

“Attention 9th graders, On December 9th, the VNA will be here to do dental screenings on any 9th grader who has not turned in a dental certificate to the health office. This screening takes less than one minute and no instruments are used. If you are not sure if you have turned in a dental certificate please stop by the health office to check.”

Attention all Spanish, German and French club members! The pasta from the pasta fundraiser is finally here! Stop by the World Language Lab after school to pick up your order!

Wendy’s Community Day: The first Wednesday of each month at Wendy’s is Dubuque Senior Gay/Straight Alliance night. From the hours of 5 – 7 the Wendy’s on 16th and Kerper will donate 10% of all sales. This is a fantastic way to support Senior, the Gay/Straight Alliance and our Ram students. Stop in, grab a bite to eat and say hello. The next one is December 4th. Thank you in advance.

"All 10th graders interested in taking the PLAN test should sign-up in guidance as soon as possible. The Plan test is a Pre-ACT test and costs $15."

RENAISSANCE ALERT: Renaissance students if…If…IF you plan on exempting from a Semester Test Final you must…Must…MUST have your ID Stamped no later than Friday, December 6th. Repeat: ID stamped no later than December 6th.


December 3rd ~ SCAD Savannah College Art & Design – 9:20

Monday, November 25, 2013

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Library will be closed today for ITP make-up testing.

Attention all Spanish, German and French club members! The pasta from the pasta fundraiser is finally here! Stop by the World Language Lab after school to pick up your order!

Wendy’s Community Day: The first Wednesday of each month at Wendy’s is Dubuque Senior Gay/Straight Alliance night. From the hours of 5 – 7 the Wendy’s on 16th and Kerper will donate 10% of all sales. This is a fantastic way to support Senior, the Gay/Straight Alliance and our Ram students. Stop in, grab a bite to eat and say hello. The next one is December 4th. Thank you in advance.

"All 10th graders interested in taking the PLAN test should sign-up in guidance as soon as possible. The Plan test is a Pre-ACT test and costs $15."

RENAISSANCE ALERT: Renaissance students if…If…IF you plan on exempting from a Semester Test Final you must…Must…MUST have your ID Stamped no later than Friday, December 6th. Repeat: ID stamped no later than December 6th.


December 3rd ~ SCAD Savannah College Art & Design – 9:20

Friday, November 22, 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Library will be closed Monday Nov 25 & Tuesday Nov 26 for ITP make-up testing.

Attention all Spanish, German and French club members! The pasta from the pasta fundraiser is finally here! Stop by the World Language Lab after school to pick up your order!

Wendy’s Community Day: The first Wednesday of each month at Wendy’s is Dubuque Senior Gay/Straight Alliance night. From the hours of 5 – 7 the Wendy’s on 16th and Kerper will donate 10% of all sales. This is a fantastic way to support Senior, the Gay/Straight Alliance and our Ram students. Stop in, grab a bite to eat and say hello. The next one is December 4th. Thank you in advance.

"All 10th graders interested in taking the PLAN test should sign-up in guidance as soon as possible. The Plan test is a Pre-ACT test and costs $15."

RENAISSANCE ALERT: Renaissance students if…If…IF you plan on exempting from a Semester Test Final you must…Must…MUST have your ID Stamped no later than Friday, December 6th. Repeat: ID stamped no later than December 6th.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Dubuque Senior High School will be hosting their 31st Annual Booster Club Holiday Auction and Bake Sale, Sunday, November 24th bake sale starting at noon with a live auction at 1:00. This will be held in the Senior Cafeteria. All proceeds will go to student activities and clubs.

RENAISSANCE ALERT: Renaissance students if…If…IF you plan on exempting from a Semester Test Final you must…Must…MUST have your ID Stamped no later than Friday, December 6th. Repeat: ID stamped no later than December 6th.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Just a reminder that all 9th thru 11th graders will be taking the Iowa Tests Tuesday and Wednesday! Let’s work hard and give it our best!

Athletes: If you are planning on signing letters of intent or scholarship offers to colleges next year, please stop by the Activities Office to discuss your signing date. We would like to coordinate as many people as possible on the same date. Stop by the Activities Office to coordinate your signing.

Dubuque Senior High Senior will be hosting their 31st Annual Booster Club Holiday Auction and Bake Sale, Sunday, November 24th bake sale starting at noon with a live auction at 1:00. This will be held in the Senior Cafeteria. All proceeds will go to student activities and clubs.

RENAISSANCE ALERT: Renaissance students if…If…IF you plan on exempting from a Semester Test Final you must…Must…MUST have your ID Stamped no later than Friday, December 6th. Repeat: ID stamped no later than December 6th.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Just a reminder that all 9th thru 11th graders will be taking the Iowa Tests Tuesday and Wednesday! Let’s work hard and give it our best!

Athletes: If you are planning on signing letters of intent or scholarship offers to colleges next year, please stop by the Activities Office to discuss your signing date. We would like to coordinate as many people as possible on the same date. Stop by the Activities Office to coordinate your signing.

Dubuque Senior High Senior will be hosting their 31st Annual Booster Club Holiday Auction and Bake Sale, Sunday, November 24th bake sale starting at noon with a live auction at 1:00. This will be held in the Senior Cafeteria. All proceeds will go to student activities and clubs.

Fall Sports Participants:

We would like each fall sports participant to take a few minutes to fill out a short on-line survey. The survey will be conducted in room A119 immediately after school. The survey is done electronically and will only take about 5-10 minutes to complete. Please stop by room A119 on the dates and times listed below to complete the survey.

Tuesday-Nov 19: 230 pm

RENAISSANCE ALERT: Renaissance students if…If…IF you plan on exempting from a Semester Test Final you must…Must…MUST have your ID Stamped no later than Friday, December 6th. Repeat: ID stamped no later than December 6th.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

Just a reminder that all 9th thru 11th graders will be taking the Iowa Tests Tuesday and Wednesday! Let’s work hard and give it our best!

Athletes: If you are planning on signing letters of intent or scholarship offers to colleges next year, please stop by the Activities Office to discuss your signing date. We would like to coordinate as many people as possible on the same date. Stop by the Activities Office to coordinate your signing.

NEIBA Honor Jazz Band: Congratulations go out to Missy Olivares on Trumpet, Jacob Wessels on Trombone and alternates Jack Zanger on Tenor Sax, and Jared Ensign on Trombone for being selected for the NEIBA Honor Jazz Band. They will be featured in concert on January 11, 2014 at Kennedy High School in Cedar Rapids. Congratulations to everyone on this honor!!!

Dubuque Senior High Senior will be hosting their 31st Annual Booster Club Holiday Auction and Bake Sale, Sunday, November 24th bake sale starting at noon with a live auction at 1:00. This will be held in the Senior Cafeteria. All proceeds will go to student activities and clubs.

Fall Sports Participants:

We would like each fall sports participant to take a few minutes to fill out a short on-line survey. The survey will be conducted in room A119 immediately after school. The survey is done electronically and will only take about 5-10 minutes to complete. Please stop by room A119 on the dates and times listed below to complete the survey.

Monday-Nov 18: 230 pm
Tuesday-Nov 19: 230 pm

Are you a junior or senior who still needs a lit credit? Want to try a mix of a regular classroom and online learning to prepare yourself for online classes in college? Or do you just want to be more independent with your learning? Talk to Mrs. Bontemps or your guidance counselor soon about enrolling in 6th Hour Blended Contemporary Literature for second semester!

RENAISSANCE ALERT: Renaissance students if…If…IF you plan on exempting from a Semester Test Final you must…Must…MUST have your ID Stamped no later than Friday, December 6th. Repeat: ID stamped no later than December 6th.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Friday, November 15, 2013

Athletes: If you are planning on signing letters of intent or scholarship offers to colleges next year, please stop by the Activities Office to discuss your signing date. We would like to coordinate as many people as possible on the same date. Stop by the Activities Office to coordinate your signing.

Interact Club will be providing Root Beer Floats and Sundaes during lunch TODAY! Please consider donating a $1.00. All proceeds will go to Andrew Jones and his family to help offset the cost for a new wheelchair for Andrew!!

Fall Sports Participants:  We would like each fall sports participant to take a few minutes to fill out a short on-line survey. The survey will be conducted in room A119 immediately after school. The survey is done electronically and will only take about 5-10 minutes to complete. Please stop by room A119 on the dates and times listed below to complete the survey.

Friday-Nov 15: 230 pm
Monday-Nov 18: 230 pm
Tuesday-Nov 19: 230 pm

Are you a junior or senior who still needs a lit credit? Want to try a mix of a regular classroom and online learning to prepare yourself for online classes in college? Or do you just want to be more independent with your learning? Talk to Mrs. Bontemps or your guidance counselor soon about enrolling in 6th Hour Blended Contemporary Literature for second semester!

RENAISSANCE ALERT: Renaissance students if…If…IF you plan on exempting from a Semester Test Final you must…Must…MUST have your ID Stamped no later than Friday, December 6th. Repeat: ID stamped no later than December 6th.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Athletes: If you are planning on signing letters of intent or scholarship offers to colleges next year, please stop by the Activities Office to discuss your signing date. We would like to coordinate as many people as possible on the same date. Stop by the Activities Office to coordinate your signing.

Cross country, middle and distance meeting Thursday.
Thursday  November 14th
Mr. Kilgores' room  2:40 pm

Interact Club will be providing Root Beer Floats and Sundaes during lunch on Thursday & Friday this week! Please consider donating a $1.00. All proceeds will go to Andrew Jones and his family to help offset the cost for a new wheelchair for Andrew!!

Fall Sports Participants:  We would like each fall sports participant to take a few minutes to fill out a short on-line survey. The survey will be conducted in room A119 immediately after school. The survey is done electronically and will only take about 5-10 minutes to complete. Please stop by room A119 on the dates and times listed below to complete the survey.

Thursday-Nov 14: 230 pm
Friday-Nov 15: 230 pm
Monday-Nov 18: 230 pm
Tuesday-Nov 19: 230 pm

Are you a junior or senior who still needs a lit credit? Want to try a mix of a regular classroom and online learning to prepare yourself for online classes in college? Or do you just want to be more independent with your learning? Talk to Mrs. Bontemps or your guidance counselor soon about enrolling in 6th Hour Blended Contemporary Literature for second semester!

Spanish Club will meet Thursday November 14 after school in room E-43 for a fall celebration. If you have still not paid your dues, make sure you bring your money to the meeting. Nos vemos pronto!

Get an Intramural Team together 3 v 3 Basketball.

When: Nov. 20th
Time: 7-9 p.m.  Where: Small Gym
No sign-up necessary. Faculty is encouraged to play. All you need is a team name and a captain.

RENAISSANCE ALERT: Renaissance students if…If…IF you plan on exempting from a Semester Test Final you must…Must…MUST have your ID Stamped no later than Friday, December 6th. Repeat: ID stamped no later than December 6th.

ATTENTION Men and Women Bowlers! Tryouts for the Men’s and Women’s Bowling team will be held on November 13th and 14th at Cherry Lanes at 2:30 both days. Make SURE you have all of your paperwork (physicals, contact info, and concussion form) turned in to the Activities Office BEFORE tryouts or you will NOT be allowed to try out.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Athletes: If you are planning on signing letters of intent or scholarship offers to colleges next year, please stop by the Activities Office to discuss your signing date. We would like to coordinate as many people as possible on the same date. Stop by the Activities Office to coordinate your signing.

Cross country, middle and distance meeting Thursday.
Thursday, November 14th
Mr. Kilgores' room, 2:40 pm

Interact Club will be providing Root Beer Floats and Sundaes during lunch on Thursday & Friday this week! Please consider donating a $1.00. All proceeds will go to Andrew Jones and his family to help offset the cost for a new wheelchair for Andrew!!

Fall Sports Participants:

We would like each fall sports participant to take a few minutes to fill out a short on-line survey. The survey will be conducted in room A119 immediately after school. The survey is done electronically and will only take about 5-10 minutes to complete. Please stop by room A119 on the dates and times listed below to complete the survey.

Wednesday-Nov 13: 12:15 pm
Thursday-Nov 14: 230 pm
Friday-Nov 15: 230 pm
Monday-Nov 18: 230 pm
Tuesday-Nov 19: 230 pm

Are you a junior or senior who still needs a lit credit? Want to try a mix of a regular classroom and online learning to prepare yourself for online classes in college? Or do you just want to be more independent with your learning? Talk to Mrs. Bontemps or your guidance counselor soon about enrolling in 6th Hour Blended Contemporary Literature for second semester!

Spanish Club will meet Thursday November 14 after school in room E-43 for a fall celebration. If you have still not paid your dues, make sure you bring your money to the meeting. Nos vemos pronto!

Get an Intramural Team together 3 v 3 Basketball.
When: Nov. 20th
Time: 7-9 p.m.
Where: Small Gym
No sign-up necessary. Faculty is encouraged to play. All you need is a team name and a captain.

RENAISSANCE ALERT: Renaissance students if…If…IF you plan on exempting from a Semester Test Final you must…Must…MUST have your ID Stamped no later than Friday, December 6th. Repeat: ID stamped no later than December 6th.

ATTENTION Men and Women Bowlers! Tryouts for the Men’s and Women’s Bowling team will be held on November 13th and 14th at Cherry Lanes at 2:30 both days. Make SURE you have all of your paperwork (physicals, contact info, and concussion form) turned in to the Activities Office BEFORE tryouts or you will NOT be allowed to try out.

November 13th ~ Luther College – 10:45

Friday, November 8, 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013

YMCA Child Care is looking for people to work in their child care centers before and after school. Monday through Fridays from 6:30 a.m. – 8:30a.m. or 3:00 – 6:00p.m. Excellent hours for you – no nights or weekends!! Contact Jennie Dalsing at the “Y” or stop in guidance for more info.

Are you a junior or senior who still needs a lit credit? Want to try a mix of a regular classroom and online learning to prepare yourself for online classes in college? Or do you just want to be more independent with your learning? Talk to Mrs. Bontemps or your guidance counselor soon about enrolling in 6th Hour Blended Contemporary Literature for second semester!

RENAISSANCE ALERT: Renaissance students if…If…IF you plan on exempting from a Semester Test Final you must…Must…MUST have your ID Stamped no later than Friday, December 6th. Repeat: ID stamped no later than December 6th.

Attention Student Athletes! The Men’s Basketball Check-In meeting is TODAY at 2:30 in the Activities Office and just a reminder that the Wrestling Check-In meeting is tomorrow at 2:30. Please make sure you have ALL required paperwork turned in at these times.

ATTENTION Men and Women Bowlers! Tryouts for the Men’s and Women’s Bowling team will be held on November 13th and 14th at Cherry Lanes at 2:30 both days. Make SURE you have all of your paperwork (physicals, contact info, and concussion form) turned in to the Activities Office BEFORE tryouts or you will NOT be allowed to try out.  Bowling will meet at 2:30 pm in the Cafeteria on Monday-Nov 11.

Hear ye, Hear ye, - Want a great way to make money while you serve ice cream and sing?? Apply at Cold Stone Creamery where they are looking for enthusiastic individuals to work evenings and weekends. More info, stop in guidance.


November 11th ~ Truman State University – 8:30
November 12th ~ Winona State – 1:30
November 13th ~ Luther College – 10:45

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013

NHS will meet on Friday, November 8th in the Auditorium during A/D study times.

Shout out to our three Color Guard soloists who competed in the ISDTA Solo competition this past weekend in Newton, Iowa. Maddy Rooney, Chamberlynn Donath, and Emily Schultz all finished with a division one rating. Emily also placed 2nd in the large school division out of forty competitors. Congratulations Ladies!

YMCA Child Care is looking for people to work in their child care centers before and after school. Monday through Fridays from 6:30 a.m. – 8:30a.m. or 3:00 – 6:00p.m. Excellent hours for you – no nights or weekends!! Contact Jennie Dalsing at the “Y” or stop in guidance for more info.

Are you a junior or senior who still needs a lit credit? Want to try a mix of a regular classroom and online learning to prepare yourself for online classes in college? Or do you just want to be more independent with your learning? Talk to Mrs. Bontemps or your guidance counselor soon about enrolling in 6th Hour Blended Contemporary Literature for second semester!

Congratulations to Michaela Williams, Aubrey Reinert and Kane Esser for each winning the Renaissance
Little Caesar pizza for the month November.

RENAISSANCE ALERT: Renaissance students if…If…IF you plan on exempting from a Semester Test Final you must…Must…MUST have your ID Stamped no later than Friday, December 6th. Repeat: ID stamped no later than December 6th.

Attention Student Athletes! Just a reminder that the Men’s Basketball Check-In meeting is Monday, November 11th at 2:30. Please make sure you have ALL required paperwork turned in at these times.

***Staring this Friday ROCK YOUR RAM FAM PRIDE!!!!***
Wear your Red and Blue Or senior apparel every Friday!! Let’s show our Ram Pride!!

ATTENTION Men and Women Bowlers! Tryouts for the Men’s and Women’s Bowling team will be held on November 13th and 14th at Cherry Lanes at 2:30 both days. Make SURE you have all of your paperwork (physicals, contact info, and concussion form) turned in to the Activities Office BEFORE tryouts or you will NOT be allowed to try out.

Any student going out for Bowling who has not done the Impact test needs to report to the Write Place, Friday 11/8 at 2:30.

Bowling will meet at 2:30 pm in the Cafeteria on Monday-Nov 11.

Hear ye, Hear ye, - Want a great way to make money while you serve ice cream and sing?? Apply at Cold Stone Creamery where they are looking for enthusiastic individuals to work evenings and weekends. More info, stop in guidance.

Job Opportunities: Timmerman’s Supper Club is looking for bussers and dishwashers (evenings and weekends). Best Buy is looking for a variety of part-time workers. Must be 16! If interested, apply at the store or stop in the guidance office for more information.

Club DSH Volleyball Club is hosting tryouts November 10th for all girls in 6th-12th grade. For more information please see Coach Tringale or Coach Barber!


November 11th ~ Truman State University – 8:30
November 12th ~ Winona State – 1:30
November 13th ~ Luther College – 10:45

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Thursday, November 7, 2013

NHS will meet on Friday, November 8th in the Auditorium during A/D study times.

Just a reminder that the Student Ambassador training will be held in the Auditorium tomorrow during 5th hour. Please plan on attending during the time slot you signed up for

Congratulations to Michaela Williams, Aubrey Reinert and Kane Esser for each winning the Renaissance
Little Caesar pizza for the month November.

RENAISSANCE ALERT: Renaissance students if…If…IF you plan on exempting from a Semester Test Final you must…Must…MUST have your ID Stamped no later than Friday, December 6th. Repeat: ID stamped no later than December 6th.

Attention Student Athletes! The Winter Cheerleader Check-In meeting is TODAY at 2:30 in the Activities Office and just a reminder that the Men’s Basketball Check-In meeting is next Monday at 2:30. Please make sure you have ALL required paperwork turned in at these times.

***Staring this Friday ROCK YOUR RAM FAM PRIDE!!!!***

Wear your Red and Blue Or senior apparel every Friday!! Let’s show our Ram Pride!!

ATTENTION Men and Women Bowlers! Tryouts for the Men’s and Women’s Bowling team will be held on November 13th and 14th at Cherry Lanes at 2:30 both days. Make SURE you have all of your paperwork (physicals, contact info, and concussion form) turned in to the Activities Office BEFORE tryouts or you will NOT be allowed to try out.

Any student going out for Bowling who has not done the Impact test needs to report to the Write Place, Friday 11/8 at 2:30. Bowling will meet at 2:30 pm in the Cafeteria on Monday-Nov 11.

Hear ye, Hear ye, - Want a great way to make money while you serve ice cream and sing?? Apply at Cold Stone Creamery where they are looking for enthusiastic individuals to work evenings and weekends. More info, stop in guidance.

Wrestling will have an informational meeting November 7th after school in room B-247 Mr. Weber's Room. Everyone who is planning to wrestle or just thinking about wrestling for the Rams should attend. Please see Coach Connolly if you have a scheduling conflict.

Job Opportunities: Timmerman’s Supper Club is looking for bussers and dishwashers (evenings and weekends). Best Buy is looking for a variety of part-time workers. Must be 16! If interested, apply at the store or stop in the guidance office for more information.

Club DSH Volleyball Club is hosting tryouts November 10th for all girls in 6th-12th grade. For more information please see Coach Tringale or Coach Barber!


November 7th ~ Central College – 9:20
UW Platteville – 10:15
November 8th ~ Ashford University – 8:30

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Congratulations to Michaela Williams, Aubrey Reinert and Kane Esser for each winning the Renaissance Little Caesar pizza for the month November.

RENAISSANCE ALERT: Renaissance students if…If…IF you plan on exempting from a Semester Test Final you must…Must…MUST have your ID Stamped no later than Friday, December 6th. Repeat: ID stamped no later than December 6th.

***Staring this Friday ROCK YOUR RAM FAM PRIDE!!!!***

Wear your Red and Blue Or senior apparel every Friday!! Let’s show our Ram Pride!!

Attention Student Athletes! The Men’s Swimming Check-In meeting is TODAY at 2:30 in the Activities Office and just a reminder that the Winter Cheerleader Check-In meeting is tomorrow at 2:30. Please make sure you have ALL required paperwork turned in at these times.

ATTENTION Men and Women Bowlers! Tryouts for the Men’s and Women’s Bowling team will be held on November 13th and 14th at Cherry Lanes at 2:30 both days. Make SURE you have all of your paperwork (physicals, contact info, and concussion form) turned in to the Activities Office BEFORE tryouts or you will NOT be allowed to try out.

Any student going out for Bowling who has not done the Impact test needs to report to the Write Place, Friday 11/8 at 2:30.

Hear ye, Hear ye, - Want a great way to make money while you serve ice cream and sing?? Apply at Cold Stone Creamery where they are looking for enthusiastic individuals to work evenings and weekends. More info, stop in guidance.

Wrestling will have an informational meeting November 7th after school in room B-247 Mr. Weber's Room. Everyone who is planning to wrestle or just thinking about wrestling for the Rams should attend. Please see Coach Connolly if you have a scheduling conflict.

Hey Students! Looking for a club to join? Seeking a direction in your life? Join Key Club! Meetings at 7:15 a.m. Thursdays in B241. We don’t make keys, we open doors. Happy Key Club Week!

SENIOR INTERACT CLUB: There will be an Interact Club meeting this Thursday, November 7th in the Auditorium. We hope to see all members there at 7:15a.m.!

Job Opportunities: Timmerman’s Supper Club is looking for bussers and dishwashers (evenings and weekends). Best Buy is looking for a variety of part-time workers. Must be 16! If interested, apply at the store or stop in the guidance office for more information.

Club DSH Volleyball Club is hosting tryouts November 10th for all girls in 6th-12th grade. For more information please see Coach Tringale or Coach Barber!

The Gay/Straight Alliance: meets every Thursday in room A117 after school at 2:20. GSA is a group of students here at Senior who promote diversity. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend a meeting. Hope to see you there. Any questions see Mrs. Wiederholt in room A117.

Wendy’s Community Day: The first Wednesday of each month at Wendy’s is Dubuque Senior Gay/Straight Alliance night. From the hours of 5 – 7 the Wendy’s on 16th and Kerper will donate 10% of all sales. This is a fantastic way to support Senior, the Gay/Straight Alliance and our Ram students. Stop in, grab a bite to eat and say hello. The next one is November 6th. Thank you in advance.

November 6th ~ Edgewood College – 10:15
November 7th ~ Central College – 9:20
UW Platteville – 10:15
November 8th ~ Ashford University – 8:30

Monday, November 4, 2013

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Congratulations to Michaela Williams, Aubrey Reinert and Kane Esser for each winning the Renaissance Little Caesar pizza for the month November.

RENAISSANCE ALERT: Renaissance students if…If…IF you plan on exempting from a Semester Test Final you must…Must…MUST have your ID Stamped no later than Friday, December 6th. Repeat: ID stamped no later than December 6th.

***Staring this Friday ROCK YOUR RAM FAM PRIDE!!!!***

Wear your Red and Blue Or senior apparel every Friday!! Let’s show our Ram Pride!!

ATTENTION Men and Women Bowlers! Tryouts for the Men’s and Women’s Bowling team will be held on November 13th and 14th at Cherry Lanes at 2:30 both days. Make SURE you have all of your paperwork (physicals, contact info, and concussion form) turned in to the Activities Office BEFORE tryouts or you will NOT be allowed to try out.

Any student going out for Bowling who has not done the Impact test needs to report to the Write Place, Friday 11/8 at 2:30.

Hey Students! Looking for a club to join? Seeking a direction in your life? Join Key Club! Meetings at 7:15 a.m. Thursdays in B241. We don’t make keys, we open doors. Happy Key Club Week!

SENIOR INTERACT CLUB: There will be an Interact Club meeting this Thursday, November 7th in the Auditorium. We hope to see all members there at 7:15a.m.!

Job Opportunities: Timmerman’s Supper Club is looking for bussers and dishwashers (evenings and weekends). Best Buy is looking for a variety of part-time workers. Must be 16! If interested, apply at the store or stop in the guidance office for more information.

Wrestling will have an informational meeting November 7th after school in room B-247 Mr. Weber's Room. Everyone who is planning to wrestle or just thinking about wrestling for the Rams should attend. Please see Coach Connolly if you have a scheduling conflict.

Attention Student Athletes! The Men’s and Women’s Bowling Check-In meeting is TODAY at 2:30 in the Activities Office and just a reminder that the Men’s Swimming Check-In meeting is tomorrow at 2:30. Please make sure you have ALL required paperwork turned in at these times.

Club DSH Volleyball Club is hosting tryouts November 10th for all girls in 6th-12th grade. For more information please see Coach Tringale or Coach Barber!

Job Opening at the Sisters of Saint Francis: Part time hours from 3-7p.m. Duties include preparing food trays with meals and delivering them to the residents. Great hours and pay! If interested apply at 3390 Windsor Ave. Stop in guidance for more info.

Swimming Informational Meeting: There will be an informational meeting for Men's Swimming Tuesday, November 5 after school in the cafeteria. All returning swimmers and anyone interested in joining the team should try to be at this meeting. If you are unable to attend or have any questions, please see Mr. Huff in B135 before or after school.

Dodgeball Anyone?? Get an Intramural Team together with an appropriate Team name and Team captain. There will be no sign up, just show up! All teams will play a minimum of two games. Faculty is encouraged to participate. 6 people per team.

When/Where: Wednesday, November 6th at 7:00pm in the small gym.  Hope to see you there!!
Any questions contact Mr. Blaser.

The Gay/Straight Alliance: meets every Thursday in room A117 after school at 2:20. GSA is a group of students here at Senior who promote diversity. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend a meeting. Hope to see you there. Any questions see Mrs. Wiederholt in room A117.

Wendy’s Community Day: The first Wednesday of each month at Wendy’s is Dubuque Senior Gay/Straight Alliance night. From the hours of 5 – 7 the Wendy’s on 16th and Kerper will donate 10% of all sales. This is a fantastic way to support Senior, the Gay/Straight Alliance and our Ram students. Stop in, grab a bite to eat and say hello. The next one is November 6th. Thank you in advance.

If you ordered a 2013 Yearbook last year and have not picked it up, please stop by the business office as soon as possible. Also, If you were on the waiting list or did not order one and are interested in purchasing a 2013 yearbook please stop by the business office.

November 6th ~ Edgewood College – 10:15

November 7th ~ Central College – 9:20

UW Platteville – 10:15

November 8th ~ Ashford University – 8:30

Friday, November 1, 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

Job Opportunities: Timmerman’s Supper Club is looking for bussers and dishwashers (evenings and weekends). Best Buy is looking for a variety of part-time workers. Must be 16! If interested, apply at the store or stop in the guidance office for more information.

Wrestling will have an informational meeting November 7th after school in room B-247 Mr. Weber's Room. Everyone who is planning to wrestle or just thinking about wrestling for the Rams should attend. Please see Coach Connolly if you have a scheduling conflict.

Attention Student Athletes! The Women’s Basketball Check-In meeting is TODAY at 2:30 in the Activities Office and just a reminder that the Men’s and Women’s Bowling Check-In meeting is tomorrow at 2:30. Please make sure you have ALL required paperwork turned in at these times.

Club DSH Volleyball Club is hosting tryouts November 3rd and November 10th for all girls in 6th-12th grade. For more information please see Coach Tringale or Coach Barber!

Job Opening at the Sisters of Saint Francis: Part time hours from 3-7p.m. Duties include preparing food trays with meals and delivering them to the residents. Great hours and pay! If interested apply at 3390 Windsor Ave. Stop in guidance for more info.

Swimming Informational Meeting: There will be an informational meeting for Men's Swimming Tuesday, November 5 after school in the cafeteria. All returning swimmers and anyone interested in joining the team should try to be at this meeting. If you are unable to attend or have any questions, please see Mr. Huff in B135 before or after school.

Dodgeball Anyone?? Get an Intramural Team together with an appropriate Team name and Team captain. There will be no sign up, just show up! All teams will play a minimum of two games. Faculty is encouraged to participate. 6 people per team.

When/Where: Wednesday, November 6th at 7:00pm in the small gym
Hope to see you there!!

Any questions contact Mr. Blaser.

The Gay/Straight Alliance: meets every Thursday in room A117 after school at 2:20. GSA is a group of students here at Senior who promote diversity. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend a meeting. Hope to see you there. Any questions see Mrs. Wiederholt in room A117.

Wendy’s Community Day: The first Wednesday of each month at Wendy’s is Dubuque Senior Gay/Straight Alliance night. From the hours of 5 – 7 the Wendy’s on 16th and Kerper will donate 10% of all sales. This is a fantastic way to support Senior, the Gay/Straight Alliance and our Ram students. Stop in, grab a bite to eat and say hello. The next one is November 6th. Thank you in advance.

If you ordered a 2013 Yearbook last year and have not picked it up, please stop by the business office as soon as possible. Also, If you were on the waiting list or did not order one and are interested in purchasing a 2013 yearbook please stop by the business office.


November 4th ~ St. Mary’s University (Winona) - 8:30
November 6th ~ Edgewood College – 10:15
November 7th ~ Central College – 9:20
UW Platteville – 10:15
November 8th ~ Ashford University – 8:30

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013

Job Opportunities: Timmerman’s Supper Club is looking for bussers and dishwashers (evenings and weekends). Best Buy is looking for a variety of part-time workers. Must be 16! If interested, apply at the store or stop in the guidance office for more information.

Good Luck to the Varsity Cheerleading Competition Team this weekend. They will be competing in the Iowa State Cheerleading Competition in Des Moines Iowa. Good Luck Girls!!
If you had your photo re-taken on October 3rd, you can pick up your new ID in the Activities Office.

Attention Student Athletes!

Are you participating in a Winter Sport? If so you will need to attend the following Check-In Meetings and either turn in all required paperwork or make sure what is on file is current. This is also the time to switch over your sport if you participated in a Fall Sport.

All Winter Sport Check-ins will be in the Activity Office on the following days:

Women’s Basketball – Monday, November 4th at 2:30
Men’s Bowling – Tuesday, November 5th at 2:30
Women’s Bowling – Tuesday, November 5th at 2:45
Men’s Swimming – Wednesday, November 6th at 2:30
Winter Cheerleaders – Thursday, November 7th at 2:30
Men’s Basketball – Monday, November 11th at 2:30
Wrestling – Tuesday, November 12th at 2:30

If you need any forms or have any questions, please stop in the Activities Office.

Club DSH Volleyball Club is hosting tryouts November 3rd and November 10th for all girls in 6th-12th grade. For more information please see Coach Tringale or Coach Barber!

Student Council would like to extend an invitation to the student body to help out cancer patients! They’re starting Covers of Comfort and need your help! They’re asking students to donate money or materials to help us make tie fleece blankets for adult cancer patients. If you’re interested, talk to your 5th hour teacher or StuCo representative.

WANT TO MAKE EXTRA MONEY?? Sundown is looking for seasonal workers – make $, and have fun at the same time. If interested, attend the Job Fair at Sundown on Saturday, Nov 2ndfrom 9am. -1:00 for more information, stop in the guidance office.

Job Opening at the Sisters of Saint Francis: Part time hours from 3-7p.m. Duties include preparing food trays with meals and delivering them to the residents. Great hours and pay! If interested apply at 3390 Windsor Ave. Stop in guidance for more info.

Swimming Informational Meeting: There will be an informational meeting for Men's Swimming Tuesday, November 5 after school in the cafeteria. All returning swimmers and anyone interested in joining the team should try to be at this meeting. If you are unable to attend or have any questions, please see Mr. Huff in B135 before or after school.

Dodgeball Anyone?? Get an Intramural Team together with an appropriate Team name and Team captain. There will be no sign up, just show up! All teams will play a minimum of two games. Faculty is encouraged to participate. 6 people per team.

When/Where: Wednesday, November 6th at 7:00pm in the small gym

Hope to see you there!!

Any questions contact Mr. Blaser.

The Gay/Straight Alliance: meets every Thursday in room A117 after school at 2:20. GSA is a group of students here at Senior who promote diversity. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend a meeting. Hope to see you there. Any questions see Mrs. Wiederholt in room A117.

Wendy’s Community Day: The first Wednesday of each month at Wendy’s is Dubuque Senior Gay/Straight Alliance night. From the hours of 5 – 7 the Wendy’s on 16th and Kerper will donate 10% of all sales. This is a fantastic way to support Senior, the Gay/Straight Alliance and our Ram students. Stop in, grab a bite to eat and say hello. The next one is November 6th. Thank you in advance.

If you ordered a 2013 Yearbook last year and have not picked it up, please stop by the business office as soon as possible. Also, If you were on the waiting list or did not order one and are interested in purchasing a 2013 yearbook please stop by the business office.

November 4th ~ St. Mary’s University (Winona) - 8:30
November 6th ~ Edgewood College – 10:15
November 7th ~ Central College – 9:20
UW Platteville – 10:15
November 8th ~ Ashford University – 8:30

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Thursday, October 31, 2013

This is a reminder, as the weather gets colder you must have on a jacket or sweatshirt and pants (no short allowed) in order to be out in the courtyard before school.

Good Luck to the Varsity Cheerleading Competition Team this weekend. They will be competing in the Iowa State Cheerleading Competition in Des Moines Iowa. Good Luck Girls!!

If you had your photo re-taken on October 3rd, you can pick up your new ID in the Activities Office.

Attention Student Athletes!

Are you participating in a Winter Sport? If so you will need to attend the following Check-In Meetings and either turn in all required paperwork or make sure what is on file is current. This is also the time to switch over your sport if you participated in a Fall Sport.

All Winter Sport Check-ins will be in the Activity Office on the following days:

 Women’s Basketball – Monday, November 4th at 2:30

Men’s Bowling – Tuesday, November 5th at 2:30

Women’s Bowling – Tuesday, November 5th at 2:45

Men’s Swimming – Wednesday, November 6th at 2:30

Winter Cheerleaders – Thursday, November 7th at 2:30

Men’s Basketball – Monday, November 11th at 2:30

Wrestling – Tuesday, November 12th at 2:30

If you need any forms or have any questions, please stop in the Activities Office.

Club DSH Volleyball Club is hosting tryouts November 3rd and November 10th for all girls in 6th-12th grade. For more information please see Coach Tringale or Coach Barber!

Student Council would like to extend an invitation to the student body to help out cancer patients! They’re starting Covers of Comfort and need your help! They’re asking students to donate money or materials to help us make tie fleece blankets for adult cancer patients. If you’re interested, talk to your 5th hour teacher or StuCo representative.

WANT TO MAKE EXTRA MONEY?? Sundown is looking for seasonal workers – make $, and have fun at the same time. If interested, attend the Job Fair at Sundown on Saturday, Nov 2ndfrom 9am. -1:00 for more information, stop in the guidance office.

Job Opening at the Sisters of Saint Francis: Part time hours from 3-7p.m. Duties include preparing food trays with meals and delivering them to the residents. Great hours and pay! If interested apply at 3390 Windsor Ave. Stop in guidance for more info.

Swimming Informational Meeting: There will be an informational meeting for Men's Swimming Tuesday, November 5 after school in the cafeteria. All returning swimmers and anyone interested in joining the team should try to be at this meeting. If you are unable to attend or have any questions, please see Mr. Huff in B135 before or after school.

Attention Girls Basketball Players: Any girl that plans to play basketball this season needs to attend a short informational meeting on Thursday, October 31st at 2:35 in B149. If you cannot attend the meeting, please contact either Coach Allee or Coach Oxley.

Dodgeball Anyone?? Get an Intramural Team together with an appropriate Team name and Team captain. There will be no sign up, just show up! All teams will play a minimum of two games. Faculty is encouraged to participate. 6 people per team.

When/Where: Wednesday, November 6th at 7:00pm in the small gym

Hope to see you there!!

Any questions contact Mr. Blaser.

Senior Student Council will be having their annual blood drive on November 1st. You must be 16 years or older. Pick up your permission slip in the cafeteria. Get free food and save up to 3 lives. Spread the word and lets all donate.

The Gay/Straight Alliance: meets every Thursday in room A117 after school at 2:20. GSA is a group of students here at Senior who promote diversity. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend a meeting. Hope to see you there. Any questions see Mrs. Wiederholt in room A117.

Wendy’s Community Day: The first Wednesday of each month at Wendy’s is Dubuque Senior Gay/Straight Alliance night. From the hours of 5 – 7 the Wendy’s on 16th and Kerper will donate 10% of all sales. This is a fantastic way to support Senior, the Gay/Straight Alliance and our Ram students. Stop in, grab a bite to eat and say hello. The next one is November 6th. Thank you in advance.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

This is a reminder, as the weather gets colder you must have on a jacket or sweatshirt and pants (no short allowed) in order to be out in the courtyard before school.

Good Luck to the Varsity Cheerleading Competition Team this weekend. They will be competing in the Iowa State Cheerleading Competition in Des Moines Iowa. Good Luck Girls!!

If you had your photo re-taken on October 3rd, you can pick up your new ID in the Activities Office.

Student Council would like to extend an invitation to the student body to help out cancer patients! They’re starting Covers of Comfort and need your help! They’re asking students to donate money or materials to help us make tie fleece blankets for adult cancer patients. If you’re interested, talk to your 5th hour teacher or StuCo representative.

WANT TO MAKE EXTRA MONEY?? Sundown is looking for seasonal workers – make $, and have fun at the same time. If interested, attend the Job Fair at Sundown on Saturday, Nov 2ndfrom 9am. -1:00 for more information, stop in the guidance office.

Job Opening at the Sisters of Saint Francis: Part time hours from 3-7p.m. Duties include preparing food trays with meals and delivering them to the residents. Great hours and pay! If interested apply at 3390 Windsor Ave. Stop in guidance for more info.

Swimming Informational Meeting: There will be an informational meeting for Men's Swimming Tuesday, November 5 after school in the cafeteria. All returning swimmers and anyone interested in joining the team should try to be at this meeting. If you are unable to attend or have any questions, please see Mr. Huff in B135 before or after school.

Attention Girls Basketball Players: Any girl that plans to play basketball this season needs to attend a short informational meeting on Thursday, October 31st at 2:35 in B149. If you cannot attend the meeting, please contact either Coach Allee or Coach Oxley.

Hoopfest 3-on-3: Get your 3 – on – 3 Basketball Team Together! The 11th Annual Tristate 3 – on – 3 Hoopfest will be on Saturday, November 2nd in Nora Gymnasium. Boys in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 can put their team together and compete for individual trophies. All players will receive an official Hoopfest t-shirt. Coach Eimers for an entry form. Cost is $15 per player. Deadline to entry your team is Tuesday October 29th.

SENIOR BOYS BASKETBALL INFORMAION MEETING: On Wednesday, October 30th, boys planning on going out for the Freshman, Sophomore, or Varsity Basketball team need to attend an information meeting in the LRC at 2:30. Information will be given out to all athletes for the upcoming season. See Coach Eimers if you have questions.

Dodgeball Anyone?? Get an Intramural Team together with an appropriate Team name and Team captain. There will be no sign up, just show up! All teams will play a minimum of two games. Faculty is encouraged to participate. 6 people per team.

When/Where: Wednesday, November 6th at 7:00pm in the small gym

Hope to see you there!!

Any questions contact Mr. Blaser.

Senior Student Council will be having their annual blood drive on November 1st. You must be 16 years or older. Pick up your permission slip in the cafeteria. Get free food and save up to 3 lives. Spread the word and lets all donate.

The Gay/Straight Alliance: meets every Thursday in room A117 after school at 2:20. GSA is a group of students here at Senior who promote diversity. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend a meeting. Hope to see you there. Any questions see Mrs. Wiederholt in room A117.

Wendy’s Community Day: The first Wednesday of each month at Wendy’s is Dubuque Senior Gay/Straight Alliance night. From the hours of 5 – 7 the Wendy’s on 16th and Kerper will donate 10% of all sales. This is a fantastic way to support Senior, the Gay/Straight Alliance and our Ram students. Stop in, grab a bite to eat and say hello. The next one is November 6th. Thank you in advance.


October 30th ~ Iowa Central – 8:30

October 31st ~ Cornell College – 10:15