Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY WEEK REMINDER: We will have a normal schedule TODAY. No school on Thursday and Friday……HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

DENTAL SCREENING: On December 18th, all 9th graders who have not turned in a valid dental screening certificate to the nurse’s office will be screened by dental hygienists from the VNA. The screenings will take place in the back of guidance and will take only a few minutes for each student. No instruments will be used for the screenings. The nurse’s office will let teachers know what students will be involved in this screening.

UPPER ROOM MEETING: We will meet TODAY at 7 am in the gym lobby. Come early for a game and treats!

RENAISSANCE ALERT: if…If…IF you plan on exempting from a Semester Test Final you must…Must…MUST have your ID Stamped no later than Friday, November 30th. Repeat: IDs needs to be stamped no later than November 30th. Please stop in the AP office TODAY!

JOB OPPORTUNITY: Employment opportunity at Moracco Supper Club. Currently looking for kitchen help - dishwashers and busing tables. Will hire individuals ages 15 and up. If interested, stop in guidance.

JOB OPPORTUNITY: JIMMY JOHNS is opening a new store downtown and looking for young, ambitious people to hire! Need part time workers for delivery, sandwich makers, and order takers. If interested, stop in guidance or check out bulletin board by guidance.

GSA MEETING: The GSA will be meeting every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. The meetings are @ 2:20pm in room A117. Everyone is welcome. If you have any questions see Mrs. Wiederholt in room A117.

29th- Monmouth College - 1:30 p.m.