Monday, February 14, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

ATTENTION SENIORS: Looking for scholarship monies….please come to the School Counseling Office to pick up your “Senior Application” for this year’s Awards Assembly. The return deadline for the Senior Applications is Monday February 28th, 2011. If you have questions, please see Ms. Lawrence.

NICC DRIVERS EDUCATION: Forms available in the business office, main office, and guidance.
March 21 - May 19, 2011 March 21 – May 19, 2011
6:00 - 7:30 a.m. 2:40 – 4:40 p.m.

CHANGE OF DATE: There is a change in date for the Intramural Dodgeball Tournament. It will be held on Thursday, Feb. 17th at 6pm instead of Wed. Please turn your teams of 6 into Ms.Borgwardt or Mr.White as soon as possible.

RAM WOMENS FRESHMAN TRACK AND FIELD: There will be a brief organizational meeting Thursday, Feb. 17th at 2:30 in room A119 for all freshman girls interested in competing Track this spring. If you have any questions see Coach Murphy or Ward.

COLLEGE VISITS FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY: To be held in the Guidance Office.

16th - Salon Professional Academy I.C. – 12:45 p.m.
22nd – Kirkwood CC – 10:15 a.m.
22nd - Hawkeye CC – 12:45 p.m.


Period 1 7:40-8:11
Period 2 8:16-8:47
Period 3 8:52-9:23
Period 4 9:28-9:59

Assembly 10:04-11:34
A 11:39-12:05
B 12:00-12:26
C 12:21-12:47
D 12:42- 1:08

Period 5 11:39-1:13
Period 6 1:18-1:49
Period 7 1:54-2:20