FYI: The boys golf team got second place in a golf meet on Thursday at Gardner Golf Course in Cedar Rapids. Connor Grant and Josh Weeber were medalists at the meet with the best score of a 39. The other low scores for the
Rams were Quinn Dawson-43, Kyle Leytem and Chris Foley each had a 44. Senior recorded a 165 for their lowest meet score of the season.
STUDENT COUNCIL ELECTIONS: Student council will be holding elections for seven spots for 9th graders and 2 opens spots for 12th graders. An informational meeting will be held in A219 on Tuesday, September 14th at 7:15, during "A" and "D" study, and at 2:25. Please consider joining us.
HOMECOMING T-SHIRTS: Anyone who ordered a homecoming t-shirt at registration, shirts will be in the Stu. Co. Zone the middle of next week. Staff, we will put shirts in your mailboxes. Shirts can be ordered until Friday, Sept. 10th for $10(both adult and child sizes). Anyone who ordered past registration will be considered a part of the second order. The second order of shirts will be in approximately the last week in September. Thanks.
WINDOW PAINTING: It’s that time of year again. Homecoming 2010 is right around the corner. So it is time to organize our annual window painting and we would like to welcome your group to come and customize a window here at senior on Saturday, September 25th starting at 8 am and going until noon. Supplies will be provided by us. You can however donate liquid dish soap and/or your own paint brushes; however, these are not required, and will be provided by Senior’s student council. If you have questions please see Molly Anderson or Angie Wessels
KEY CLUB: Key Club will meet Tuesday morning at 7:15 in room B241. Come help us plan the MORP freshman dance and get involved in community events.
TRIP: Costa Rica - There will be an informational meeting on Sept. 9 at 7:00 in B-149 for any students that are enrolled in Marine Biology class last year and this year. The meeting will go over the trip costs, time, itinerary and other important information. If interested bring your parents. Any Questions see Mr. Duclos