Monday, December 14, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

COLLEGE VISIT: Emmaus Bible College will be here TODAY at 12:45 p.m. in the Guidance Center.

CLOTHING FOR SALE: Just in time for Christmas. The Ram Booster Club ladies will be here Tuesday through Friday at all lunches to sell Ram clothing and other Senior items. This will also be a great time for 2nd semester Wellness
students to purchase T-shirts and shorts for class.

BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS: Any student who wants to attend State Business Professionals competition in Cedar Rapids, must turn in practice tests by noon on Friday, December 18, in order to be eligible for state. Please see Mrs. Geraghty in A109 if you have any questions.

PLAN TEST: Attention all sophomores: If you signed up for the PLAN Test it has been rescheduled for Wednesday December 16th starting at 7:35am in the small gym.

PSAT TESTING: Attention Juniors: If you are one of the juniors who took the PSAT test, please report to the auditorium Wednesday 16th during your 5th period study time to receive your test results.

READ FOR THE HOLIDAYS: During this busy time of year, set aside some time to enjoy a good book. To get you started, the Library will be giving away four $25 Mall gift certificates to students. Every time you check out a fiction book from the Library, you will receive 1 entry for the drawing. The contest began Monday November 23rd and ends Thursday December 17th. Winners will be announced Friday December 18th. Now would be a great time to read a book!


1st - 7:40 - 8:16
2nd - 8:21 - 8:57
3rd - 9:02 - 9:38
4th - 9:43 - 10:19
6th - 10:24 - 10:59
5th - 11:04 - 12:38 Lunches will run on the same schedule as usual
7th - 12:43 - 1:15