Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

There will be a Men’s Cross Country meeting Thursday June 2nd 2:45 Coach Kilgore's room D153. This is a sign-up meeting for Men's cross country and summer running. Please attend if you plan to run cross country in the fall.

All WELLNESS lockers must be cleaned out by Friday, June 3rd. All locks must be returned to Ms. Ovsak or Ms. Riley. If you have lost your lock, there will be a $5 fee charged.

Attention Junior's:
If your name was not drawn in the parking Lottery and you would like a parking spot for the Lower Lot, please sign up in the AP Office. Note: 2016-17 Senior’s who purchase Lower Lot stickers will be the FIRST to move up to the Upper Lot as space becomes available.

Attention Sophomores:
Parking in the LOWER Lot for the 2016-17 school will be done by a lottery drawing. If you will be a Junior and are interested in a chance to park in the lot, please stop in the AP office to sign up no later than June 1st. The winners from the drawing will be notified.

AP Human Geography
classes are organizing a project to help reduce the amount of waste generated in Our House. R4, Rams Reduce Reuse Recycle is a program for students to donate used school supplies that are still in good shape. REUSE boxes are in most classrooms, the Counseling Office, and the Library. Supplies will be redistributed at registration this fall to students who can use them. Thanks for helping our fellow Rams and making Senior a greener school!

Sophomores & Juniors: Interested in Computer Programming? NICC will be offering a CODING BOOTCAMP course this summer beginning at the end of JUNE. You must be entering 11th or 12th grade in the FALL of 2016. Registration Deadline is June 17th! Stop in the School Counseling Office if you would like information on how to register!

The Senior Choirs are now auditioning students for next year's ensembles. Do you have friends who sing? Did you sing in another school or ensemble? If so, we want you in our program! The Music Department will be taking a spring break trip to Boston and/or New York City in 2017. What a great way to see the country. Grab some friends to audition with you, the more the merrier, and see Mr. Marple in B51. For those thinking that they can't sing very well, there is absolutely no experience necessary. You don't take calculus because you've already mastered calculus. Ask a friend in a music ensemble to help you find the Choir Room and start your musical journey at Senior.

All students signed up to take AP Literature next year need to attend an informational meeting in the library TODAY at 2:30. You will be receiving summer reading materials at this meeting, so it is import that you attend.


Did you miss out on the opportunity to purchase a pair of cool RAMS Elite socks from the men’s tennis team? Guess what? There are some extras for you to buy – AND they’re only $15!! Sizes are limited and they are first-come, first-serve (no holds please). Stop in the Activities Office TODAY to pick up your pair!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The following track and field athletes need to turn in their uniform to a track and field coach or activities office.

Chris Chapman
Tristan Dirth
Guy Gard
Andrew Grawe - Jacket
Cal Gukeisen
Jalen Hildebrand - Jacket
Rory Larsen - Jacket
Travis LeGrand
Aaron Locher
Tony OsterKamp
Alex Richard
Max Steinhauser
Dalton Zenner

Attention Junior's: If your name was not drawn in the parking Lottery and you would like a parking spot for the Lower Lot, please sign up in the AP Office. Note: 2016-17 Senior’s who purchase Lower Lot stickers will be the FIRST to move up to the Upper Lot as space becomes available.

Attention Sophomores: Parking in the LOWER Lot for the 2016-17 school will be done by a lottery drawing. If you will be a Junior and are interested in a chance to park in the lot, please stop in the AP office to sign up no later than June 1st. The winners from the drawing will be notified.

AP Human Geography classes are organizing a project to help reduce the amount of waste generated in Our House. R4, Rams Reduce Reuse Recycle is a program for students to donate used school supplies that are still in good shape. REUSE boxes are in most classrooms, the Counseling Office, and the Library. Supplies will be redistributed at registration this fall to students who can use them. Thanks for helping our fellow Rams and making Senior a greener school!

Sophomores & Juniors: Interested in Computer Programming? NICC will be offering a CODING BOOTCAMP course this summer beginning at the end of JUNE. You must be entering 11th or 12th grade in the FALL of 2016. Registration Deadline is June 17th! Stop in the School Counseling Office if you would like information on how to register!

The Senior Choirs are now auditioning students for next year's ensembles. Do you have friends who sing? Did you sing in another school or ensemble? If so, we want you in our program! The Music Department will be taking a spring break trip to Boston and/or New York City in 2017. What a great way to see the country. Grab some friends to audition with you, the more the merrier, and see Mr. Marple in B51. For those thinking that they can't sing very well, there is absolutely no experience necessary. You don't take calculus because you've already mastered calculus. Ask a friend in a music ensemble to help you find the Choir Room and start your musical journey at Senior.

All students signed up to take AP Literature next year need to attend an informational meeting in the library tomorrow, June 1st at 2:30. You will be receiving summer reading materials at this meeting, so it is import that you attend.


Did you miss out on the opportunity to purchase a pair of cool RAMS Elite socks from the men’s tennis team? Guess what? There are some extras for you to buy – AND they’re only $15!! Sizes are limited and they are first-come, first-serve (no holds please). Stop in the Activities Office TODAY to pick up your pair!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Attention Juniors: If you signed up for the parking lottery for the 2016-17 school the winners will be posted outside the AP office by noon today. If your name was not drawn and would like a spot in the lower lot please stop in the AP office to sign up.

Attention Sophomores: Parking in the LOWER Lot for the 2016-17 school will be done by a lottery drawing. If you will be a Junior and are interested in a chance to park in the lot, please stop in the AP office to sign up no later than June 1st. The winners from the drawing will be notified.

ATTENTION ALL FRESHMAN SOPHOMORES AND JUNIORS.   Please take the time to vote for your 2016/17 student council candidates! You can find the link and the candidate videos on the senior home page. Voting ends Friday may 27th at the end of 5th hour!

Respect Retreat--If you are a current 10th or 11th grader interested in being a student leader for the 9th grade Respect Retreat, you must stop in the AP office before the end of the school year to get signed up for Remind messages and order a t-shirt if you need one. Please see Mrs. Brokus if you have any questions.

AP Human Geography classes are organizing a project to help reduce the amount of waste generated in Our House. R4, Rams Reduce Reuse Recycle is a program for students to donate used school supplies that are still in good shape. REUSE boxes are in most classrooms, the Counseling Office, and the Library. Supplies will be redistributed at registration this fall to students who can use them. Thanks for helping our fellow Rams and making Senior a greener school!

Sophomores & Juniors: Interested in Computer Programming? NICC will be offering a CODING BOOTCAMP course this summer beginning at the end of JUNE. You must be entering 11th or 12th grade in the FALL of 2016. Registration Deadline is June 17th! Stop in the School Counseling Office if you would like information on how to register!

The Senior Choirs are now auditioning students for next year's ensembles. Do you have friends who sing? Did you sing in another school or ensemble? If so, we want you in our program! The Music Department will be taking a spring break trip to Boston and/or New York City in 2017. What a great way to see the country. Grab some friends to audition with you, the more the merrier, and see Mr. Marple in B51. For those thinking that they can't sing very well, there is absolutely no experience necessary. You don't take calculus because you've already mastered calculus. Ask a friend in a music ensemble to help you find the Choir Room and start your musical journey at Senior.

If you are planning on taking AP Chemistry next year, there will be an introductory meeting after school TODAY in room B241. At this meeting students will be able to pick up their text books as well as the summer assignments. If you cannot make it to the meeting, please see Mr. Gates

All students signed up to take AP Literature next year need to attend an informational meeting in the library on Wednesday, June 1st at 2:30. You will be receiving summer reading materials at this meeting, so it is import that you attend.


Did you miss out on the opportunity to purchase a pair of cool RAMS Elite socks from the men’s tennis team? Guess what? There are some extras for you to buy – AND they’re only $15!! Sizes are limited and they are first-come, first-serve (no holds please). Stop in the Activities Office TODAY to pick up your pair!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

During second semester, senior NHS members completed over 1,641 hours of service for our school and community! Thank you, seniors of the good things you have done!

All junior NHS members should attend a meeting during D study today in the Orchestra Room. Please see Mrs. Fischer if you cannot attend.

Respect Retreat--If you are a current 10th or 11th grader interested in being a student leader for the 9th grade Respect Retreat, you must stop in the AP office before the end of the school year to get signed up for Remind messages and order a t-shirt if you need one. Please see Mrs. Brokus if you have any questions.

ATTENTION ALL FRESHMAN SOPHOMORES AND JUNIORS. Please take the time to vote for your 2016/17 student council candidates! You can find the link and the candidate videos on the senior home page. Voting ends Friday May 27th at the end of 5th hour!

AP Human Geography classes are organizing a project to help reduce the amount of waste generated in Our House. R4, Rams Reduce Reuse Recycle is a program for students to donate used school supplies that are still in good shape. REUSE boxes are in most classrooms, the Counseling Office, and the Library. Supplies will be redistributed at registration this fall to students who can use them. Thanks for helping our fellow Rams and making Senior a greener school!

Sophomores & Juniors: Interested in Computer Programming? NICC will be offering a CODING BOOTCAMP course this summer beginning at the end of JUNE. You must be entering 11th or 12th grade in the FALL of 2016. Registration Deadline is June 17th! Stop in the School Counseling Office if you would like information on how to register!

The Senior Choirs
are now auditioning students for next year's ensembles. Do you have friends who sing? Did you sing in another school or ensemble? If so, we want you in our program! The Music Department will be taking a spring break trip to Boston and/or New York City in 2017. What a great way to see the country. Grab some friends to audition with you, the more the merrier, and see Mr. Marple in B51. For those thinking that they can't sing very well, there is absolutely no experience necessary. You don't take calculus because you've already mastered calculus. Ask a friend in a music ensemble to help you find the Choir Room and start your musical journey at Senior.

If you are planning on taking AP Chemistry next year, there will be an introductory meeting after school Tomorrow, Thursday the 26th in room B241. At this meeting students will be able to pick up their text books as well as the summer assignments. If you cannot make it to the meeting, please see Mr. Gates

All students signed up to take AP Literature next year need to attend an informational meeting in the library on Wednesday, June 1st at 2:30. You will be receiving summer reading materials at this meeting, so it is import that you attend.

The meeting for next year's AP Language and Composition students will be held TONIGHT at 2:30 in the library. Come for a short meeting to get the summer reading materials and meet Mrs. Koch.


Did you miss out on the opportunity to purchase a pair of cool RAMS Elite socks from the men’s tennis team? Guess what? There are some extras for you to buy – AND they’re only $15!! Sizes are limited and they are first-come, first-serve (no holds please). Stop in the Activities Office TODAY to pick up your pair!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

AP Human Geography classes are organizing a project to help reduce the amount of waste generated in Our House. R4, Rams Reduce Reuse Recycle is a program for students to donate used school supplies that are still in good shape. REUSE boxes are in most classrooms, the Counseling Office, and the Library. Supplies will be redistributed at registration this fall to students who can use them. Thanks for helping our fellow Rams and making Senior a greener school!

Sophomores & Juniors:
Interested in Computer Programming? NICC will be offering a CODING BOOTCAMP course this summer beginning at the end of JUNE. You must be entering 11th or 12th grade in the FALL of 2016. Registration Deadline is June 17th! Stop in the School Counseling Office if you would like information on how to register!

The Senior Choirs are now auditioning students for next year's ensembles. Do you have friends who sing? Did you sing in another school or ensemble? If so, we want you in our program! The Music Department will be taking a spring break trip to Boston and/or New York City in 2017. What a great way to see the country. Grab some friends to audition with you, the more the merrier, and see Mr. Marple in B51. For those thinking that they can't sing very well, there is absolutely no experience necessary. You don't take calculus because you've already mastered calculus. Ask a friend in a music ensemble to help you find the Choir Room and start your musical journey at Senior.

If you are planning on taking AP Chemistry next year, there will be an introductory meeting after school on Thursday the 26th in room B241. At this meeting students will be able to pick up their text books as well as the summer assignments. If you cannot make it to the meeting, please see Mr. Gates

All students signed up to take AP Literature next year need to attend an informational meeting in the library on Wednesday, June 1st at 2:30. You will be receiving summer reading materials at this meeting, so it is import that you attend.

There will be a mandatory contract wellness meeting on Wednesday, 25th at 7:00 am in Nora gym. Be dressed for physical activity to do our fitness testing. If you have questions, contact Mrs. Riley.

Football Meeting:
There will be a meeting after school Monday, May 23rd in NORA Gym. Anyone interested in playing or helping out as a manager should attend. We will cover summer workouts and fall schedule. Please let Coach Ploessl know if you cannot make it.

Attention Juniors: Parking in the lot for the 2016-17 school will be done by a lottery drawing. If you will be a senior and are interested in a chance to park in the lot, please stop in the AP office to sign up no later than May 25th. The winners from the drawing will be notified.

The meeting for next year's AP Language and Composition students will be held on Wednesday, March 25th at 2:30 in the library. Come for a short meeting to get the summer reading materials and meet Mrs. Koch.

Model UN will have their final meeting of the school year on Friday, May 20th at 8:15 am in B139. Current members, including seniors, and anyone interested in joining for next year should attend.

Did you miss out on the opportunity to purchase a pair of cool RAMS Elite socks from the men’s tennis team? Guess what? There are some extras for you to buy – AND they’re only $15!! Sizes are limited and they are first-come, first-serve (no holds please). Stop in the Activities Office TODAY to pick up your pair!

Friday, May 20, 2016

Monday, May 23, 2016

The Senior Choirs are now auditioning students for next year's ensembles. Do you have friends who sing? Did you sing in another school or ensemble? If so, we want you in our program! The Music Department will be taking a spring break trip to Boston and/or New York City in 2017. What a great way to see the country. Grab some friends to audition with you, the more the merrier, and see Mr. Marple in B51. For those thinking that they can't sing very well, there is absolutely no experience necessary. You don't take calculus because you've already mastered calculus. Ask a friend in a music ensemble to help you find the Choir Room and start your musical journey at Senior.

The following Renaissance students have each won a Burrito from Pancheros. Congratulations to Brennon Becker (9), Angelo Romano (10), Chase Guerdet (11) and Augustine Zuccaro (12) please stop by the AP office to pick up your gift certificate to Panchero.

If you are planning on taking AP Chemistry next year, there will be an introductory meeting after school on Thursday the 26th in room B241. At this meeting students will be able to pick up their text books as well as the summer assignments. If you cannot make it to the meeting, please see Mr. Gates

All students signed up to take AP Literature next year need to attend an informational meeting in the library on Wednesday, June 1st at 2:30. You will be receiving summer reading materials at this meeting, so it is import that you attend.

There will be a mandatory contract wellness meeting on Wednesday, 25th at 7:00 am in Nora gym. Be dressed for physical activity to do our fitness testing. If you have questions, contact Mrs. Riley.

Football Meeting: There will be a meeting after school Monday, May 23rd in NORA Gym. Anyone interested in playing or helping out as a manager should attend. We will cover summer workouts and fall schedule. Please let Coach Ploessl know if you cannot make it.

Attention Juniors: Parking in the lot for the 2016-17 school will be done by a lottery drawing. If you will be a senior and are interested in a chance to park in the lot, please stop in the AP office to sign up no later than May 25th. The winners from the drawing will be notified.

The meeting for next year's AP Language and Composition students will be held on Wednesday, March 25th at 2:30 in the library. Come for a short meeting to get the summer reading materials and meet Mrs. Koch.

Model UN will have their final meeting of the school year on Friday, May 20th at 8:15 am in B139. Current members, including seniors, and anyone interested in joining for next year should attend.


Did you miss out on the opportunity to purchase a pair of cool RAMS Elite socks from the men’s tennis team? Guess what? There are some extras for you to buy – AND they’re only $15!! Sizes are limited and they are first-come, first-serve (no holds please). Stop in the Activities Office TODAY to pick up your pair!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Friday, May 20, 2016

It is Burrito Friday! The following Renaissance students have each won a Burrito from Pancheros. Congratulations to Brennon Becker (9), Angelo Romano (10), Chase Guerdet (11) and Augustine Zuccaro (12) please stop by the AP office to pick up your gift certificate to Panchero.

If you are planning on taking AP Chemistry next year, there will be an introductory meeting after school on Thursday the 26th in room B241. At this meeting students will be able to pick up their text books as well as the summer assignments. If you cannot make it to the meeting, please see Mr. Gates

All students signed up to take AP Literature next year need to attend an informational meeting in the library on Wednesday, June 1st at 2:30. You will be receiving summer reading materials at this meeting, so it is import that you attend.

There will be a mandatory contract wellness meeting on Wednesday, 25th at 7:00 am in Nora gym. Be dressed for physical activity to do our fitness testing. If you have questions, contact Mrs. Riley.

Football Meeting: There will be a meeting after school Monday, May 23rd in NORA Gym. Anyone interested in playing or helping out as a manager should attend. We will cover summer workouts and fall schedule. Please let Coach Ploessl know if you cannot make it.

Attention Juniors: Parking in the lot for the 2016-17 school will be done by a lottery drawing. If you will be a senior and are interested in a chance to park in the lot, please stop in the AP office to sign up no later than May 25th. The winners from the drawing will be notified.

The meeting for next year's AP Language and Composition students will be held on Wednesday, March 25th at 2:30 in the library. Come for a short meeting to get the summer reading materials and meet Mrs. Koch.

Model UN will have their final meeting of the school year on Friday, May 20th at 8:15 am in B139. Current members, including seniors, and anyone interested in joining for next year should attend.


Did you miss out on the opportunity to purchase a pair of cool RAMS Elite socks from the men’s tennis team? Guess what? There are some extras for you to buy – AND they’re only $15!! Sizes are limited and they are first-come, first-serve (no holds please). Stop in the Activities Office TODAY to pick up your pair!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Thursday, May 19, 2016

All students signed up to take AP Literature next year need to attend an informational meeting in the library on Wednesday, June 1st at 2:30. You will be receiving summer reading materials at this meeting, so it is import that you attend.

There will be a mandatory contract wellness meeting on Wednesday, 25th at 7:00 am in Nora gym. Be dressed for physical activity to do our fitness testing. If you have questions, contact Mrs. Riley.

Football Meeting: There will be a meeting after school Monday, May 23rd in NORA Gym. Anyone interested in playing or helping out as a manager should attend. We will cover summer workouts and fall schedule. Please let Coach Ploessl know if you cannot make it.

Attention Juniors: Parking in the lot for the 2016-17 school will be done by a lottery drawing. If you will be a senior and are interested in a chance to park in the lot, please stop in the AP office to sign up no later than May 25th. The winners from the drawing will be notified.

The meeting for next year's AP Language and Composition students will be held on Wednesday, March 25th at 2:30 in the library. Come for a short meeting to get the summer reading materials and meet Mrs. Koch.

Model UN will have their final meeting of the school year on Friday, May 20th at 8:15 am in B139. Current members, including seniors, and anyone interested in joining for next year should attend.

Men’s SwimmingThere will be an informational meeting for men’s swimming on Tomorrow, May 19th, after school in Coach Huff’s room B142. This meeting is for both new and returning swimmers. Summer and fall training options will be discussed and information regarding next season will be discussed. If you cannot attend the meeting, talk to coach Huff to get the information.


Did you miss out on the opportunity to purchase a pair of cool RAMS Elite socks from the men’s tennis team? Guess what? There are some extras for you to buy – AND they’re only $15!!

Sizes are limited and they are first-come, first-serve (no holds please). Stop in the Activities Office TODAY to pick up your pair!

AP World History: Students who have registered to take AP World History during the 2016-17 school year should attend an informational meeting in B140 at 2:20 today for Meehan to Witthoeft.

At this time, students will receive their summer reading assignments.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

All students signed up to take AP Literature next year need to attend an informational meeting in the library on Wednesday, June 1st at 2:30. You will be receiving summer reading materials at this meeting, so it is import that you attend.

Just a reminder that if you signed up for Book Club this month for Med Head, we are meeting TODAY in the library at 2:25.

There will be a mandatory contract wellness meeting on Wednesday, 25th at 7:00 am in Nora gym. Be dressed for physical activity to do our fitness testing. If you have questions, contact Mrs. Riley.

SENIORS! ONE LAST REMINDER: THERE IS A MANDATORY SENIOR CLASS MEETING TODAY, May 18th during A and D study times in the Auditorium! You will be receiving important information about your upcoming graduation! Please plan to be there during either A or D study time ONLY!

Football Meeting: There will be a meeting after school Monday, May 23rd in NORA Gym. Anyone interested in playing or helping out as a manager should attend. We will cover summer workouts and fall schedule. Please let Coach Ploessl know if you cannot make it.

Seniors – if you were given a nomination form for the TH Athlete/Scholar Award, please remember to turn those in to the Activities Office NO LATER than Wednesday, May 18th. If you don’t turn it in, you will not be considered for the award.

Attention Juniors: Parking in the lot for the 2016-17 school will be done by a lottery drawing. If you will be a senior and are interested in a chance to park in the lot, please stop in the AP office to sign up no later than May 25th. The winners from the drawing will be notified.

The meeting for next year's AP Language and Composition students will be held on Wednesday, March 25th at 2:30 in the library. Come for a short meeting to get the summer reading materials and meet Mrs. Koch.

Model UN will have their final meeting of the school year on Friday, May 20th at 8:15 am in B139. Current members, including seniors, and anyone interested in joining for next year should attend.

If you are signed up to take AP US History in the 2016-2017 school year, please plan on attending the following meeting to pick up summer reading materials.  TODAY at 2:30 in B139. If you unable to attend please stop by B139 and see Mrs. Weiland for materials.

Women’s Swimming

There will be an informational meeting for women’s swimming and diving TODAY after school in Coach Huff’s room B142. This meeting is for both new and returning swimmers and divers. Summer training options as well as August practice schedules will be discussed. If you cannot attend the meeting, talk to coach Huff to get the information.

Men’s Swimming

There will be an informational meeting for men’s swimming on Tomorrow, May 19th, after school in Coach Huff’s room B142. This meeting is for both new and returning swimmers. Summer and fall training options will be discussed and information regarding next season will be discussed. If you cannot attend the meeting, talk to coach Huff to get the information.


Did you miss out on the opportunity to purchase a pair of cool RAMS Elite socks from the men’s tennis team? Guess what? There are some extras for you to buy – AND they’re only $15!!

Sizes are limited and they are first-come, first-serve (no holds please). Stop in the Activities Office TODAY to pick up your pair!

AP World History: Students who have registered to take AP World History during the 2016-17 school year should attend an informational meeting in B140 at 7:10 or 2:20 on one of the following date.

May 18th           2:20                  Barton to Martin

May 19th          7:10 or 2:20      Meehan to Witthoeft

At this time, students will receive their summer reading assignments.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Just a reminder that if you signed up for Book Club this month for Med Head, we are meeting Wednesday in the library at 2:25.

There will be a mandatory contract wellness meeting on Wednesday, 25th at 7:00 am in Nora gym. Be dressed for physical activity to do our fitness testing. If you have questions, contact Mrs. Riley.

SENIORS! You have just won $1,000,000 if you are a senior!! Not really… but now that we have your attention, we have scheduled a MANDATORY SENIOR CLASS MEETING for Wednesday, May 18th during A and D study times in the Auditorium! You MUST attend one of these meetings on May 18th for important information about your upcoming graduation! Please plan to be there during either A or D study time ONLY!

Football Meeting: There will be a meeting after school Monday, May 23rd in NORA Gym. Anyone interested in playing or helping out as a manager should attend. We will cover summer workouts and fall schedule. Please let Coach Ploessl know if you cannot make it.

Seniors – if you were given a nomination form for the TH Athlete/Scholar Award, please remember to turn those in to the Activities Office NO LATER than Wednesday, May 18th. If you don’t turn it in, you will not be considered for the award.

PROM pictures have arrived!! They can be picked up in the Main Office.

Attention Juniors: Parking in the lot for the 2016-17 school will be done by a lottery drawing. If you will be a senior and are interested in a chance to park in the lot, please stop in the AP office to sign up no later than May 25th. The winners from the drawing will be notified.

This week is Bike-to-Work Week. Everyone is encouraged to bike or walk to school during this week. Google "Bike to Work Week Dubuque" to register and be counted. A bike rack is available near the electronic sign driveway. Enjoy the warm weather by biking or walking to school!

The meeting for next year's AP Language and Composition students will be held on Wednesday, March 25th at 2:30 in the library. Come for a short meeting to get the summer reading materials and meet Mrs. Koch.

Model UN will have their final meeting of the school year on Friday, May 20th at 8:15 am in B139. Current members, including seniors, and anyone interested in joining for next year should attend.

If you are signed up to take AP US History in the 2016-2017 school year, please plan on attending one of the following meetings to pick up summer reading materials.

Tomorrow Wednesday, May 18 at 2:30 in B139
. If you unable to attend please stop by B139 and see Mrs. Weiland for materials.

Women’s Swimming

There will be an informational meeting for women’s swimming and diving tomorrow Wednesday, May 18th, after school in Coach Huff’s room B142. This meeting is for both new and returning swimmers and divers. Summer training options as well as August practice schedules will be discussed. If you cannot attend the meeting, talk to coach Huff to get the information.

Men’s Swimming

There will be an informational meeting for men’s swimming on Thursday, May 19th, after school in Coach Huff’s room B142. This meeting is for both new and returning swimmers. Summer and fall training options will be discussed and information regarding next season will be discussed. If you cannot attend the meeting, talk to coach Huff to get the information.


Did you miss out on the opportunity to purchase a pair of cool RAMS Elite socks from the men’s tennis team? Guess what? There are some extras for you to buy – AND they’re only $15!!

Sizes are limited and they are first-come, first-serve (no holds please). Stop in the Activities Office TODAY to pick up your pair!

AP World History: Students who have registered to take AP World History during the 2016-17
school year should attend an informational meeting in B140 at 7:10 or 2:20 on one of the following date.

May 18th 7:10 or 2:20 Barton to Martin
May 19th 7:10 or 2:20 Meehan to Witthoeft

At this time, students will receive their summer reading assignments.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Monday, May 16, 2016

The following Renaissance students have each won a Burrito from Pancheros. Congratulations to Neiko Nathan (9), Samuel Vander Vegte (10), Soraya Dorvilier (11) and Tyler Sippel (12) please stop by the AP office to pick up your gift certificate to Pancheros!

PROM pictures have arrived!! They can be picked up in the Main Office.

There is a MANDATORY SENIOR CLASS MEETING on Wednesday, May 18th during A and D study times in the Auditorium! You will be receiving important information about your upcoming graduation! Please plan to be there during either A or D study time ONLY!

Attention Juniors: Parking in the lot for the 2016-17 school will be done by a lottery drawing. If you will be a senior and are interested in a chance to park in the lot, please stop in the AP office to sign up no later than May 25th. The winners from the drawing will be notified.

Next week is Bike-to-Work Week
. Everyone is encouraged to bike or walk to school during this week. Google "Bike to Work Week Dubuque" to register and be counted. A bike rack is available near the electronic sign driveway. Enjoy the warm weather by biking or walking to school!

The meeting for next year's AP Language and Composition students will be held on Wednesday, March 25th at 2:30 in the library. Come for a short meeting to get the summer reading materials and meet Mrs. Koch.

Blood Drive Announcement:

Attention all good citizens of Senior High School. We’re asking you to pull from your inner superman, and you, yourself can save 3 lives. By donating blood for our upcoming Spring Blood Drive on May 20th, you can be that hero that you once idolized. If you're at least 16 years of age and 110 pounds and are interested in helping us out this year, visit the Stuco zone during lunch to get your permission slip and information. A mandatory meeting will be held TODAY during A and D study time in B144. Your generosity will not be in VEIN…

Model UN will have their final meeting of the school year on Friday, May 20th at 8:15 am in B139. Current members, including seniors, and anyone interested in joining for next year should attend.

If you are signed up to take AP US History in the 2016-2017 school year, please plan on attending one of the following meetings to pick up summer reading materials.
Meeting options are:

Tuesday, May 17 at 7:10 Or Wednesday, May 18 at 2:30
Meetings will be held in B139. If you unable to attend one of the sessions, please stop by B139 and see Mrs. Weiland for materials.

Women’s Swimming

There will be an informational meeting for women’s swimming and diving on Wednesday, May 18th, after school in Coach Huff’s room B142. This meeting is for both new and returning swimmers and divers. Summer training options as well as August practice schedules will be discussed. If you cannot attend the meeting, talk to coach Huff to get the information.

Men’s Swimming

There will be an informational meeting for men’s swimming on Thursday, May 19th, after school in Coach Huff’s room B142. This meeting is for both new and returning swimmers. Summer and fall training options will be discussed and information regarding next season will be discussed. If you cannot attend the meeting, talk to coach Huff to get the information.


Did you miss out on the opportunity to purchase a pair of cool RAMS Elite socks from the men’s tennis team? Guess what? There are some extras for you to buy – AND they’re only $15!!

Sizes are limited and they are first-come, first-serve (no holds please). Stop in the Activities Office TODAY to pick up your pair!

AP World History: Students who have registered to take AP World History during the 2016-17 school year should attend an informational meeting in B140 at 7:10 or 2:20 on one of the following date.

May 18th 7:10 or 2:20 Barton to Martin

May 19th 7:10 or 2:20 Meehan to Witthoeft

At this time, students will receive their summer reading assignments.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Friday, May 13, 2016

It is Burrito Friday! The following Renaissance students have each won a Burrito from Pancheros. Congratulations to Neiko Nathan (9), Samuel Vander Vegte (10), Soraya Dorvilier (11) and Tyler Sippel (12) please stop by the AP office to pick up your gift certificate to Pancheros!

PROM pictures have arrived!! They can be picked up in the Main Office.

SENIORS! There is a MANDATORY SENIOR CLASS MEETING on Wednesday, May 18th during A and D study times in the Auditorium! You will be receiving important information about your upcoming graduation! Please plan to be there during either A or D study time ONLY!

Attention Juniors: Parking in the lot for the 2016-17 school will be done by a lottery drawing. If you will be a senior and are interested in a chance to park in the lot, please stop in the AP office to sign up no later than May 25th. The winners from the drawing will be notified.

Next week is Bike-to-Work Week. Everyone is encouraged to bike or walk to school during this week. Google "Bike to Work Week Dubuque" to register and be counted. A bike rack is available near the electronic sign driveway. Enjoy the warm weather by biking or walking to school!

The meeting for next year's AP Language and Composition students will be held on Wednesday, March 25th at 2:30 in the library. Come for a short meeting to get the summer reading materials and meet Mrs. Koch.

Blood Drive Announcement:

Attention all good citizens of Senior High School. We’re asking you to pull from your inner superman, and you, yourself can save 3 lives. By donating blood for our upcoming Spring Blood Drive on May 20th, you can be that hero that you once idolized. If you're at least 16 years of age and 110 pounds and are interested in helping us out this year, visit the Stuco zone during lunch to get your permission slip and information. A mandatory meeting will be held MONDAY during A and D study time in B144. Your generosity will not be in VEIN…

Model UN will have their final meeting of the school year on Friday, May 20th at 8:15 am in B139. Current members, including seniors, and anyone interested in joining for next year should attend.

If you are signed up to take AP US History in the 2016-2017 school year, please plan on attending one of the following meetings to pick up summer reading materials.
Meeting options are:

Tuesday, May 17 at 7:10 Or Wednesday, May 18 at 2:30
Meetings will be held in B139. If you unable to attend one of the sessions, please stop by B139 and see Mrs. Weiland for materials.

Women’s Swimming

There will be an informational meeting for women’s swimming and diving on Wednesday, May 18th, after school in Coach Huff’s room B142. This meeting is for both new and returning swimmers and divers. Summer training options as well as August practice schedules will be discussed. If you cannot attend the meeting, talk to coach Huff to get the information.

Men’s Swimming

There will be an informational meeting for men’s swimming on Thursday, May 19th, after school in Coach Huff’s room B142. This meeting is for both new and returning swimmers. Summer and fall training options will be discussed and information regarding next season will be discussed. If you cannot attend the meeting, talk to coach Huff to get the information.


Did you miss out on the opportunity to purchase a pair of cool RAMS Elite socks from the men’s tennis team? Guess what? There are some extras for you to buy – AND they’re only $15!!

Sizes are limited and they are first-come, first-serve (no holds please). Stop in the Activities Office TODAY to pick up your pair!

AP World History: Students who have registered to take AP World History during the 2016-17 school year should attend an informational meeting in B140 at 7:10 or 2:20 on one of the following date.

May 18th 7:10 or 2:20 Barton to Martin

May 19th 7:10 or 2:20 Meehan to Witthoeft

At this time, students will receive their summer reading assignments.

If you attended the Dance Marathon or ordered a shirt they are now in. Stop by Mr. Miller’s room (B143) to pick them up.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Model UN will have their final meeting of the school year on Friday, May 20th at 8:15 am in B139. Current members, including seniors, and anyone interested in joining for next year should attend.

If you are signed up to take AP US History in the 2016-2017 school year, please plan on attending one of the following meetings to pick up summer reading materials.
Meeting options are:

Tuesday, May 17 at 7:10 Or Wednesday, May 18 at 2:30
Meetings will be held in B139. If you unable to attend one of the sessions, please stop by B139 and see Mrs. Weiland for materials.

Women’s Swimming

There will be an informational meeting for women’s swimming and diving on Wednesday, May 18th, after school in Coach Huff’s room B142. This meeting is for both new and returning swimmers and divers. Summer training options as well as August practice schedules will be discussed. If you cannot attend the meeting, talk to coach Huff to get the information.

Men’s Swimming

There will be an informational meeting for men’s swimming on Thursday, May 19th, after school in Coach Huff’s room B142. This meeting is for both new and returning swimmers. Summer and fall training options will be discussed and information regarding next season will be discussed. If you cannot attend the meeting, talk to coach Huff to get the information.


Did you miss out on the opportunity to purchase a pair of cool RAMS Elite socks from the men’s tennis team? Guess what? There are some extras for you to buy – AND they’re only $15!!

Sizes are limited and they are first-come, first-serve (no holds please). Stop in the Activities Office TODAY to pick up your pair!

The Dubuque Senior debate team is hosting a fundraiser on the second Thursday of each month at Wendy's on Wacker Drive from 5-7pm. That's TONIGHT! Ten percent of the proceeds from all sales, dine-in and drive-thru, will go to the team. We hope to see you there!

Current 10th and 11th graders--If you are interested in being a Student Leader for the 9th grader Respect Retreat next school year, there will be an informational meeting TODAY during A and D study time in the auditorium. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Brokus.

AP World History: Students who have registered to take AP World History during the 2016-17 school year should attend an informational meeting in B140 at 7:10 or 2:20 on one of the following date.

May 18th 7:10 or 2:20 Barton to Martin

May 19th 7:10 or 2:20 Meehan to Witthoeft

At this time, students will receive their summer reading assignments.

Blood Drive Announcement:

Attention all good citizens of Senior High School. We’re asking you to pull from your inner superman, and you, yourself can save 3 lives. By donating blood for our upcoming Spring Blood Drive on May 20th, you can be that hero that you once idolized. If you're at least 16 years of age and 110 pounds and are interested in helping us out this year, visit the Stuco zone during lunch to get your permission slip and information. A mandatory meeting will be held on Monday, May 16th during A and D study time in B144. Your generosity will not be in VEIN…

If you attended the Dance Marathon or ordered a shirt they are now in. Stop by Mr. Miller’s room (B143) to pick them up.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Model UN will have their final meeting of the school year on Friday, May 20th at 8:15 am in B139. Current members, including seniors, and anyone interested in joining for next year should attend.

If you are signed up to take AP US History in the 2016-2017 school year, please plan on attending one of the following meetings to pick up summer reading materials.
Meeting options are:

Tuesday, May 17 at 7:10 Or Wednesday, May 18 at 2:30
Meetings will be held in B139. If you unable to attend one of the sessions, please stop by B139 and see Mrs. Weiland for materials.

Women’s Swimming

There will be an informational meeting for women’s swimming and diving on Wednesday, May 18th, after school in Coach Huff’s room B142. This meeting is for both new and returning swimmers and divers. Summer training options as well as August practice schedules will be discussed. If you cannot attend the meeting, talk to coach Huff to get the information.

Men’s Swimming

There will be an informational meeting for men’s swimming on Thursday, May 19th, after school in Coach Huff’s room B142. This meeting is for both new and returning swimmers. Summer and fall training options will be discussed and information regarding next season will be discussed. If you cannot attend the meeting, talk to coach Huff to get the information.


Did you miss out on the opportunity to purchase a pair of cool RAMS Elite socks from the men’s tennis team? Guess what? There are some extras for you to buy – AND they’re only $15!!

Sizes are limited and they are first-come, first-serve (no holds please). Stop in the Activities Office TODAY to pick up your pair!

The Dubuque Senior debate team is hosting a fundraiser on the second Thursday of each month at Wendy's on Wacker Drive from 5-7pm. That's THIS THURSDAY, May 12! Ten percent of the proceeds from all sales, dine-in and drive-thru, will go to the team. We hope to see you there!

Current 10th and 11th graders--If you are interested in being a Student Leader for the 9th grader Respect Retreat next school year, there will be an informational meeting this Thursday, May 12 during A and D study time in the auditorium. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Brokus.

AP World History: Students who have registered to take AP World History during the 2016-17 school year should attend an informational meeting in B140 at 7:10 or 2:20 on one of the following date.

May 18th
7:10 or 2:20 Barton to Martin

May 19th
7:10 or 2:20 Meehan to Witthoeft

At this time, students will receive their summer reading assignments.

Blood Drive Announcement:

Attention all good citizens of Senior High School. We’re asking you to pull from your inner superman, and you, yourself can save 3 lives. By donating blood for our upcoming Spring Blood Drive on May 20th, you can be that hero that you once idolized. If you're at least 16 years of age and 110 pounds and are interested in helping us out this year, visit the Stuco zone during lunch to get your permission slip and information. A mandatory meeting will be held on Monday, May 16th during A and D study time in B144. Your generosity will not be in VEIN…

If you attended the Dance Marathon or ordered a shirt they are now in. Stop by Mr. Miller’s room (B143) to pick them up.

Graduating Seniors: looking for full-time employment?
- Check out these job opportunities ~ Must be 18! Farmtek in Dyersville and Peerless Well and Pump co. in Dubuque are seeking entry level workers for full time employment which includes competitive pay and full benefit package. Check out the bulletin board or stop in guidance for details.

Interested in Office/Clerical work?? Heartland Financial is looking for a part- time Item Processing Clerk for 25 hours per week. Must be 18.


Monday, May 9, 2016

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Women’s Swimming

There will be an informational meeting for women’s swimming and diving on Wednesday, May 18th, after school in Coach Huff’s room B142. This meeting is for both new and returning swimmers and divers. Summer training options as well as August practice schedules will be discussed. If you cannot attend the meeting, talk to coach Huff to get the information.

Men’s Swimming

There will be an informational meeting for men’s swimming on Thursday, May 19th, after school in Coach Huff’s room B142. This meeting is for both new and returning swimmers. Summer and fall training options will be discussed and information regarding next season will be discussed. If you cannot attend the meeting, talk to coach Huff to get the information.


Did you miss out on the opportunity to purchase a pair of cool RAMS Elite socks from the men’s tennis team? Guess what? There are some extras for you to buy – AND they’re only $15!!

Sizes are limited and they are first-come, first-serve (no holds please). Stop in the Activities Office TODAY to pick up your pair!

The Dubuque Senior debate team is hosting a fundraiser on the second Thursday of each month at Wendy's on Wacker Drive from 5-7pm. That's THIS THURSDAY, May 12! Ten percent of the proceeds from all sales, dine-in and drive-thru, will go to the team. We hope to see you there!

The girls golf team
played the first round of the city meet at the Dubuque Golf and Country Club last Thursday. The girl’s team score of 360 puts them in the lead for the city title. Leading the race individually is Maddie Hawkins who shot a 76, following her in second place is Abby Marting who shot an 83. Also scoring for the RAMS was Jessie Westhoff with a 95, Sara Swift and Montana Meyer both shooting a 106. The second round of the city meet will be played on May 19th at the Meadows.

The girl’s also won a triangular against Wahlert and Beckman last Friday. Leading the way for the RAMS was Jessie Westhoff and Abby Marting each shooting a 41, followed by Maddie Hawkins who shot a 42 and Montana Meyer with a 53.

The team will be playing the final round of conference on Monday, May 9th.

The following Renaissance students have each won a Burrito from Pancheros. Congratulations to Sibani Ram (9), Lauren Kloft (10), Aaron McDermott (11), and Matt Fetzer (12) please stop by the AP office to pick up your gift certificate to Pancheros!

Current 10th and 11th graders--If you are interested in being a Student Leader for the 9th grader Respect Retreat next school year, there will be an informational meeting this Thursday, May 12 during A and D study time in the auditorium. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Brokus.

AP World History: Students who have registered to take AP World History during the 2016-17 school year should attend an informational meeting in B140 at 7:10 or 2:20 on one of the following date.

May 18th                       7:10 or 2:20 Barton to Martin

May 19th
                       7:10 or 2:20 Meehan to Witthoeft

At this time, students will receive their summer reading assignments.

Blood Drive Announcement:

Attention all good citizens of Senior High School. We’re asking you to pull from your inner superman, and you, yourself can save 3 lives. By donating blood for our upcoming Spring Blood Drive on May 20th, you can be that hero that you once idolized. If you're at least 16 years of age and 110 pounds and are interested in helping us out this year, visit the Stuco zone during lunch to get your permission slip and information. A mandatory meeting will be held on Monday, May 16th during A and D study time in B144. Your generosity will not be in VEIN…

If you attended the Dance Marathon or ordered a shirt they are now in. Stop by Mr. Miller’s room (B143) to pick them up.

Graduating Seniors:
looking for full-time employment? - Check out these job opportunities ~ Must be 18! Farmtek in Dyersville and Peerless Well and Pump co. in Dubuque are seeking entry level workers for full time employment which includes competitive pay and full benefit package. Check out the bulletin board or stop in guidance for details.

Interested in Office/Clerical work??
Heartland Financial is looking for a part- time Item Processing Clerk for 25 hours per week. Must be 18.


May 10th
                10:15 a.m.                    Loras College

Friday, May 6, 2016

Monday, May 9, 2016

The following Renaissance students have each won a Burrito from Pancheros. Congratulations to Sibani Ram (9), Lauren Kloft (10), Aaron McDermott (11), and Matt Fetzer (12) please stop by the AP office to pick up your gift certificate to Pancheros!

Current 10th and 11th graders-
-If you are interested in being a Student Leader for the 9th grader Respect Retreat next school year, there will be an informational meeting this Thursday, May 12 during A and D study time in the auditorium. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Brokus.

AP World History:
Students who have registered to take AP World History during the 2016-17 school year should attend an informational meeting in B140 at 7:10 or 2:20 on one of the following date.

May 18th 7:10 or 2:20             Barton to Martin

May 19th
7:10 or 2:20            Meehan to Witthoeft

At this time, students will receive their summer reading assignments.

Blood Drive Announcement:

Attention all good citizens of Senior High School. We’re asking you to pull from your inner superman, and you, yourself can save 3 lives. By donating blood for our upcoming Spring Blood Drive on May 20th, you can be that hero that you once idolized. If you're at least 16 years of age and 110 pounds and are interested in helping us out this year, visit the Stuco zone during lunch to get your permission slip and information. A mandatory meeting will be held on Monday, May 16th during A and D study time in B144. Your generosity will not be in VEIN…

If you attended the Dance Marathon or ordered a shirt they are now in. Stop by Mr. Miller’s room (B143) to pick them up.

Graduating Seniors: looking for full-time employment? - Check out these job opportunities ~ Must be 18! Farmtek in Dyersville and Peerless Well and Pump co. in Dubuque are seeking entry level workers for full time employment which includes competitive pay and full benefit package. Check out the bulletin board or stop in guidance for details.

Interested in Office/Clerical work?? Heartland Financial is looking for a part- time Item Processing Clerk for 25 hours per week. Must be 18.

Are you planning on going out for Softball?
Please make sure you stop in the Activities Office to get signed up, even if you are currently in a spring sport! Practices officially starts TODAY!


May 10th                    
10:15 a.m.                         Loras College

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Friday, May 6, 2016

Blood Drive Announcement:

Attention all good citizens of Senior High School. We’re asking you to pull from your inner superman, and you, yourself can save 3 lives. By donating blood for our upcoming Spring Blood Drive on May 20th, you can be that hero that you once idolized. If you're at least 16 years of age and 110 pounds and are interested in helping us out this year, visit the Stuco zone during lunch to get your permission slip and information. A mandatory meeting will be held on Monday, May 16th during A and D study time in B144. Your generosity will not be in VEIN…

Key Club will continue selling stars in the cafeteria during all 5th hour lunches through Friday of this week in support of Relay for Life. Stars will be on sale for a $1 donation. Donations will go towards cancer research and accommodations for those in need of treatment. Key Club and Relay for Life would appreciate your support in helping in the battle against cancer.

If you attended the Dance Marathon or ordered a shirt they are now in. Stop by Mr. Miller’s room (B143) to pick them up.

Graduating Seniors: looking for full-time employment? - Check out these job opportunities ~ Must be 18! Farmtek in Dyersville and Peerless Well and Pump co. in Dubuque are seeking entry level workers for full time employment which includes competitive pay and full benefit package. Check out the bulletin board or stop in guidance for details.

Interested in Office/Clerical work?? Heartland Financial is looking for a part- time Item Processing Clerk for 25 hours per week. Must be 18.

Are you planning on going out for Softball? Please make sure you stop in the Activities Office to get signed up, even if you are currently in a spring sport! Practices officially starts May 9th.


May 10th                   10:15 a.m.                   Loras College

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Thursday, May 5, 2016

We still have a few books left for book club. Med Head by James Patterson is a non-fiction story about a boy struggling to deal with OCD, ADHD and Tourette's. Stop by the library and get your copy today! Book Club will take place on May 18th from 2:25-3.

Key Club
will continue selling stars in the cafeteria during all 5th hour lunches through Friday of this week in support of Relay for Life. Stars will be on sale for a $1 donation. Donations will go towards cancer research and accommodations for those in need of treatment. Key Club and Relay for Life would appreciate your support in helping in the battle against cancer.

If you attended the Dance Marathon or ordered a shirt they are now in. Stop by Mr. Miller’s room (B143) to pick them up.

Senior! The following Rams are the members your 2016 Prom Court...


Ally Buse
Alyssa Lehnen
Margaret Olson
Braelyn Neyen
Alexia Herber
Regan Stevens
Kendra Bushman


Guy Gard
Aaron Locher
Joseph Bellows
Jordan Holz
Jason Moore
Andrew Grawe
Jacob Mozena

Graduating Seniors: looking for full-time employment? - Check out these job opportunities ~ Must be 18! Farmtek in Dyersville and Peerless Well and Pump co. in Dubuque are seeking entry level workers for full time employment which includes competitive pay and full benefit package. Check out the bulletin board or stop in guidance for details.

Interested in Office/Clerical work?? Heartland Financial is looking for a part- time Item Processing Clerk for 25 hours per week. Must be 18.

Attention RAMS! The Key Club would like to ask you to take a moment to reflect on how cancer has affected your life or the lives of those you know. Key Club will be selling stars in support of Relay for Life. You can purchase your star for $1 starting May 2nd during 5th hour in the cafeteria all week, in honor of someone you know who have been affected by cancer. Donations will go towards cancer research and accommodations for those in need of treatment. Key Club and Relay for Life would appreciate your support in helping in the battle against cancer.

Prom tickets are now on sale in the business office. Single tickets are $15. If you are bringing a guest from outside of Senior you will need to buy a Guest Ticket for $30, which is used to admit both you and your guest to Prom. Guest tickets must be purchased by TODAY, Thursday, May 5th.

Are you planning on going out for Softball?
Please make sure you stop in the Activities Office to get signed up, even if you are currently in a spring sport! Practices officially starts May 9th.


May 10th  
                    10:15 a.m.                           Loras College

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Key Club will continue selling stars in the cafeteria during all 5th hour lunches through Friday of this week in support of Relay for Life. Stars will be on sale for a $1 donation. Donations will go towards cancer research and accommodations for those in need of treatment. Key Club and Relay for Life would appreciate your support in helping in the battle against cancer.

If you attended the Dance Marathon or ordered a shirt they are now in. Stop by Mr. Miller’s room (B143) to pick them up.

Senior! The following Rams are the members your 2016 Prom Court...


Ally Buse
Alyssa Lehnen
Margaret Olson
Braelyn Neyen
Alexia Herber
Regan Stevens
Kendra Bushman


Guy Gard
Aaron Locher
Joseph Bellows
Jordan Holz
Jason Moore
Andrew Grawe
Jacob Mozena

Graduating Seniors: looking for full-time employment? - Check out these job opportunities ~ Must be 18! Farmtek in Dyersville and Peerless Well and Pump co. in Dubuque are seeking entry level workers for full time employment which includes competitive pay and full benefit package. Check out the bulletin board or stop in guidance for details.

Interested in Office/Clerical work?? Heartland Financial is looking for a part- time Item Processing Clerk for 25 hours per week. Must be 18.

Prom tickets are now on sale in the business office. Single tickets are $15. If you are bringing a guest from outside of Senior you will need to buy a Guest Ticket for $30, which is used to admit both you and your guest to Prom. Guest tickets must be purchased before Thursday, May 5th.

Are you planning on going out for Softball
? Please make sure you stop in the Activities Office to get signed up, even if you are currently in a spring sport! Practices officially starts May 9th.


May 10th                        10:15 a.m.                               Loras College

Monday, May 2, 2016

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Senior!  The following Rams are the members your 2016 Prom Court...

Ally Buse
Alyssa Lehnen
Margaret Olson
Braelyn Neyen
Alexia Herber
Regan Stevens
Kendra Bushman

Guy Gard
Aaron Locher
Joseph Bellows
Jordan Holz
Jason Moore
Andrew Grawe 
Jacob Mozena

Graduating Seniors:  looking for full-time employment? - Check out these job opportunities ~    Must be 18!    Farmtek in Dyersville and Peerless Well and Pump co. in Dubuque are seeking entry level workers for full time employment which includes competitive pay and full benefit package.  Check out the bulletin board or stop in guidance for details.

Interested in Office/Clerical work??  Heartland Financial is looking for a part- time Item Processing Clerk for 25 hours per week.  Must be 18.

Attention RAMS!  The Key Club would like to ask you to take a moment to reflect on how cancer has affected your life or the lives of those you know.  Key Club will be selling stars in support of Relay for Life.  You can purchase your star for $1 starting May 2nd during 5th hour in the cafeteria all week, in honor of someone you know who have been affected by cancer.  Donations will go towards cancer research and accommodations for those in need of treatment.  Key Club and Relay for Life would appreciate your support in helping in the battle against cancer. 
Prom tickets are now on sale in the business office.  Single tickets are $15.  If you are bringing a guest from outside of Senior you will need to buy a Guest Ticket for $30, which is used to admit both you and your guest to Prom.  Guest tickets must be purchased before Thursday, May 5th.
Are you planning on going out for Softball?  Please make sure you stop in the Activities Office to get signed up, even if you are currently in a spring sport!  Practices officially starts  May 9th.


May 10th                          10:15 a.m.               Loras College